Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2004, p. 25

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Tha Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Matci 23, 2003-25 AFewtxurous TAK PLID SP OC Now I-iring FTIPT! Acceplîeg renomne for If Von are a Used Car Sales Praîessioeal _____ Ni eofhician exeriîncîd wilh a minimum af 3 pars enperience _____ & RMVT Front GuÉk Clorit and lireil af gefling penriled, working long Sp calyu r Fax resume Atmn: Apply rn pinson heurs for skinny deots and nol gelliag the Mabel /Anamaria helweerl 8m-3por prafessioao respect Van deserve, Ihis May edcotd ta omy-ceotre care, Speciafty Care Sas been meeting the evalviog long tern core andi 905-855-9719 3500 IIIIIOSiIig e frpn e ae laig fra re reeo lvioýg needs af Ontovoons foir mare ahn 25 yeaiv. Oar Enabling CHOCEOtm phdaosapy af Courit entreprenenrial selI-mollealel individua l t are evhovces the qalay of life. oe anl af oar reardents, but oSao of aar staff BurlnOton jais sur dynamir feom. If you are sel ready Spaciaey Care is avpandiog with aaw long termi cara homes in te Peel Ragion. _j et work long heurs fer greol poy andi 2E3 -s «M ta E2 ciCE o c.S q E t CI E t M L% r t CfL ign -XO - E z -Cu '2 E COME* N Aew ien town? a Getting married in 3 monts or mare? " Having a baby? " Establishing a new busieness? Please crait us Communlty Welcome Lina 905-854-1563 Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby Walcomse Michelle 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcome Lanie 905-878-0126 Susiprof. Wsicome Larie 905-878-0126 Milonv Toyota os loki for PART TIME RECEPT7IM te work a sena of regular part time haura. Saccesofol applicanfo mast haoe a otroos coofomer ovientation aod a williogoess ta assume a oanety of raopooorbilitieo. Forward application by fax or eonal to: Chrua Gormn at 905-875e1516 or cgorman@miltontoyota.com Do yoa haoe the right stuff? Do you haoe; qoonichablo thirst fa aucceed? An incredible work ethic wifh a do what il takea attitude? lrfognily? Play by the rulen, do fho righf lhirg? A refusai to quit, an enthuniaolic, positive peroon- alily? If Ibis doocribea pou, yoo cao succeed af OS? Consulfoafos IN A dinînihulor of fho oldeol RESP group inCnd. Cali Mike, or Wou*, 1-877-339-5110 JR. Accounting CIsrk An energelic, feam ployer to work ai ont confioually grow- ing design f in. Assisf aith AJP, billing, recepfioo relief foncfiooo, Experience: MS Excel, Word.' Related expeni- ence and farniliarify wil h Accpac preferred. Pleam forward reaume aiong wfth Satory expectatlona 10: BilIl.ual Caastamer rservice .r.emiet.tiv. An immediale aponing reqoirea a person who enjoy working direcîl y ail h customors, suppliera aod oufoide sales reps. The person oelecfed for fis posihon musf ho fully bilingoal (oral and wnilfen) in Phgih and French aod have a good workirg knowledge af Microsoft Office & Business Vision 32. Plane toiralrd rom euu1: Globl Madical Products lac. 5230 South Service Rd Burllegton, ON L7L 5K2 Email: denisw@globafmedicaf.ca GE Mortgage Insurance Canadai GE Morigage insuranco Carada is tho langent privaro sec- for mortsage inourance company on the wortd & the 001V private seclor supplier oi modgage inoorance in Canada. We currently have job opporturities for flitlime and part limo Mongage Undetanilero at our Misoissauga locatior, yole ioclodes. Mortgage Undorwritor 1 le revee & appt 000 applicatiors for resident l modgage inourance accordirs lo GE guidelinen/policieo. The succeonlol candidate for 1his oppodturily poosessen Pa-Cept Saolesg Aofciae reiad forn udentw ingf ofora.s pica nt dmonata atgrongh 3-d yai oei ve enapbi.Sm aateperienoei eroa end ln oftrnaiad Shetsert cludsie ay alas anditca waalaao houro. rsue o DetacterteneJb#BS4 Nof-im pal s cati pqied. ontw Mitngf store M a i ret mstb M ton n eno de a n a htepbli. om Chtamepini 905-878-2ts 341inlueda, vnig n DIR1ECTOR OF CARE In this iovagral raIe. yoo mif I manage narsing and persoal cira services, ansaring tha provision ai qaity residan-isd cire. Yoa are regisoared witil dia CNO, and brivg 3 yaars of long trrt cara mavagemevt exparience, a background in gerontologcal narsing, and stravg reamn-laadarship and compatar skills.A BScN is preferred. A$$0CIATE DIRECTOR 0F CARE An eoperianced RN with ut least 2 peurs ai clinîcai evparience in long termi cura, pou mii assise ie providing leadership and direction ta ail nursing activitien, and supe-vising professional cira and staff.Teim-buiiding and computer sicilis ire essential. RNS &RPNS Opportanities eaisn atoll lavais and in ail shits. Computer skiiis ara esiential. Eaperience ia long termi taira, inciading demeetia tara, is preferred. Kaaie ai te GIENTLECAREP appraach ta care mould b. hei For mara information about ainine air grawing team, visitaus ania Please send yaar ranime and covering lenter, by Mireh 26, 2004, ta: Human Resources Deparmene, Speelalfty Care. Fax: 41 6-443-9085. E-mail: hr@apecialty.care.eom. We thonS ail candidates for thaîr iotarent onl thase selacted for on inteiew mitl be cantactied. benelils, please do sel continue. If hard wsrh excites ysa as oppssed le scaring yea, aou may wael le send us yoar resame. Resames witf be consi oely if yon meelt ai ofhe abone crileria. Pleese send to: ncarter@saturnmississagua.cam NEW RESTAURANT Opening Soon in Rockwood Looking for .. -Exp.rlsncedi Cooka -KItchen HoUp Please cail Arlene: 905-873-8343 Looking to celebrate an Anniversary? A Birthday? A Graduation? A Birth? Looking to seil your car? Looking to buy a car? Want to seil any of those unwanted household items? Want to hire someone? Want to announce your engagement or marriage to the world? The sky is the limit with the Champion Classifieds! Cail us today and put your ad inI Phone 878-2341 Fax 876-2364 Deadlines: Monday @ llamn for Tuesday's paper Thursda @ llam for Ftiday's papier DONT MISS OUT! CLEANPRO Usa Orgaic Slution, rnea vn 1-2houro, Sanifiza, No Badeia Gnoth ODeuxa Claaning. 905-s6e-ee91, 416-219- REQUIBES: RN's / RPN's to floait heeveen aurlingon, Oikvflle & Markhann Serike a balance between your professional mnd personal 11fe wlth no more nights, weekends or shlfework. Inviting you to, share our auccess in treaeing obesity andl relatel diseases. if yau lasei strang interpersonal eki[la andl enîay warking ns a fane-pareil teain enveraouoene, fax yaur reaume la, 905-474-2721 or e-mail ta resumes@drbdiet.com and viole us ai www.drbdietcom. Competltive salary, benefits, orientation & training providel. "No phone rais piae. A DIVISION 0F METROLAND PRINTING, PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTING Medically Supevied Weight Loes Guaraniee :T0110NT0 STA1',,j/ý

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