Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Mar 2004, p. 7

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Chie Con tabe ch ses wayThe Canadian Champion, Fniday, Match 26, 2004--7 crooked carny at fargroundsWORRAESW T ifiiiec a/)511/cà Éli c ','Iis (! >ji m/O CCiViiC extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order ta provide a window into Multons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context. October 1902 A close watcb wai kcpt for buekaters on flic sbow grounds on Friday, but one wbo ran a wbccl of fortune and was said 10 bave come froin Brampton, got to work and, ai suekers bit frccly, got on fine until Cbicf Constable Bradley appearcd on the scene and cbascd biin over tbe fence. ShelI gaine men bung around the botel stables but did flot find many victiins. A young man from Esqucsing put $5 on tbe nid loop game on tbe Saîurday following fair day and was sbockcd to fmnd tbat be wai not ai sbacp as be bad tbougbt be wai. Jobn P Kelly appears 10 bave no fear of flic result of flic vote on the probibition ref- erendum ncxt December. He bai bougbî the Commercial Hotel from the Bennett estate, paying a good price for it. He bas been ils leaice for five ycars, during wbicb il bas been one of the hest conductcd botels in Ibis county. It is said tIsat tbe Bennent House bas been sold also, but paruiculars arc witlabcld, cxccpt tbat Chas. H. Hartinan, ils popular landlord, is likely to leave it sbortly at flic expiration of its lease. 'Me first of a series of alpbabetical socials will be given in flic sebool room, of the Methodist Cburcb ncxt Tucsday cvcning. 'Me refreshinenîs, decorations and entire program arc fumisbcd by those wbosc naines begin witb one of tflifrst seven letters of flic alphabet. Admission 15c. Childeen 10c. Some ycars ago the watcrworks coin- milIce of the town counicil sougbt to increase the supply of watcr for flic reser- voir. A wcll known watcrwitcb or diving- rod manipulator was cmploycd. He report- cd that lac bad locatcd a spring in W.N. Sconts field near flic reservoir and that a lit- dle boring would produce a greal flow of waîcr. Mr. Scottas consent baving been securcd, Edwin Core, wcll diggcr, was employcd. He dug a Isole about fiftecn feet deep and drillcd about 200 feet deeper, but cncountcrcd notbing but eartb and rock. The work wai stopped and flic bole wai covcrcd witb boards. About a wcck ago a valuable lbrcc-ycac-old colt belonging 10 ftliltla Time ~Traffîc Iights desperately needed at James Capsules 'Oi Snow Parkway intersection, stresses reader Mr. Scott feil ito the bole and was found there dead. Mr. Scott, througb his solicitor, Mr. Elliott, bas demanded the value of the colt, $150, froin the town. Be alleges that when he gave permnission for the boring it was agreed that after it was donc everything should be made safe, and be charges the corporation witb neglect or carelessnesi. 'he town is probably responsible to Mr. Scott. Whether Mr. Core can be made responsible to the town for flot replacing the core whicb be took out of the hole, or flic waterwiîcb can be held hiable for not predictmng the ftnding of a dead horse mnstead of water, remaini to be seen. The bain of W. Lamb, lot 21, con. 7, Nassagaweya, was bumed to flhc ground on Tuesday afternoon. It was witb great difficulty that the bouse was saved. The cause of tbe ftre is a mystery. Tbe bain was insured in flic Halton Mutual for $60and tbe saine aniount on tbe contents. be bass will be about $1 ,500. Owing to flic imall amount of milk coin- ing in, ai the farmeri generally bave put in separatori, Mr. Clark bai decided to close flic creamery uintil April next, bavmng aIl creani sbipped direct to tbe city. Arrangements bave been made witb J.T. Hannant 10 take ini alI weigbt crean flic saine as at tbe factory. Payments will be made flic saine ai usual - Milton Creamery Co., W.A. Clark, Manager. Principal Iinan of flic public ichool bad somte fine sport on tbe bay near Burlmngton lait week. He went there on Wednesday cvening and came back on Saturday evemng witb more docks tban be could carry off flic train along witb bis gun. He killed 26 in aIl. Tbey were mostly blue bilas and be bad at lcast one canvass back and a red-bead or two. 'be two latter kinds are flic largeat and cboicest of docks. This materjal is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dilis, who can be reached by e-mail at jdills@idirect.com. Dear Editor: I'm 21-ycars-old and bave Lived in Milton for approximatcîy nine ycars now. Tbis letter is pcrtaining to flic nccd for traffic ligbts aI a rapidly- growing intersection on James Snow Parkway. Last ycar I was working as a delivcry driver and wai involvcd in a two-car accident aI Ibis location. l'in not going 10 gel into details, but juat imagine yourself driving northbound over Hwy. 401 on a dclivcry and sccing a car slowing down on tIse cast-bound of-ramp. TMe next thing you know, Ibis guy usnI slowing down, but specd- ing up, and be crosses your paIb. You bave nowbcrc to go, so you take one for the teain and bopeful- ly cvcryonc will bac alrigbt. Il wasn't prctty. People kncw there sbould bave been ligbts aI Ibis location. People still know Ibere sbould be ligbts there, cspccially with the new developinents being built. But wail - wbcrc arc thc ligbts? TIhe saine day of my accident, Ibere was also a transport truck that wai in an accident at Ibal saine intersection. Now I'm flot sure if anyone bai paised away because of a lack of traffic ligbts on cither side of the overpais, but I'vc seen and spoken 10 other individuals wbo agrcc witb me that there sbould lac somclbing more than a set of stop signs put up -including an officer wbo bclped me into flic ambulance. Tbis situation is ridiculous. IVve bad Ibis in thc back of my mmnd for a ycar now. I wondcr Isow many more bouses arc going 10 lac built around tbis arca. How many more vebicles arc traveling tbrougb Ibere cvcryday? And bow many people are going 10 gel burt or even killed aI tbis intersection? People figure 'Oh wclI, thcy'rc building more bouses there, s0 dxcy bave 10 put up a set of ligbts soon - it's in the Town's future plans, rigbt?' I'm sonry - and somte people may tbink that l'in. ouI of line - but before you atarI cxpanding other roads like the proposed Regional Road 25, tend 10 the streets and roads Ibat bave Iscen problein areas for ycars first. I kcnow firstband that people coming off of the James Snow Parkway rampa are sometimes carelcas. We bave all scen il, or donc il aI some point. But scriously, if you want some- tIsing donc, you bave 10 speak up and make people sec that Ibis is dangerous. Somcfluing inust lac donc, and a lot of us are tired of waiting. These days, thc future is coming faster for our town, and il sccms like Milton just can't kccp Up with tIse change. These lighls are just an example of wbat unite tbings nccd 10 lac taken care of before wc start tbisik- ing about expanding anytbing else. Don't gel me wrong - thc ncw developinents bave their advan- tages. but sbouldn't wc bave pre- pared our once 11111e lown 10 bandle thc volume better? 1t's juat a lbougbî that IFvc bad for about a ycar now. I don't aik for mucb in my life. Il's not like I'm aiking you 10 put Up Isacriers aI a set of train tracks or anytbing, laccause wc alI know bow bard that one is. Krlstine Schofield Milton Reader says Miton 's development not so great t ram PATRICK on page 6 Mr. Kelly commenta on bow be's afraid that Wal- MarI, and other sinillar stores, may bave a negalive impact on thc amall-town image of Milton and bring about more baisîca than rewards. 'Me rcality is Ibat those of us wbo bave livcd bere ail our lives know Ibat the quaintnesa Ibat once defined Milton is ai but gone. The concepts of urban growdx and small-town chaim arc oxymorons. It's thc simple cule of aupply and dcmand. If you increase a town's population, you're going 10 bave 10 supply the nccssary shopping facilitica 10 support the needa of thc people - and Wal-Mart is jual an examn- pIe. Il may not be ideal, but neither is cransming as many people ai possible into a town Ibat doean't bave the infraitructure 10 support il. I realize thal Milton couldn't remain amaîl and quaint forever, and I don't wisb 10 offend any of the new residenta of our town. lndeed, the individuals I'vc met wbo arc new 10 Milton arc great people. Howcvcr, I laugb wben I bear thein taIk about Milton ai quaint and cbanning. Those of us wbo bave livcd bere for decades know the truth - the mystique that once defmned Milton is fading with eacb pasaing day. There arc remnanta bere and there, but dxc real Milton - dxc Milton I grcw up in - ta a dxing of the pait. It's kind of sad really. I can't bclp but wondcr wbcrc il will stop, and if in the end we will even be lefI with a semblance of wbaî Milton wai - because in ils bey- day, il wai dxc best. I remember. Patrick Kelly remembers. Too bad town counicillors don't secin 10. Maybe they sbould remein- ber before cvcry lait tbing that once defmned Ibis town is bast in ansidat thc busîle and Isustle of urbanization, and drowned out lay thc allure of thc aimigbty dollar. J. 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