The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 26, 2004-19 vFýighting Griffin trio shines in New York Agnew leads club with dynamite effort By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion W J oanne Agnew would have been well advised to bring along an extra suit ewcase on her recent trip to Batavi2 r Tat's because the 23-year-old Campbcllvilte res dent enjoyed quite a tidy hardware haut during her tai est sojouro to the seaaon-ending Intemationm Federation of Martial Arts Championships. Standing out among an accomplished trio of Fighting Griffina, Agnew stole the show during both >1 the weekend-opening ban- quet and toumnament. She kicked things off by being named Competitor of the Year in the womcen's 18- 34 Q-Bett (under black belt) division at thc banquet - a distinction honouring her *umpteen first-placc show- inga over the past year. From, there, Agnew proved - juat why ahe's among North Anierica's most gifted mar- tiai artista ian her division with a commnanding tourni ment performance. She prevailcd ian mixcd weapons, won both open ani traditionet womnen's formas ansd took second i *womnen's sparring. These collective efforts eamned hi Grand Champion statua - not junt within her o-,N division, but amnong ail male and female q-bett con "It was juat incredible. Nothing clone to this bas evi happened to me before," said Agnew. So what docs she crcdit ail thia succeas to? Joanne Agnew shows off the form that met wlth plenty of success In New Yorkc. muset, as and fellow Flghtlng Griffna CaItIIn Honey (Ilt) and Tammy Hogarth (rlght) display their hardware haul. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE "Lots and lots of practice - and havmng a great Sensci," she stressed Agnew's mentors wiil ccrtaily atteat to ber dedica- tion. Fighting Griffint instructor and fcilow competitor Tanmy Hogarth quipa that thc chamnpionsbip-Iadcn brown beit is "in thc dojo 24/7." Added Sensci Scott Hogarth, "Shc's dcflnitely one r- of my mont scrious students, and to bring it ail togcth- LI crlikc she did in the cnanch isdie sign of arealy good competitor. She rocked Uic world down Uiere." Tammy Hogarth cnjoyed ber usual strong showing ian New York. The 36-year-old was fsrst ihcr womcen's 18-and-up black belt division in self dcfcnae, forms and wcapons at Uic banquet. Sbc foltowcd that up with anotbcr triumph in self defense at the toumnament and securcd second-place honours in traditional wcapans, open forma and -traditional formas. TII ~ Rounding out Uic Fighting Griffia' prosperous trip was 16-ycar-old, Caittin Honey, a green bclt wbo toak thisti ian bath opcn and traditionat d formas plus a fourth in self defense in Uic 15-17 inter- .n mcdiatc ladics q-bclt clans at Uic toumnament. >r The trio'a successes foilow feilaw club member n Melaine Rego's recent provincial championship victo- s-ryin opcn forms. She upstaged 22 opponents ian Uic 18-34 womnen's ~rblack beit division ta rcign supreme. These efforts indicate a changing trend within Uic martial arts reairo, whicb nat Uiat long ago was domi- natcd by mcn. Now many clubs - like Figbting Griffins - have more womcn, many of wbom, are grabbing Uic lion's share of hardware as weil. "It used ta be that yau havc Uic odd woman et most clubs, but now Uic club's about 70 per cent fcmnale. To have ail women go (ta champianshipa) this yeer is cer- tainly unique for me, but it's a sign of Uic Urnes," remaroed Sensei Hogarth. MARCH 26TH: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM MILTON SPORTS CENTRE MARCH 27TH: 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM MILTON SPORTS CENTRE Milton Minor Hockey Association wîiI be accepting paymnent by Cash, Cheque, VISA, MASTERCARD and DEBIT If you have any questions contact or cali 905-878-8340 1 Foo IJ( Ct- New cobra 400 opivers yJoy Rainweap e Amour 845U Irons Callaway ERC Fusion Titleist 983K Driver Ping S!3 Driver & much more 2003 CALLAWAY 1 Go 1 Balls Reduced to 18 Thosupsoit Rd., Uiiiii 7&8. Milttbn Gloif 905-878-1818 or&,umaà