Robber threatens variety store cierk with a knitè A Mac's convenience store clcrk was robbed for the second time titis year early yesterday mormng. Refusing to give itis name but willmng to talk, thte clerk - wito suffered no injuries in cititer mnci- dent - said te latest robbery at the Steeles Avenue store occured sitorsly before 1 arn. lastcd only a few minutes. "He had a big butter- fly knife. He came around the counter and demnanded the money. 1 gave it to itim, and he lcft. That's it," thc clerk said cahny wiile back at work around 7:30 a.m. In addition to an undiscloscd amount of cash, thc suspect took some cigarettes and fled on foot. He was last seen runming soutit- bound on Ontario Street. Halton Regional Police officers and the canine unit were unable to locate the armed assailant, wito itad itis face covcrcd witit a dark itood- cd jacket during the robbery. The suspect is described as whtite, about six feet and 200 pounda. He was wcarmng a dark sweatshtirt and pants. 'Me lirat Mac's robbcry occurrcd January 6. Anyone with information about tite robbcry is asked to cail Halton Regional Police at (905) 825-4777 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800 222- TIPS (8477). Chudleigh says Bill 8 is 'wrong' efrom UNION on page 1 down and negotiate a contraci, titat is a part of our iter- "ht puts us furtiter bcitind thc cigitt-ball." itage. Titcy'rc passing a bill Uiat will titrow Uiai out tite Halton Tory MPP Ted Citudîcigit, wito took pani in window. Wc (tite Tory govemnient) did a lot of thinga thte protst, said Bill 8 - witict ite stressed isn't con- Uiat controllcd costs, but wc neyer interfèed wiUi Uic nected to, tite former ruling Progressive Conservative due procesa of negotiations bctwcen labour and man- governunent - it -blatantly wrong." agement." "Tite Liberals want to interfère wiUi Uic due proceas Jason Mi.sner can be reached at jmisner@milton- of negotiations. Witen a union and management sit The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 23, 2004-5 ~Quick Lube ServiceI EWe use Quaker State Oil and Fram OÙ Filters VOUR CAR REQUIRES MSafety Checks M Hidden Hitch MBrakes Le Exhaust 214i Wheel Alignment MSuspension Service MCooling System Service MTire Rotation & salancing -.-" MEngines MGeneral Tires sA.CS MQuaker State 011, Lube & MTransmissions & Service DFamOt iVEs L Fram 011 ilters MElectricalCL N Mq Computer Analysis MAir Conditioning Accredited Test TuRne Ups MShocks & Struts & Qepair Facility K PURRICHAASE PU SE F 1 INANCING for 48 mths