The canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 30, 2004--7 Large pond at northwest corner shown on drawing Uourih in lic eident Lit iii lqisdl sasd lie'si bold a hig pond would be buili when they moved 10 town from Etobicoke two yeaes ago. "Wr fe deceived," he said, his voice rising in frustration. "We witl seriously consider mov- ing." Met Iovio, Milton's director of planning and devetopment, said he witi look mIn the concerus raised by the residents. "Absolutety, we've got 10 sort that out," he said. "But it behooves residents 10 check ouI if the pond is going to be there or not." d,2 elopineni ai Ft-ih 1ine .sîd Deriy Road. was shown a drawing of whai looked to bc a large pond ai the northwest comner. The size was neyer indicaied in the drawing. "t can see where they got that information (about a big pond)," he said in a lter interview. 1I tbink they shoutd go back te, Mantamy and deat with that issue directly. The residents, unfoesunaîety, shoutd have checked with the Officiai Ptan rather than relying on ceai estate agents." He said there will he a storm water manage- sîde ofithei pi-opety. V hiat's beiisg deîeriisied is if a second pond is îseedcd and, il so, wbeiber il shoutd be on the nortb or south side of Derry Road. Each pond wouid be about an acre 10 an acre-and-a-haif in size. "At the end of the day, if there's a pond on thse north side il will be landscaped, treed and that kind of stuif s0 il will look very mice. It wilt be a micc amenity in that area." Meanwhile, the commercial block, M. Puopolo said, bas sparked interesi from a num- ber of parties. Some of the uses could include a 1ke sid lie aiîiicipaies tisai bloclk s ould beconse devcloped lter on, based on densand. Also, Fourth Line would be closed ai Denry Road or ai Hardwood Drive. It's n01 clear wbich way tbe Town will go, M. Puopolo said, noting bis clients need 10 know because il witl deter- mine the design of the bouses on tbe northwest corner lot. "When il happens and bow il happons is still up in the air," M. Iovio said. Jason Misner can be reached atjmisner@mil- Health advice available over phone after hours The Prime Care Family Health Group, pioneered by three Milton doctors, is now offering its patients expanded health cover- age with an after-hours telephone service. Doctors Tony Chan, Kmn Chung and Gamnet Maley are collaborating with a team of specially-trained nurses to provide after- hours telephone health advice. This is done through the province-wide Telephone Health Advisory Service (THAS). Patients registered with the Prime Care Family Health Group can cati an exclusive toIl-free number 10 receive health advjce outside of normal office bours. T'he doctors are consulted if THAS is unable to solve the health problemn. THAS faxes reports of patients' catIs to the Prime Care group the next momning, allowing for follow-up care. THAS is available 10 patients in addition to the Prime Care After Hours Clinic. For more information, cati (905) 878- 0539. WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Venturer CD Graphics Karaoke System (#522131) on page 29 of our flyer (ending April 4/04) wiII not available for the duration of the flyer. It will, however, be available at a later date. We apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused. WAL.-MART CORRECTION NOTICE Due to, circumstances beyond our control, the DVD and VHS versions of "Cops: Bad Girls" (#560813/940) shown on page 28 of our current flyer (ending April 4th) wiIl not be available. We apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused. We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. Corne & S"e Bony the Crajola Easter Buriny on Saturday. April 31 From 12-2pm Dont forget ta enter aur Easter colouring cotet Milton Mai, 55 Ontario St. 905-875-3776 *Coniest entries niust be suhmittwd by April 9/04 Ip" oMf à0Mbct - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - BrakeServce eTire 4 MILTON HYDRO DISTRIBUTION INC. Wp IMPORTANT NOTICE RE: DECLARATION FOR MULTI-UNIT RESID)ENTIAL PREMISES Beginning April 1V, 2004, the first 750 kilowatt hours (kWh) consumed in any month by residential, low-volume and designated consumners; will be priced at 4.7 cents per kWh for the electricity commodity. Consumption above 750 kWh will be priced at a higher rate of 5.5 cents per kWh. Pursuant to the Regulation tiled under s. 79.4 (1) (a) of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, where the account of a low-volume consumer or designated consumer relates to: - a property as defined in the Condominium Act, 1998, - a residential complex as defined in the Tenant Protection Act, 1997, or - a property that is owned or leased by a co-operative as defined in the Co-operative Corporation Act, the conservation threshold for that consumer is determined based on the number of units within the property or complex. In other words, for a 100 unit apartment building, the first block at 750 kWh would be charged 4.7 cents 100 times and with any remaining consumption charged at 5.5 cents. If you qualify, consumers must provide a signed declaration, by April 15. 2004, attesting to the number of units relating to, each account. Your account will be adjusted upon receipt of the signed and completed Declaration Form. Please note, forms received affer June 1, 2004 wiIl be eligible for a higher conservation threshold only on subsequent bis, and not retroactivey. Any delay in processing as a result of missing or inaccurate information on the form will NOT resuit in adjustments to previous billings. To obtain a copy of the declaration form, please visit Alternatively, you can cal our Customer Service Department at (905) 876-4611 or visit our office Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm f0, request a form. MILTON HYDRO DISTRIBUTION INC. PO. Box 189, 55 Thompson Rd. S., Milton ON L9T 4N9 Telephone (905) 876-4611 e Fax (905) 876-2044 Email: Website: