The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 26, 2004--13 Photo by RON KUZYK Guelph City Police insp. Harry Schnurr posas as.a suspect during a training exorcise for Halton poiice's Emerency Services Unit ln Burlington. Police's ESU in action several times a month BY TIM WITNELL Special ta The Champion If weapons are involved or even suggest- ed, Halton Regional Police's Emergency Services Unit (ESU) is Iikely 10 get its own cal to arms. The ESU responds to an average of three to four cails per month around the region. "We bad roughly 40 tactical calis last year where we were cailed out, whether it be for barricaded persons, assistance with search warrants or high-risk takedowns," said Staff Sgt. Andrew Fletcher, the man entrusted with commnand of the dite unit. Individuais who hide themselves in a building, usuaily a home, and who threaten themselves or someone else with harmi make up the majority of ail ESU catis, he said. The full team - comprised of 12 heavi- ly-anssed Tactical Rescue Unit (TRU) memnbers, five Explosives DisposaI Unit personnel, two canine unit dog handlers and police doga, and six trained criais negotiators - experienced just such a real- life scenario last December in Oakville. A man with guns registered to him had locked himself in a home and threatened bis parents. esee TRU on page 14 TýiHE 2004 NISSAN SENTRA 1.8__ Lease your 2004 Nissan Sentra 1.8 S and destination and delivey is included. For a Iimited time get No Security Deposit Or choose financing as Iow as 2.8% and get No Payments for 90 DayslT' $22,9990 2004 NISSAN MAXIMA SE WITH LEATHER INT. im$m9e-ÏiR $1 4,695 + FRT & APP TAXES $369888- 2004 NISSAN MURANO SL ALL WHEEL DRIVE 20" NISSAN X-TERRA XE $3&1*91r-m-slïp lm $289995- DEMOS R!ADY TO BE SOLO PflfGJýwe With over 40 standard features like 126-HP 1.8 Litre DOHO Engine -15" Wheels -8-Way Drivera Seat * Air Conditioning -60/40 Split Folding Rear Bench Seat * 1 00-Watt CD with AM/FM Audio System Per Mth ý qaw lqw $79 NO SECURITY DEPOSIT $79o 60 mth lease / 249000 km year Deposit Monthly Payment $1,800 $185** $800 $199** $0 $219** *reight included, taxes extra. 2004 n.i 00111 2004 NISSAN 2004 NISSAN 2004 NISSAN PATHIFINDER ALTIMA EXTRA OUEST SL wtovo MURANO SL,&wo -$3;20iiRP $24;s8hP $3O0iiRP MOONROOFms $33,995* $21 ,995* $36,995* $389995* NORTEN 610 MARTIN STREET, MILTON 9O5-878-4137 SALES DEPT. HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9-00 - 9-00 e Fr1. 9:00 - 6:00 Sat. 9:00 -5:00 r StelsAe -Prices socl. factory te dealer inSentives and1 cassot be esmsbined with any Other interest rate or inessive prograa. -'reight, pdi &taxes exha 2004 NISSAN ALTI MA EXTRA $228'- isi, e Your United Way In Action The Unitedf Wlay of Mvton Announcement The Unuted Way of Milton is proud ta announce that ta has offic zally reay hed its goal of $425,000. In January it was announced that though goal had flot been reay hed, a record setting $395,000 was raised, for irat 2003 campaign. The United Way of Milton was recently informed about donations from donors kvho work aut- side the Town ofMilton and who have designated their donations back ta our carn- munity, these donations have far exceeded expectations. Congratulations ta ail of the solunteers who worked s0 ver-y isard an the campaignl A special thanks goes out ta the payroll, carporate and individual donors. and those donors who remernbered ta Give la where ou lie! Through the genierosity of Residents and Corporations in Milton the United Way of Milton is proud ta announce that ir is aliacating over $300,000 ta social service agencies supporting your comrnunity. The 2004-2005 funded agencies are: *Big Brothers of Hatton - Canadian Hearing Society - *Canadiais Mental Heatth Association - Halton Branch. *Canadian Nationat tnstitute for the Blind. Hatton/Peet Canadian Red Cross - North Hatton Brancts *Community Living North Hatton.- Distress Centre Norts Halton - Distress Centre Oakvilte Girts Inc. of Halson - Grace House - Halton Child & Youth Servtces- - Halton Family Services -Hatton Heathy Community Fund - *Hatton Hetping Hands.- Halton Recovery Hoase - Hattots Trauma Centre - Literacy North Hatton - Milton Comnssnity Resource Centre.- *Multiple Selerosis Society.- St. John Ambulance -Hatton Hills Branch. STRIDE - Teletouch - Transitions for Youth - Victorian Order of Nurses Tise Utited Way o! Mit is an its %vay ta antter successful camnpaigs, but ta get thee, we need your help. If you ssould like ta solunteer kvith The United Wav of Miltont. please contact Anne Eadie, Executive Director. tlpcoming Important dates: Wednesda v, May l9ts. 2004 - Mayor's Breakfast for The Unisted Way Thursdav, Jutte 24th, 2004 -United Way ofMilton Annual General Meettng The United Way of Milton - Neighbours Helping Neighbours How can yoD help? *If yoo wortt outoide af Milton and donate by payroti dedoction - please designate yant donation "home" te The United Way et Millon. *Make a direct donation e Attend a United Way et Milton Special Evnet Tel: (905) 875-2550 Fax: <905) 875-2402 URI: E-mail: office@ siFT... teAH ýpe Pif i