14-The Canadian Chamnion. Tuesdav. March 30. 2004 20 HOUR Since 1978 "CANADA'S NATTRESS SUPERSTORE" " Visit aur wobsit. at Www.sloe I 0c orY.com oe. stmM " Financing mvail"bl e Senior Duscount " Over 40 locations aciro a aa ...-wi. 104 p.e., * WO CUUI@flhze ibu., Fil. 1H pn., kkdq§4p.., Lim ý+le- @- S.dsll45p.m. SALE II. Phn' es A* *pt. off w FAINVIMWS aM TRE mmMui WAIR TT BE S & URNITUR % .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... IM E CA L A - 7 - s c 1) (1, fi s' , -o,ý itioi ai foe,0 If you diigrc ds e rfec o eev IMECBE insrac sal h s-B an -ae. ep *25 of s- ersrt Datdinwe. tram DATELINE on page 13 Sixth Lmne in Oakville. It also holds its drop-in journaling pro- gram from 1 to 3 p.m. For more information, call (905) 257-1988. Mom's Morning Out meets at 123 Main St. from 9:30 to 1l a.m. Caregivers fmd friendship and support while children are cared for in Graham Hall. For information, cal) (905) 878-8895. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds a spe- cial General Memnbership Meeting at noon. For more informa- tion, cal) (905) 875-1681. Thursday Apr. 1 The Milton and district branch of the Canadian Federation of University Women invites the public Io hear Robert McCaw, nature photographier, at Hugh Foster Hall at 7:30 p.m. For more information, cail (905) 878-2421 or (905) 876-4524. Wellapririg Halton-Peel, a support network for cancer patients and their families, holds is Ovarian Cancer Support Group from 10:30 a.m. to noon at 2545 Sixth Line in Oakville. For more information, cal) (905) 257-1988. The Fine Arts Society of Milton's Evening Group of Artists meets from 7 10 10 p.m. at Milton Mail, upper level. For more information, cal) (905) 878-8955. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holda a public foot care clinic from 110o,4 p.m. The cost is $20. To make an appointment, cati (905) 875-1681. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a cer- tified lactation consultant from 7 t0 9 p.m. For more information or to make an appointmnent, call Jean Gallen ait (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Womnen's Centre, 210-1515 Rebecca St., in Oakvi)le holds its Women's Caring and Sharing Circle for sharing life's chal- lenges fromt 1 10 2 p.m. For more information or 10, register, cal) (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds con- tract bridge ait 1:30 p.m. The cost is $1.50 for members and $2 for non-members. it holds bid euchre ait 1: 30 p.m. The cost is $2. New players are welcome. 81 also holds its Seniors' Cinemnas at 1:30 p.m. featuring the mystery Runaway Jury. The cost is $1, which includes refreshments. For more information, cal) (905) 875-1681. Thursday Apr. 1 - 3 The newly-formed Milton Youth Theatre Productions debuts with Dracula Spectacula at Meadowvale Theatre. Shows start ait 8 p.m. each night, as well as aI 2 p.m. on Saturday. Tickets, aval- able at the door or by calling (905) 615-4720, cosî $15 for adults and $ 10 for children. Friday Apr. 2 Wellspning Halton-Peel, a support group for cancer patients and their families, holds ils Relaxation and Visualization drop-in programn froin 10:30 a.m. 10, noon at 2545 Sixth Line in Oakville. For more information, cal) (905) 257-1988. The Canadian Mental Health Association's Halton branch holda a one-day facilitator training workshop from 9 a.m. to4 p.m. in Oakville. The workshop coats $40. To sign up or for more infor- mation, cal) (905) 693-4270. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holda con- tract bridge aitl1 a.m. The cost is $1,50 for members and $2 for non-members. It also holda ils Campbellville Eucbre Party ait the Campbellville Lions Hall at 7:30 p.m. The coat is $2.50. For fur- ther details on either event, cal) (905) 875-168 1. Milton Concert Presentations bota the quartet florealis at St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St., at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $30 for aduits, and $24 for seniors and students. They can be purchaaed by calling (905) 878-4732. Factory Outlet 490 Speers Road, OAKVILLE 905-842-3368 Beside BOQ Store