Thieves scared away alar Its duritg Li residentiat break-os atoutsd the Nassagaweya/Pusiinch Town]ine area Marchs 18. The aiartn sounded when the front door was kicked in and drove the culpnits away. Notsing was taken during thse incident, alisough $50 damage was caused 10 tise door franne. Vebicle damaged Vandais have been ai work in town. Police Blotter About $1,000 damage was caused to a Chevrolet Astrovan parked on Main Street last week. Unkoown cuiprits smashed ail of the vehicle's windows. The damage was caused sometime between March 18 and 22. Police are investigating. Haiton Regionai Police are investi- gating a dangerous driving incident in Campbellville. Sisortiy afier 1 p.m. Match 3, police attempled 10 stop a speeding veisicle on Guelph Line near No. 15 Sideroad. Un an effort 10 evade police, tise sus- peci veered lefi 10 pasa slower traffie and encounlered a lonte northbound veisicie. In order 10 avoid a collision, tise nortisbound veisicie was forced off lise road int a ditch. Tise victiss wasn't mtjured. The suspect is described as a wisile maie wearing a basebail cap. He was driving a blue 1994 Pontiac Sunbird SLE, wiiis clear plastic covering tise rearview winsdow. If ynu have any information that leads ta an arrest in this or any other motter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. You will neyer have to give yvour name or testify in court. Crime Stoppera of Halton doesn't .rubscribe ta cali display. Please cail 1 -800-222-TIPS (1-800- 222-8477) or check out Crime Stoppers' Web site at nww.halton- The Canadian Champion, Friday, Match 26, 2004-9 ..-Case proceeding chiid pomnography ini January wiii mnake another court appear- ance Match 30. KuII Scott Pierrpoint, 34, appeared ai tise Ontatio Court of Justice in Burligon yestetday via two-way video. His case was remnanded until Truesday at tise saine counrtbouse. He was rernanded 10 court yesterday fromn an eartier appearance Match i1. At tiai dmsi, Mr. Pietrpoini was M tise proceas of acquiring a lawyer, wbich he bas since done. 11e Oriole Court resident bas also been cbared wit pos- session of a controlled substance. CONCERNED OFF ABOUT YOUR [I IS AD. TAXES! NETFILE , x e TAXWIDE.NET ON THE SPOT OPEN 7 DAYS Over 10 locations ta seve you 1 -866-TAXWIDE MILTON MALL 905-875-3726 GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE 905-77-5884 HEAD OFFICE: MISSISSAUGA: 905-949-2222 £ * à We coumalhr. t'b . mea al 005FRTISEMENN 20721 22 23 2 2 Fitnqess Matters Researches found that people who do 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week of Circuit Type exercise quickly increased their fitness level by Up to 11 %. That's about the same cardio boost that peo- pie get when they do 30 minutes of jogging, 3 times a week. With Circuit Training you get a good cardio workout and great muscle definition in a short period of time. At Figures, we offer superior adjustable hydraulic equipment. this means you can always increase your fitness level, offering your body some challenging workouts. Come join us for a great full body workout and try one of our classes. Classes starting & include Cardio Kick, Stability Bail, Body Sculpt and Run Club. Fat, Fui, FUgue iun M Eoeaineu k&LLt WNmi 550 Ontaio St. South Pizza Hut Plaza Cal soa9 58 88 0 Stress is more fattening than chocolate By FRAN BRIGETTE Positive Changes Today C eenic stress releases a powerfu horsone that signais the body ta relax and refuel. This important hormone, catted Cortisol, is the hody's way of stawiag as down so that we don't hum out. The dowasîde is that Cortisot's message ta slow dswn asuatty makes us teel tieed, sluggish and hungry. Therefore, while under thse powerfat influence of Cortisot, sac tendeucy is 0 want 10, lie arond, match TV and snack. Additionaty, Cortisol triggers fat storage in the adipose tissue of the ahdomen. When the majority of weight is in the abdomnse it gives anc an apple appearance. More imponiantly, it Can tead bo Cushing's syndrome. whtch involses storage of fat on thse tnstde of the ahdominal casty. Cushing's syndrome cas he dangerous and may tend ta dtahetes aud heart dsease. Dieting Ranks 7th Amongst Top 10 Stressors! Dieting forces you ta thins and hehavin a eay that is corn ptetety contrary ta what yon've heen tratned sice chttdhood ta do. Ihis is why dieters atways fallit ut the mantes, 1was daing realty weti antîl... (an unsnatty stressfut euet)." Therefore. if one rats ont of stress, and then forces oneseit juta thse seveuts most stressîni human event (diettug). the yo-yo syn- Using hypnosis, there are: " No Dit - No Drugs " Na Shots n No Weigh-Ins " No Supplemenes It la an aIl-natural methoti. Yau can own your own mInd for safe, sensible perma- nent welght losa. drame ts nat far hehard. If yon'se faitcd at dtettng more than once yonsve created a pattern for faitare an wiII likeiy continue ta fait ntit something in yoar mental straîegy change. If yoa've tried diets, pis, ssrgery or eserctse more than tmtce and yon're stiti overweight, yoar hody is not the prohlem, it's your mmnd. Hypnosts helps ta change the may yoa think. act sud respand ta yonr enviroumeut. At Posittve Changes, the hehaviors of a natnrally thin persan are maintiued tuto the suheonsctons "The naturat stde-effeet of hypsosis is relief frtram stress, whtch makes it thse logica chotce for permanet weighit tass, says Dr. Patrtck Porter, Execnttve Dtrector of Posttive Changes. arrange vone fece, no-obltigatton weight toss consultatton. Yoa have everythtng ta gatn and nothing ta o se but isgg tu evcry seus of te mord! Positive Changes clients leamn self-hypnosis techniques so that tension wiii not build up and cause weighc gain POSITIVE CHANGES HYPNOSIS CENTRES Stress Management Stop Smoking Aicohol Free 35 Main St., South, Olde Downtown Georgetown (Two doors south of the TD Bank) PositiveCi iau1ge'S' (905) 877-2077 ~ Where Resu/ts Happen Ci-i, Stppr ofHlo Car forced off the road by driver fleeing police à