The Canadien Champion, Tuesay, March 30, 2004-13 Da telie Notices for Dateline should be hand- ed in et the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to RO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905> 878-4943, or e-mailed ta mii- toned@haltonsearchcom. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items aren't accepted by telephone. Tltesday Mer. 30 This is thse lest day for veterans to let the Legion know if they wish to make an appointment to see the Ontario Provincial Service Officer for the Royal Canadien Legion April 26. If sa, cail (905) 878-9005 and beave your name, phone numbor and ffle/service number. You will ho notified of your appointment time. Wellspring Halton-Peel, a support net- work for cancer patienta and their famillea, holds ita Caregiver Connection drap-mn prograin from 7 ta 8:30 p.m. at 2545 Sixth Lino ini Oakville. For more information, catl (905) 257-1988. Improve communication and leadership skilîs with the Milton Toastmesters. Evetyone is welcome to attend the meeting at tise Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. (upper level), at 7:30 p.m. For informa- tion, cail Allan Lehue at (905) 877-3441. Help for Parents, e paent support group, meets in Burlington. This non- denominationel self-support group helps parents of children who are in trouble at home, et achool or with the lew or who are abusive or taking drugs. The group is e member of Association of Parent Support Groupa in Ontario. For times and direc- tions, caîl 1-800-488-5666 or visit Calling New Parents, a froc prograin for parents and babies aged 6 months and younger, meets with a public heelth nurse ta discuas parenting and infant care. 'Mse group meets et thse Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from 1:30 ta 3:30 p.m. For more information, call (905) 693-4242, ext. 7899. Milton District Hospital holds a breest- feeding clinic with e certified lactation consultant from 9:30 ta 11:30 e.m. For more information or ta meke an appoint- ment, ceIl Jean Gellen et (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Women's Employment Network, 210-1515 Rebecca St. in Oakvitle, meets from 9:30 ta 11:30 arn. for women who are unemployed, laid off or returning ta thse workforce. Tapies include resumé writing, job search strategies and dressing for suc- cess. To register or for more information, calI (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors'Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds its Weight Loss Club et 10 a.m. The cost is $1.50 for members or $2 for non-members. It holds bingo et 1:30 p.m. The drop-in foc is $1,50 for members or $2 for non-members, plus five cents per card or 10 cents for e full card. New play- ors are welcome. T'Me centre also halds Evening LUne Dancing. The cost ix $2 for members and $3.50 for non-members. The centre also starts its 'Personal Life Stories - Writing Vour Mensoirs' claxe. Pre-reg- istration is required. The claxa continues until May 4. The coat is $72 for members and $92 for non-members. To register, or for more information on any of these activ- ities, cail (905) 875-1681. Wednesday Mer. 31 For mare information or ta confirm your attendance, calI Simone Gourlay at (905) 873-2601, ext. 2210 or e-mail holds its Greduete Metestatic Support Wellspring Helton-Peel, e support net- Group from 10:30 a.m. ta noon et 2545 work for cancer patients and their families, - see more DATELINE on page 14 GALLINGER MARON MADNESS SALE BNIDS MARCH 319 LAST CHANCE ONV OUR 2?004 PURCHASE APR, LEASEAPE RCL CASHf FACTORY TO DELRCREDITSÇ ANODEAE CASH SÇPECIALSÇ e9005 ESCAPE INCENTIVES "NO EXTRA CHARGE MOONROOF", ON 2004 FORD EXPLORER AND EXPEDITUON 2004F450 Supercrew 4lx4 XL T 4.6L V8, auto OID, A/C, p/w,p/I, speed control, tilt wheel, 40/20/20 front seat, tach, 17" cast alumn wheels, P255 tires, anti theft system, factory order. $299/monthl $2,500 down 2004 4x2 Ran ger Edge 3.OL EFI V6, tachometer, A/C, MP3 audio player, privacy glass, sliding rear window, Securilock anti-theft, quick release tailgate, trailer tow wire harness 4 pin,P285 OWL aIl terrain tires, machined aluminum wheels, 4 wheel ABS, fog lamps, colour keyed ~XVvIMOnIn1 $0 down Problemwith Cedt? Ba Jredt è DMwhaged Bankrupt é No Oredit Inoea v"hc? Wocamhopl We help good people witb cedt problems. Gt finanoed wUM the beet possible ratesili1 Cail Jf Grom àI The Helton Co-operative Purchasing AA* Group holds an open house from 9:30 ar.. S L S*L A IG*S R IEeP R SaC L II NC N R to noon at Tansley Woods Cotnmunity Se. us for details. *Red Carpet Lasse, 20,000 cras per year plus tax. frelght, lic. and admin. t Freight, tex, lic. and admin. extra. Cdilrè,' 1996eltabàshi Waý~'jf Irtstllrlfg*î(M* DMiaeine is for gro10ups and elvents onty. ýW , Lease 1 a]