6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Match 23, 2004 *Comment Physician tour just what doctor ordered Considering Milton's dismal state flot long ago when it was next to impossible to fmrd. a doctor acceptmng patients, the current situation is a breath of fresh air. There are now 24 famnily physicians practicmng in Milton with five accepting new patients. But the town is stili considered under-serviced, and the thousands of residents on their way to the area will only put more pressure on thie need for doctors.MTat's why the work of the Town of Milton Physician Recruitment and Retention Comrnittee is so vital. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, the commîttee has arranged for eight final year family medicine residents from McMaster University in Hamilton to tour the town this Thursday. The hope is that at least some of these graduating doctors will set up practices here. The event is being labeled an alumni dmnner, as current Milton physi- cians who graduated from McMaster will host the event. Creative initiatives such as these can only help the town's doctor shortage and ensure medical care for current and future Miltomians. The committee - made up of Milton residents in various fields - is domng our community a great service. And we would like to say thank you. fera www.iberal-ca *Our Readers Write Libma cadieftsas Mnk fo sppot.FamîIy's proposed changes for educating gifted De FOW-.wuwo4awasttecqam students are unfaîr to entire communîty:- trustee ThkYut l h o*mpp h u U e m M C Dear Editoir: fied students. ter for heamig itmpaired chidren. who pq9illed miy qes tu> beom th Itr h eodpndwt ayect want to tbank The Champion for It's the board's contention that 'The mandate of this committee is firtt fednSI Lbeal candiate for thie mg days ahçsl forl theC IOàl - and al the articles and editorial comment this change in program doesn't fail to advise the school board on ils Dww doig of W mt-HatonHIb. fiSmayiw playm ut ther tOjoml regardmng recent Halton District under the scope of tribunals, as set Special Education Plan. A grew mmrn-ectmn of the commsu-. Tharbiks agair to ll Schooî Board events and issues. in the Education Act. Part of its work mncludes a Gifted ty joHned thse tout tu ansared sn thse siz- 8mS Iood, hdoel .brWl It's obvious that I believe educa- This program change is the Task Force that will report back to ale vsclory. SpOcial diks go to c0' oefldldDt tion is an important cominunity purview of the board's Special SEAC upon its recommendations chair Don Hats, Pat MCarthIy an u o issue. Education Advisorv Committee Phone number Ieft out of letter asking for help Last Tuesday's letter from a woman wbere she can be reached. named Joanne asking for help with Anyone who can help Joanne îs asked regard to housmng for bier and ber dog 10 caîl (905) 876-9419. 'Me Champion Herc failed 10 include a phone number regrets lasi week's omission. *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Claasified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher r li Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smith Managung Editor Wendy MeNab Advertising Director Tim Coles Production Manager Charlene Hall Distribution Manager Teri Casas Office Manager The Canaien Champion, publishîd every Tuesday and Friday at 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., LiT 4N9 (Box 248), is ont of Tsi Metrslanid Printini, Publising & Diîiributinî Ltd. grsup of suburban csmpanies aict includes: Ajax/Pickering Niai Advertiiir Aliiton Hîrald/Csuriîr, Barrie Advanci, lion Etirpnisi, Brampton Gsandian, Burlingisx Paît, Banlinitxn Shopping Nias, City Pareni, City oi York Guardian, Cxllngwiîd/Waisa Cînneciî, East Yori Mirrîr, toin Advxcaii/Cxanny Riutes, Etobicîke Ituardian, Flasirnsaî Reviw, Pîrîxîr Tount, Gexrgetown lndependintlAdton Free Paiss, Halton Business Tisii, Huonia Business Timii. Lindsay Tis Wiik. Marinas Icînost & Son, Mdlanr/Pnitant- uisirene Mirnîn, Mutn Shospping Nias, Misisiauga Business Timii, Misisaga Niai, Napasie Guide, Naiiagaaiya Nias, NeamarieVhxurora lia-Banner, Norithumberland Niws, Nonth Yort Mirror, Dativi Biait, Oatixille Sinopping Nias, Otdtimîrs Hockey Niai, Orillia Tîday, OshaalWrtiyfClarlnigtxnPot Pirry This Wiilr, Peterborîough This Wîîk, Piuton Couniy Guide, Richmoxd HillfThontilltNaougan Liberai, Scarrrugh Mirrsr Siîottxillilxridgi Tribune. Advirtiint ie accipiid on tie condition tirai, in tire ivînt of a typo- traoiical irror tirai portion of thi advintiiing spaci occupiid by the irro- fui is, itigthir air a riatonabti alliance tir ignature, aili nt ire nirarged tir, but thi bialance sfuri atixirtisisent ali ire taiS tir ai lire appti- cairle raie. The puisirrensirvis thi nit ix caitnoi advitisimnts; or itictîni t4AIoe Mtiee Cah iapionete a Rec>vL" Produai I'd like bo comment on last Tuesday's front page article entitled 'Trustees boycott meeting'. TMe announced boycont - inap- propriate as it is, in my opinion - revolves around the scbool board's policy of bow identified gifted chil- dren are educated in bigh sebool. Currentîy, eacb identified gifted studeni ix provided with an Individual Education Plan (tEP), wbicb stipulates exactly bow the student will be provided witb addi- tional support in the higb school they attend. Wbat Ibis tribunal is about is stip- ulating the board provide segregat- ed, self-contained classes for identi- (SEAC) as mandated by the Education Act. 1 ait as a trustee representative on SEAC. TMat committer includes members from the key stake bolder associations in Special Education including: Ontario Association for Families of Cbildren with Communication Disorders, Association for Bright Cbîldren (ABC), Autism Association of Ontario. Community Living Association, Easter Seals Society, Halton Council of Home and Sebool Association, the Halton Down Syndrome Association, Tourelle Syndrome Association of Ontario and Voice -Halton cbap- Pud Y'lbU_ REALLY WI4ALT 155 ITZ DOG. dents. The current effort before the tri- bunal is an attempt, by one family 10 circumvent the establisbed process and impose their program wisbes upon the entire gifted com- munity. Wiîhout bearing what ait of the stakeholders have I0 say, it's mry view that this is absolutely unfair 10 the gifted stoadent community. 1 will continue 10 stand in support of SEAC and ils commirtees that are mandated 10, provide guidance 10 the Halton District Sebool Board. Paul Tata, Milton trustee Halton District School Board by Steve Nease AT LFEAT