The Canadiani Champion, Tueaday, March 23, 2004-7 Be careful around creeks, wat s coniservation group Now that spring has fmnaily arnived, streams and as temperatures rise, the Conservation Halton is remmndmg the pub- potential for flooding and ice jammmng "-All- out search -«rbe ftw.ugh stock$ 0wod*kwe m6mÈClay dui8 d Milton SS.up Fai et Ou MUItoe *"Iors Actvt co.a. Mserr.h 6. Photo b>' GRAHAM PAINE MADD poster, writing contest now underway-% Our loved ones are unique, precious and irreplaceable. That's the themne of this year's MADD Canada poster and national writing conteat. MADD (Mothers Againat Drunk Driving) is asking studenta t0 create a poster or write a short essay that reflects Use themne 'You Can't Replace Me! Don't Drink and Drive!!' The sevendi annual contest iS n0w under- way, and atudents are being urged to fmnd a creative way to express their concerna about drinking and driving. "We use this essay-writing conteat as a tool of communication Usat's taken home to Use families," said Linda Brick of the Halton/Peel MADD chapter. It's not a topic Usat people talk about openiy, and we have to start doing Usat." Students can eiUser create a poster, or write an essay of 25 to 250 words commnu- nicating this year's Useme.MTere's one cat- egory for students 10 years and under, and anoUser for il to 14 year olda. Teachers can also enter Use contest by demonatrating Useir use of imtpaired driv ing education in Useir claasroom. Studenta are eligible to win amusement park visita, bicycles, pizza parties and gift certificatea, while winning teachers will be awarded a $250 gift certificate from Scholastic Books. Entries must be received by MADD Canada (6507C Mississauga Rd., Misaissauga L5N IA6) by May 1. For infonnation or an entry fomsn, visit MLADD Canada's Web site at or cail Linda Brick at (905) 844-0096. lic of the dangers that exist around area streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. Along with spring weather cornes mieit- mng snow, rain and the break-up of ice. During this tirne of year, higher, faster flowmng water can be expected along with slippery, unstable streamn banks and extremely cold water temperatures that can lead to hazardous situations. 'Me cold temtperatures that persisted in January and February have developed sig- nificant ice envers along our rivera and remains significant. Conservation Halton (CH) is urgmng res- idents to exercise extreme caution around any water body and to alert children of the dangers that exist at this time of year. CH continues to monitor river and stream conditions and will issue any relat- ed flood messages if conditions warrant them. CH's watershed includes 17 creeks that flow into Lake Ontario. This includes moat of Halton. t#s your 10oirney to0!" Be Creativel Raise Money to fight Duchenne Muscular Dystrophyl1 Register or donate today Cali 1-877-290-3500 24-Hour Hatine Visit www.jessesjourney.corn This message broughs to you by: ROON[PS IU RWMbm MfSUU1 89% MM asMX Cm» m no T, Theperf ect fit is a de~ F'eOR Enroli Now For April & May Classes Basic Cook Diploma Advanced Cook Dîploma Hours Count Towards Your Red Seal Fond Handler Certificate With Diploma Variety of Psyrnnt options aile 90% of our students ame working in thse industry;P HRDC funding may be available for El recipients - -IAISON . 4ôe M- ~~ 49 Main St., Georgetown 905-877-3201 Hours: M-W 10 - 6, T & F 10-8, SAT. 10 -5 Welve changed our look Canadiasi société Cancer canadienne w wl LARGEST TRAINER OF CHEFSICOOKS IN ONTARIO