14-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 26, 2004 Town will build limestone trail to stairs t ram CHANG E on page 1 mnately town council approval. six-metre easement, starting at Bronte and sslie er eVsin' frîni fiI ilion Ill , j Oi Onir 1, . 1 r 0 ý 1 " ! . I l ,ý rI- ' . If those conditions are met, he can take ownership of the land and he would be respunsible for paying the property taxes. There's no timneline for when a develop- ment application must be filed with the Town, Mr. Lupis said. He also said P.L. Robertson "bas no intention of developing on that parcel" should it be conveyed to themn from CN Rail. It's portion is zoned greenlands A and future developmnent. It doesn't allow for development on the piece zoned green- t, lands A and the piece tagged future devel- oprnent entails strict paramneters and ulti- the residences abutting the area. In an interview after the committee meeting, Ms Smelko said the Town should have thought about ensuring it had avail- able land to keep a grade-level crossing when the Town bought the trestle bridge and a six-metre section of land on the far south aide of the rail corridor a few years ago. "It's s0 obvious (to buy both propertiea). 1 don't know how it could have been missed," Ms Smelko said. 'he committee was told the Town wilI build a limeatone trail this yesr along the Jennifer Reynolds, Milton's director of community services, aaid in an interview that a grade-level crossing to meet the mouth of the bridge's east aide makea sense and is somnething her department will attempt to explore with P.L. Robertson. "We'll certainly look at that," she said, not providing a timneline. "We can look at making some kind of opportunity to con- nect that grade. Our isnmediate plan is to put in a lirnestone sereeninga trail. Very much the intent was for public accesa to our existing parka systemi and our overall t'ails connectson, and that waa the plan froin the get go." Ms Smelko later said she's encouraged to hear thse Town hasn't ahut the door on a potential grade-level crossing. "I hope they do that and ste not spouting out words." As for the application, Ms Smelko said ahe's happy to are it won't involve an industiil development. "But we really won't know about somne- thing until (Mr. Durante) approaches the Town and says I want to put up this type of development." Town councillors told staff at the Monday meeting that the site plan applica- tion, wbich Mr. Durante will have to, tub- mit outiining bis intended uses for thse site, will be crucial to ensure residents aren't ussfairly disrupted. Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor said "this particular piece of property is so close to the residential ares." He expects issues like lighting, noise and hours of operation to be closely looked at thorough the site plan. Mel Iovio. Milton's director of planning and administration, assured council those kinds of issues wiII be looked as "very closely." Jason Mîsner can be reached at jmis- ner@miltoncanadianchampion.com. _1-2 Si:<~ ~;ry J .»iyç~J~~A WEIQHTf MANAGEMENT * Registered Nutritional Consultant on staff *Lose weight eating real food *Boost metabolism, feel healthy and energized *Focusing on a lifestyle change ELECTROMUSLE TONINS TREATME *Reduce 12 to 30 ine in 5 weeks *Build muscle tone fa *Condense 9 hours of exercise into 40 min *Firm up those hard ti areas sONE FREE TRIAL SES CAU TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! >9.5875&2889 No EnrollmentFe VACUSMQE CELLULITE gfs TREAZMEN hes a Reduce the appearance of cellulite st a Smooth out dimpled legs and derriere utes a Noticeable inch loss in o tone targeted area e Enhance lymphatic SION drainage MON-FRI 1 OAJWYI' SAT 9AM Opm SUN 1lOAM SPM f Maintenance programs d. - MpF 1. '1k/4f,1 140 ý , - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _-- - - - - - - - - - - TRU team used nîost rc~clîy in Aldershot atfaon POUCIE'S on pae 13 "He woaIdast talk tous. We ciat off bis power (ellectricity) because he was blaîisg music," Staff Sgt. Fletcher recalled. A farnily doctor waa consulted and it was detensine thse mai suffas'ed from parsola Power waa uaored to. tise horne to eàlm hlm down. 'Ihe clîmax ta the 14'hows standoif was ie ESIYs use of an liiant gas to try to subdsse the sus- "He sa didms't cosne out," saisi Staff Sgt. Fletcher, wbo, remaked w1lh 'soismn that thegasbhad no fct onsie mnai, who cssded sap rumimg around iside the horse te evale polie whe tey iatlmately barged in. T'he TRU squati aas usesi moat recently in Bsalltgton. A ',sisg nm aanteti on sunusmm aexsaal assaulr charges aras tracketi downs ta a Burtington motel in Aldeshoby Pe& R.gioailpice deecives. Halton's TRU tau broke dowst a 4oSu int the darkness and appmoeed the uspect. "A psycbologiat fl uas ke migbt ki»l hirnself," saisi Staff Sgt. Fltchers, 'xlinn why thse tearn stonmed tie rocui instcad of waug frthe mpmaso ornseout. Staff SgLFletcher alse tuotesi tbis Haltou's TRU teas aras usesi despite requesta by Peel Sisal they pesfonrmthe take- down. "WcS saisi, 'ne'. Thiey don't know dik area 11k we do sud ossr (ço ' ' tio) radios are sact compatible." Exteaave traîning requfred Ai HSU maembers, ussde extensive hiiilI traliing aid Souging sas-tralssing in HIton and at sites outside ie region. TPU Sear» personnel trains as a fual squad once a week wbile Stose ou day sfl~ engage l ain nmg Idsm days a Since acugasi 2000 nd dsie ùk' "a of atrictr Iea nsaHba mgone ima 16'msaunber poettunscad sive rmn dSqpke4ir m Staff~ PL 'kcer You nust bc a fi -k coaW anbave et lem feue yea of