12-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Aprit 2, 2004 irn ~uStoi1ess oi Hav+on in auto accessories theft Halton Regional Police are investigat- îng a break-in ai a Milton auto accesso- ry business. Sometime beiween Marcb 13 and 15. suspects toreed iheir way into a siorage shed aI Cheap Tbrills, located at 25(0 Martin St. Thieves rensoved numerous rinis including Advanti Racing models S 158 and SI159. The stolen rims would fit newer Volkswagens and smnaller GM and Toyota vehicles. Tfhe total loss is valued ai $8,400. I ot hase an "v infornmation that ieads tsi at aire st in titis or ansy ot/er ntattei; soii nia -v he eligihie ft al Cash renard. You ii! nevrt have Io gise s otir naine or testit it coturt. Crirne Stappet s oj Haion doesn't stibscrihe ta sali ipis Please sali i 800-222-TIPS <i 800- 222-8477) or check out Critîte Stoppers' Web site at srsrt.iaiton- crimestttppers.comn. L ;II_ Gr4eatrTrnoArot uhrt The Greater Toronto Airports Authority will be opening the new Terminal 1 for operations effective April 6' 2004. The last flights out of the current Terminal I wiII be on April 5'h 2004. As of April 6'1, airline operations ai Toronto Pearson International Airport will be as follows: Air Canada and Star Alliance partners International and Domestic (Canada) Flights Alitalia Air Jamaica 1*«ln- 2 - Air Canada and Star Alliance partners Transborder (United States) vStruggle ensues after man à *.., ÎÀ %-I %wA V Âtk5 Y 1 A number of charges were laid after a man sitting in a running vehicle refused to open bis window te, a police officer last week. On Marcb 25 ai 9:40 p.m., a police officer approached a station- ary car at the side of Walker Line, isorth of Derry Road. 'Me driver locked himself in the car and refuscd io provide identifi- cation or roll down the window, police said. Eventually, the window was smashed by police and a struggle followed. There were no injuries. A 45-year old Burlingion man was cbarged wiih impaired cale and control of a vehicle, having open liquor in the vebicle, resisiing arrest, obstruciing police and pos- session of drugs. Ten cars broken into A rash of vehicles from îwo Bronte Street townhouse comnplex- es were broken into ovemnighî March 23, causing police to, remind residents tc, lock their vehicles. In the parking lot of 371 Bronie Street, seven unlocked vehicles were entered hy unknown suspects. Money, a CD player, and a cordless power drill were amnong the items siolen. At 235 Bronie St., three vehicles Police Blotter were broken tnto. Stolen items include mail, a celI phone. and a duffel bag conlaining sports equip- ment and cash. Once agaits. ail tbe vebîcles were unlocked. Hallon Regiotsal Police Dei. Sgt. Dots Cousetîs empbasized ibat crimes of opportunîty can be pre- vented. "Keep your car doors locked. We bave situati-sos wbere people break windows 10 gel inside, but in ibis situation ais individual was wan- dering to the easiest score unlocked vebicles.' Smokes stolen in break-mns Cigarettes were stolen during two break-mns that happened March 25. 'Me firsi incident happened at 3:15 a.m., wben unknown suspects broke into Kitchen Food Fair Convenience on Ontario Street by smashing open the front door. Fifty cartons of cigarettes. valued at $3.000, were taken. Jusi before 4 s.m., Momingside Esso on Regional Road 25 was broken into. Once again, the unknown suspects smashed the front door t0 gel inside. An unknown quantity of cigarettes was taken. Damage to the doors in both inci- dents is pegged ai $400 each. l)runk driving charge laid Police laid drunk driving charges March 24 afier a motorist was pulled over by a police officer con- ducting spot checks. TMe miotorisi was pulled over ai about 10:30 p.m. ai Guelpb Line and No. 2(0 Sideroad. A 59-year-old Mattawa, Ont. man was charged with impaired driving and baving over the legal amount of alcohol in his blood. Two vehicles broken into Two vehicles parked ai the GO Transit lot on Main Street were broken int last Friday. Unknown suspects smashed the rear passenger window of a 2004 Toyota and stole a CD player and CDs. 'Me value of the stolen prop- erty was $500. Also. a Kenwood CD player, stereo equipment and golf clubs were stolen from a 1998 Honda Civic. The total value of the stolen properiy was $3,200. 'Pre-tri*al set in child porn case TerrM " 3A pre-tial date bas been set for a Milton man AI ohe irinscharged wihpseso and distribution of child Passnges ae rmined o cntat teir irlne rio tother dparure Kirk Scott Pierrepoint, 34, will appear May 14 at Pasener ww.are rmndd 0cnctthe r dé airl ro othi eatr Ontario Court of Justice in Oakville. or vsîtsv-w.gîa.cmfofurter etals.The date was set Tuesday moming il Ontario Court of Justice in Burlington. Mr. Pierrepoint will also appear April 14 at the Burlington couribouse to, be spoken tc, befote the pre- trial, requested by bis lawyer, Mark Miller. Mr. Pienrepoint, of Oriole Court, bas also heem charged with possession of a conirolled substance. . Ar- - 1