.Da telin e Thse Canadian Champion, Fnday, Marcs 26, 2004-17 o IRý -from DATELINE on page 16 Lmne in Oakville. For more information, catI (905) 257-1988. Improve communication and leadership skilîs with the Milton Toastmasters. Everyone is welcome 10 attend the meeting ai the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Chartes St. (upper level), ai 7:30 p.m. For informa- tion, calI Allan Lahue ai (905) 877-3441. Help for Parents, a parent support group, meets in Burlingion. This non- denominational self-support group belpa parents of children who are in trouble ai home, ai school or with the taw or who are abusive or taking druga. The group is a member of Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario. For trnes and direc- tions, caîl 1-800-488-5666 or visit www.apsgo.ca. Calling New Parents, a free prograin for parents and babies aged 6 months and younger, meets with a publie heaith nurse 10 discuss parenting and infant care. The group meets ai the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissmng Rd., from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, eaui (905) 693-4242, ext. 7899. Milton District Hospital hoids a breast- feeding clinic with a certified lactation consultant from 9:30 to 11:30 arn. For more information or to make an appoint- ment, eaul Jean Gailen ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Women's Empinyment Network, 210-1515 Rebecca St. in Oakvilie meets from 9:30 to, 11:30 s.m. for women wbo are unemployed, laid off or retuming te, the workforce. Topies include resume writing, job searcb strategies and dressing for suc- ceas. To register or for more information, cati (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors'Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., holds uts Weight Loss Club at 10 a.m. TMe cost is $1.50 for members or $2 for non-members. It holda bingo at 1:30 p.m. Tfhe drop-in fee is $1 .50 for members or $2 for non-members, plus five cents per card or 10 cents for a foul card. New play- ers are welcome. The centre alto hoidi Evening Line Dancing. The coat is $2 for members and $3.50 for non-members. TMe centre aiso starts its 'Personal Life Stories - Writing Your Memnoirs' class. Pre-reg- istration is required. The clasi continues until May 4. Tihe cost is $72 for members and $92 for non-members. To register, or for more information on any of these activ- ities, cail (905) 875-1681. Wednesday Mar. 31 The Halton Co-operative Purchasing Group hoids an open house from 9:30 ar. to noon at Tansiey Woods Community Centre, 1996 Itabashi Way in Burlingion. For more information or to, confirru your attendance, eaul Sirnone Gourlay ait (905) The perfect fit is a step-by-step process. ~ Georgetown 'tJýYLfAieFootwev ar ost Hours: M-W 10 - 6, T & F 10-8, SAT. 10 -5 873-2601, ext. 2210 or e-mail simoneg@haltonhiiis.ca. Wellspring Halton-Peel, a support net- work for cancer patients and their farnilies, holda uts Graduate Metastatie Support Group froru 10:30 arn. to noon at 2545 Sixth Line in Oakviiie. It aiso hoids its drop-in journaiing prograrn froru i to 3 p.m. For more information, call (905) 257- 1988. Momn's Morning Out meets ai 123 Main St. froru 9:30 t11 Il m. Caregivers fmnd friendship and support whiie children are cared for in Graham Hall. For informa- tion, call (905) 878-8895. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., holda a special General Memnbership Meeting ai noon. For more information, call (905) 875 -168 1. Thursday Apr. 1 The Milton and district hranch of the Canadian Federation of University Women invites the public to hear Robert McCaw, nature photographer, ai Hugh Foster Hall ai 7:30 p.m. For more information, call (905) 878-2421 or (905) 876-4524. Oen Hos Proposed Officiai Plan Amendment No. 25 An Amendment To Incorporate Officiai Plan Review oeDirections and Related Matters Halton Regional Council, through its Planning and Public Works Committee, is holding a Public Meeting to provide interested individuals an opportunity to comment on the proposed Halton Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 25. Purpose: As part of the five-year review of its OfficiaI Plan, Halton Regional Council adopted a set of 76 directions in June 2003 as the basis for making changes to the Plan, including: A Afirm urban boundary to accommodate growth to year 202 1. *Enhanced policies to increase the supply of affordable housing. *Programs to support the long-term viability of Halton's agricultural industry. *An updated and expanded greenlands system. *Commitments to improving air and water quality. *New thrusts to promote travel by public transit, cycling and walking. These directions have now been incorporated into the Plan in the form of Proposed Amendment No. 25. The public is invited to the following open houses to obtain more information and to provide comments on the proposed amendment. Dat Loato Adrss r:edl Me2 bVidy-y6len Getr Gait.Iel !MS@Bud....L.8 COMPLETE Wemiiif Me. 84 Appie, L.. C....L. IiiiiMle 1201 Aplb Une. C0MP.ETE :Mnalq m25 DBJeell ruee *0e 1 cfle ff l.il hi m COMPLEm Tu.sday, Mar 30 St JOSepWS Cadholo SaluaI VWn.sday% Mar 31 Halwntes1 Culturel Centr Thured«y,Apr 1 Smn Sheireli Public Sohool Acton -147 MMI St Gse.ow - S4tssah St MUtais -in Laursr AV* (Ail Open Houses: 6:00 p.m. ta 9:00 p.m. with an open discussion forum starting ait 7:00 p.m.) To Participate: Please note the following key events so that you May continue 10 provide input 10 Regional Council in the approval of Proposed Amendment No. 25: April 9 - Due date for written comments on Proposed Amendment No. 25 May 5 - Release of changes to Proposed Amendment No. 25 based on public & agency input May 19 - Statutory public meeting under The Planning Act (& May 20 if needed) June 16 - Region's Planning & Public Works Committee 10 consider Amendment No. 25 June 23 - Regional Council 10 consider approval of Amendment No. 25 -7