The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 30, 2004--9 Activities in April Wellness Fair at mail this Saturday ','iite Oaks Secondary School, flic Halton Multiculturai Cowsdil (HMC) lias a number of funtdraising and awareness activities acheduled for April. The HMC Potluck Lunch will take place Friday from 11:45 a.m. 10 1:30 p.m. as the agency'a Oakville office locat- ed ai 635 Fourtis Line, Unit 48. Fétrdwill be delicious dishea froni the diverse cultures within the Halton communrity. The firal Friday of every montli, Language lnstrtiction for Newcomera of Canada (LINC) students bring traditional homemade dishes to ahare. Gueat enjoy a fine meal ansd also have thse opportunisy to mecl students, language teachera and settiemnent worker. For more information, or to participate, cail Lynu or Risoda at (905) 842-2486. Thse HMC's 251h Anniveraary Fundraiaing Dinner and Sulent Autetos will take place April 29 at Carmen's ai tise Oakville Conference and Banquet Centre, 2515 Wyccrof b Rd. The serni-formal evening, which begins ai 6 pn., wil include a cash bar, awards cerernony ami entertainmient. Cal the above number for more information. The HMC also hosts Englisis classs for eligible newcom- ers. Classes are held morninga. Mosiday to Friday, and eveninga, Monday through Wedneaday, at the Oakville office and St. Simon's Churcli, 1450 Litchfleld Rd. Contact Lynn or Mira ai tse ahove number or the Assesament Centre as (905) 875-3851; Those who are eligible include ncwcorners who are 17 years of age or older, a landcd insmigrant, a Convention refiigee or those allowed 10 remain in Canada with goveon- ment intent 10 grant permanent resident statua. Skills help land jobs efram MULTICULTURAL on page 8 'She's become so confident speaking in front of groups," said Ms Matthews. A language instructor from Turkey volunteered with the HMC 10 belpi ne*kcomers and 'while doing that, became a seulement worker theougli a local church prograru. 'Mis led to a job with the Halton Catholic District School Board teaching ESL.. Four HMC clients are flow staff members, a fact that's particu- larly important given the agency's eruphasis on peer-so-peer sup- port. Many clients, of course, use their newfound skills 10 land jobs. like the Korean woman who took eight months of LINC classes and is 00W working a front desk position ai Pearson Airpont. Given such successes - which far outweigh frustrations like securing funding -working for the HMC is veiy rewarding, said Ms Maîshews. It's an awesome job 1 love," she said. 'Me HMC was founded in 1979 by volunteers froru a number of cultural groupa 10 address increasing demnanda for multilingual services within Halton. This mandate soon expanded 10 include cross-cultuiral awareness -efforts for Use conimunity as large and eventually seutlement services. Campbellville Minor Basebali Summer Registration Boys and Girls born between 1989 and 1997 Grasshopper, Rookie, Mosquito, PeeWee Bantamn For info cati: Bruce Wilson 854-0243 Email: April 1, 2004: 7 - 9 p.m. Campbellville Lions-Hall Please plan to return last year'a uniform! Pavspoo >0 \Aielhicy, Iair vs111 gîve Ie,î dents an opportunity t0 learn more about their community and hospital. The event will take place Saturday from 9:30 airs. to 3 p.m. ai Milton Mail. The Wellness Fair will feature displays by more than 50 hospital deparimenîs and community health organizasiona, with pro- gram demonstrations and involvement opportunities. And this year, the Canadian Mental Healîli Association will host the Mental Healili Awareness Showcase as pars of the event. "There will lie information for people of WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE Due to circumnstances beyond our control, the Ladies' Stretch Lace-Up Tank Tops (#341310348/55/62/9 ... ) featured on page 15 of our current flyer (ending April 4th) wiII not be available for the duration of the flyer. It wiII, however, be availabie at a later date. We apologized for any inconvenience Ibis may have caused. Smokel Alarm 3 7~ It's The Law. *~ The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. hIsti dmon In vomi hune or cottage todmyl Remember ta change yosn amoke alarm baftery shen yos change ysur docks on Apo Hospital, hcalth promotion co-ordiasor. (.l>R denntassons and chaeck into career Participants will be able 10 leam about opportunities a the hospital, among other healthy eatmng, learo how 10 detees bresast highliglita, aaid Ma Popp. 1 - - , Il a ir _1 il ýý 1 l, a a 'Il Fý 1 1 1 1 0 a 1547 Main St. E. MILTON 878@0931 WEUI1 Ul 0-0333 M