20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 30, 2004 HIGH SCHOOL REPOT P Il ~~2YzueTO ask for the DAN TRUS LOST 54LBS, 48" LOST 54LBS, 43h era a cf tafwr tl found the staff to be vPi' "Th essen al maic saf m e rem *helptul and encouragin f f tseta inmkn eIaiem had any questions, even i.f Ijuat *goals. The r enthusiaatic support ~P4 *needed to g0 to the grocery .and guidance helped keep me on atore and needed auggestiona as to what I track. t feel more confident about *should buy, they would have an anawer for myself and find physiral work is 1 5 ~ me. t have more energy and t don 't tire as s0 much easier - whether it be working aroundCA I *quickly. t am more flexible, do not get sor the house or al sports. It has taught me how to muscles as quickly as t used to and my back make the right choices and how to get the resutts *and knees are not sore anymore. t feet betterthttan.Tebsprtftepormisha about mysetf and my self-confidence is bettec ht1wn.Tebs ato h rga sta The program helped me lose weight white eating it worksl The weight bass program has9 0 *a balanced meal, naturally, as wetl as how provided me with the foots to control my TE to maintain a balanced, healthy lifes frle weight for the rest of my 1fl. " j impossible. ifs our specialy. .geoo.e"ouand 1T'.tuit.an ýcent-a fIartinSt. B NAGE SQUARE i-693-9594: ftramgicsystem&com 66DATELINE DRURYV Ai. Visconti John Potorson Erika Stroin E.C. DRURT RICO SCUGOL March Break Not long enough. Drama Rehearsals have begun for the next Sears perform- ance. Sports Soccer: Meetings being held bo form a senior girls team. Mr. DaCosta will be coaching. Badminton: Just practismng. Girls Hockey: In Pembrooke at OFSAA, resuits flot yet available. Music Halton Showcase occurs April 7th, 2004 at 7:30 PM ini Hamilton. Some students from E.C. Drury will be participating in ensembles with other musicians. Spring Concert: Date to be announced soon. It will be a dinner, just like last year, keep your eyes open for more details. Clubs Announcement club-Hosîed by Mr. Sheppard and Erika Strome. Il will involve daily announcements, announcement board and will take on a radio style. Student Government Bunny Auction by SG in support of the announcement club. Trivia Last Week's Question: What month will Drury cele- brate their 25th anniversary? Answer: May 2005 This Week's Question: lIn 1984 what play did Drama at Drury performn? "TUE ROYAL REPORT"9 M. Preston MacNeII Liana-Darla Preusé DISIGP REDINO D1II SCIGOL With the first week back after a much-needed Match Break, stu- dents were struggling to get back into the swing of things. Nonetheless, as usual, the spirit ai B.R. was considerably high. Last Friday. S.0.L.L. held the annual Thinkfast in the gyms. Studenis received sponsors for their twenty-four hours without food, while they participated in different activities that promoted awareness on Development and Peace. The goal of Thinkfast was to raise money for developing countries by forfeiring a privilege. which we ai Bishop Reding have, that many others in third world countries do not, mranwhile the students learned empathy. Thank you to ail who participated in this event. The Girl's Indoor Soccer teatu ventured to Vaughn on Wrdnrsday for a highly competitive tournament. The Girls' showed a great effort and proved to be a very united team as they fought eight other girls' terms fromn across Ontario. They have bren practicing for the past month and a haîf, and with their admirable success ai their toumament, will undoubtedly be victo- rions in the upcoming outdoor soccer league. Good luck Girls! Another tram at Bishop Redîng participated in a regional comn- pelition that boasted Bishop Reding's grace and creativity. The Hip-Hop Dance Tram was able t0 partakr in a workshop afier their competition. The Dartre Tram w.%orr their dance shirts with pridr on Friday of last wrek. Details of thr results of the compe- tition will follow nexi werk! Two exemplary studrnts have bren named le the Junior and Senior AIl-Star Baskethall lournamenis. NailI Clarke and Joey MacSweeîi were selectrd for their great skills and sportsmanship on the court. The lwo werr seen ai their firîrsi when lhey played in the AIl-Star game last Frîday ai White Oaks South Canmpus in Oakville. A remînder te ail graduairs that Valedîciorian niomination forms can br picked up in Siudrni Services. Also, aIl ihose who have not suhmiîted their community service houes must do so wiihin the next frw werks. Quote of the week: "Dedicate soine of your life to others. Vour dedication wiIl flot be a.sacrifice. It will be an exhilarat- ing experience because it is an intense effort applied toward a meaningful end." Dr. Thomas Dooley I Seth Farguson ifLTO DISTRICT 5185 SCEGOL '"MUSTANG MESSENGER", Back frum the pleasures of March Break, many MD students attacked their numerous outstanding assignments with renewed vigour. Despite all promises of sustainirtg this renewed devotion to school, come Easter and the long weekend, many will find themselves straining to keep their sanity the last few days before the holiday. A fabulous holiday is just what the students who travelled to Italy are raving about. After a busy, yet refreshmng, break from the harsh Canadian winter, the students have returned with fine leather coats, loads of souvenirs and incriminating pictures. No doubt this will be the hot topic for many weeks to come as those who, missed out attempt lu imag- ine the warmth of the hot Italian suni, lovely beach- es and gondola rides on the waterways of Venice. A few devious delinquents were bent on causing mischief la.st Wednesday, phoning the school with a threat. 0f course, those involved were tracked and will nu doubt pay the price for causing a ruckus. The Boys and Girls soccer seasons are just around the corner, and the players arc working hard to gel ready lu take the field once the snow disappears for good. This year promises to be une of many laurels for MD athiles, and nu doubt, our teamas will excel in every field. Progress reports are in the process of being mailed for those students who are experiencing some diffi- culties with their courses. 0f course, for grade nines, lhey are mailed regardless of achievement as to keep parental units informed. -As the relaxation of March Break fades away mbt the distance, a single idea keeps hope alive within the heart: summer, and the end of school, are almost near.