1 0-The Canadtan Champton, Fniday, ApnIl 2, 2004 HHS calendars available Healthcasre Services' 2004 health eductton events. Available by callmng (905) 845-257 1, ext. 6147, the calendars offer information on ail programs available this spring and sum- mer. Part of Halton Heaithcare Services' include biood pressure, colorectai cancer, women's health, stroke and heart disease and prostate cancer. Halton Healthcare Services includes Milton District and Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial hospitals. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE '/Flagr ready to fly Canadian Cancer Society volunteer drivers (from Ieft) Ed Ramsbottom, Bob Drennen, Audrey Calrns, Peter Vandenheuvel, Ralph Boit and Archie Brown present Milton Mayor Gord Krantz (centre) with a Canadian Cancer Society f lag - featuring the organization's new logo - to ofticially recognize April as Cancer Awareness Month. As usual, the Canadian Cancer Society is selling daffodils this month to raise money for patient support and to help find a cure for the deadly disease. - t_ Victoria SPONSORED B C CO SPONSORED tY. ~nsurance NEWFOUNDIANfD 4à%J~.c R DESRRT __& IARADOR OTS price! #eti9kt los# sk ti- &( - mime7lds " free one-pon ne consu Itat * lose up to 7 pounds per week " guaranteed weight Ioss Lost 92 pounds & 103 inches! OWJae Wýighý 1 *Based on full progmm «cludes producL Coupon expim