The Canedien Chamolon. Tueedav. Meroh 23 2004-22 WIFIED HOTRN: 90M75.3000 CLXSSIFID HOURS: Mtondavy to Nrday # 9:00 amn. 5!00 pin Cflssified 1iý M and Frdand Sue Robsoi mwould like to announce * the engagement of their clildren Jamie and Autumn WdigPasfor 2005 LARGE Grsenpark, open concept home, peti ut aI becking Ont O pond. 4- 3-bitm opatient, 2 floont, DOWNTOWN MILTON humn, 3 bath, 2 car garage, SIttOmth + otitities. Avait- Mitlide Tocent 82 Mittaîde A/C, ensuite tacuzzi, hard- able immediotey. Cati 905- Drive. 1i&2 Bedroom Apta. wood, & muny more up- 601-3695. Close ta Docntocn. Bus grades. Excellent location -I utpt Front Duer 905 GLEN EDEN acrooo front liîure canine ACTON 2-hadroont saat- 876-1249 COURT in Milton. Sommer closing ment, aîtiabie Mur fut. - APARTMENTS $389, 00.Pieuse cuit 905- $000/mtl. Quiet building, GEORGETOWN -bei- 122 Branla Street 875-8073. o pets. 519-853-0976. ront hasement uyurtmrrent. South, Miltse A o Auoent n& No pets/smoking. Atoîtahie We une toc ucceytng lobdmcont pement avait immediorey. $750/moorfi appicuatios toi beNue aprnilfrftur yvi-pus utiftîeo. Cali 905-030- Fnîdge & Stove, iaundry 2f.r-bdrm facîlties, No doge 519-883- GEORGETOWN 3-boa- Avait. May f 1-1 bedrooem MILTON attractive f,588 . 4374 open 7 days/week room, main loer, cloe f0 Avait. May f5 sq.Ot. office, 348 Branle Sf. vante day ppravai. yiczu, no peta, mîferences, Por more Milton. Space fies 4 aSfic- first/iasf. 511 75/mtfl o- informatise ande to es, reception aires, ceramic ACO,1bero Aat ides utilidies. LveMes- Mall an appoint- ies, carpet andila decarat- able immedietey. Foilge, sage 905-877-2523Met ad. Cea 519-853-9495. efote, ufiitilea incladel No Please colt pets, fint/ltet, reterences GEORGETOWN doan-, 80-878-6375 requirel, Coli 519-853- fown 2-bedront, neciy 3877. paintel, paring, large yard. Building Marlagors Heetighi inctudeil. Noa ecf ei iCOUNTRY LIVING spa- atoirgIpet. $975/tont. clous 2-bdrm on battano ai180-0-49 floor of raineil bangalo. ai 1__800_263__1429. A Woiic et Hdome Job Oni Separete enfrance andl GEORGETOWN ara bail- Your Computer. Training aundry, caail atave, sheil ombieet osok ITN pcos n Provcle. FT, /T Cde:avatabe. $7Wmh uiliies ingyIpeta, aingle ternaie Orly. bedroat basernent opant- n4 ~ il Cali 905-854- May lat. 5700/mîfi ment aniable May lat. wwwMM=PCJb.m 7r9,file.90587-9190. Saparafe entrance Sait COUNTRY, large ana bail- GEORGETOWN quiet soiagl, mature nan-soer. roo apt, eparofe en- con epaciaus ana bail- $825/month, Fitstleast frans, srtabe fr maure oom ase ensigia oc- References reotoireil Cati SSMONEY$$ 100% 1fat reapaneible petson. Nao capant, May 1f 9s -80-57 2nd anil 30f Mort aes. soking/peta. $800/mth, S800tntonth inclusite wc co Bail credOt 01 Cotnan Ofllaof, imteitey. Raf- tria & andiy Non-soker. Wide 1-800-307-7799. erencea. 905-702-7716. 905-73-669 5-YR O 4.39%, Aiea eqaOty MILTON 2 bedroot avait- GEORGETOWN srneii 1- rngage Prograt regard- able. $945. +. Ciaan andi hadroont apartment 2-bilnn home, finioheil ao 0 Incaneor cedO. quiet building. Cai Mary $495/tanffl plus hydra yr, o C0CRS O 0 03- 905- 299-0629 Anaitable Atailotrie inlm aey rage, C/A, referances, 7887 orisit ce ai irnrnedil btely ets Cd8083-35 1250/rnth + aOthaos. 905- claincctrare.compt.Cl 958rrfl 878-6437. s-selrr rocnnoaoe, unit, newly decorated, isheil basemeat witfi tirepiace. Applilaces, tata fenceil yard, aveui immadiatey $1250/mt utilies. Cali 905-878-1 or 905-878-9741. CTON, 3 bedroont, att, gas heat. Avai February 1le. $1050/m utifitiat. Cai (519)i 5658. LARGE 2-bedroom, lm diate/May 1. Hardw tiocro, 4 applience, pari- like settOng ArOngton 85-il., Buiiingtn 905-081-0070, MILTON 3-bdrm town- house, axcellent condition. 371 Bronte St. aneiiabie Apfl1 sot. $1200/mth + l- desa. Cali 905-8-4781. OAKVILLE - 2,3&4 bail- w... tocnhouaeo evaiiebie immediateiy through March. 4 appliencea. Ho- pedele Maii area. Lakeahore Management, 905-870-3330. "NEW MILTON TOWN- HOJSE" - 1650 sq. h. 3 bedraom, 2.5 bath, garage, 5 eppiiences, close ta ecfiooa, shopping and bacta onto e park. Asldng $1400.90 par month, flrst/feet. Minimum ana yeer lese, ubiOiee extra. Anailabie May lae. Celi Rick or Francea (905)-854- 3435. FURNISHED roam neer Milton Maii, parking, laun- dry etc. $11 0/week. Fiease coei 905-878-M02. ROOM for rent, $350/mth, aul inclusive. Privais room,1 shared bath, kitchen etc. Lrg pmoperty, Caeil e are, 10 Min N of Weterdown CouI Qn-oseW-cneR UHAI'O ULAbb FIR 1<IDS: Dure: Sct Mur 2700r Sot Ayo. 03. Frouent: Euster Baony Tme 10:30-12:00. Teucher: Eieen Woikacok, ocoar of Jenbtco Pieuse coul 9os 878-1775 for fur- Iher information. CHILOCAE -Fan, sofa enviroorment for cfiidreo 00cr 12 monfhs. Cai for mure inforntihon 905-875- 33506 RNINBOW Vbiage Dcycara fies opacco aveitabie for chitldmen 18 tonths la 6 years. 905-878-7552. Vifi us et ranbowvateday- The Piano Doclor Taning e Reaa s Recondtfsnng Appra isl e Estimaies Suies of oecond itoned Pianus For mure datal sCal Bill Slioseissyl Cmli 905-616-7244 pionodoclor@yahos co ges pni 966 INGIS -JafI and Aleois nearriai ut teir becatifo c able Thuntday Marcl il, 2004 th+ z. P oad f rt ste grandp 853- abcth Gil of Milon, ad Gnimsby. Special thanks Inurses et CVH. d \Polmni, MichaelOnaaryMri2ha Faciliy jn Milton. Michael huaband of Giadys. Oea and fier huabaad Ted, Sua Andrew, ran Polimeni ai Ramaa aad fier huabai Daiy Reaide. Cherished g riaa aad step-graadffathert Michael je aiea aurvivedh and alater Arigela Baer ai Eagiarid. Fniende mey cai ER FUNERAL HOMSE, 114 978-4452, on Taesdey br Fanerai Service cil ha hi 24th et 1:00 pm et St. Paul St. Miltoii. Cremetion fa foi donations ta te Ailendele precatd lIMBERS: Donald Merl Peecefafly, et Milton ODitric 19, 2004. Doald (Dunc) Loving huebead af tie let Malher af Lynne Vllreff, Ja Sandre lImbere. Survis Michel, Jaerne, Raflent, Jo Hanter and Coneor. Fient SCOTT EARLY FUNERA &MiSs (9U5>878-2669 on f2 PM nfl te Urne of the Fanera Home Chapai. Cr Kobe., Monilka - In blv WNe, Daughter, Lovlng tlit us on M A home is buift o Oftdies andp A home is hall That stand a th You are sedl alensys rier Whh Haine, Plire, Brandy (J Sabins (Gien 27" Pcnuoonic Stereu Con- ole TV, excellent condition. $250. Ptesse catI 905- 878-6681. A Dînîna Rount, CherrY- wooil, double pedaestal tabia, 8 chairs, buffet, hafch, doefai construc- fias. New asti in boxes. CeaI $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-9459 tA King Pif Ioctop Mentreua iSet. Nec in pilastic. Cosf 905-567-9459 BED, Amazing bargain, qanen orthapedic piiioctop sof, oaa in plastic, carrenfy $100 905-507-4042 cti de- tiver. Bedroont Cherrywoail, Beid, cheet, dresser, 2 nightatands. Dovetail Con- struction. Nener opaneil Cosl $8,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-57-4042 t - - il HapytblBirda K thda r SG&DOEINHONORO PAT LYNCH& SLEANNE PETHERICK Love froml S Alyourfamily CONTENTS SALE. Sun- day, Merafi 28, 1-4 Pm. A Dr YL 143 Milbumugfl Lina 101h- MDBI1FOY iride. Fuoniture, dishes, Indoor Antiqua giasoas, gerdeoing equip., Show & Sala fbooks, and mach more. Sut. Mur. 27, 10-5 IMOVING SALE Set March Sun Mut.,10-5 are thniiled 10 annouece te 27 & Sun Manch 28B, 8-4 COlllIllMIt centra aughter Elle Martin, bom pm. 138 Tremaine Rd. Stock Rd, (Id Hcy6 et 3:40em, weighing 7 ibo, 2 Books, speakers, foots A8EFOYLE arents are George and Eiz- houoewares, A/C etcý min from Goolyh,KW, Jint and Lorraine Inglis of something for everyone. Hamilion,Cambridge to D. Dppý andallj t i Sal it todey in th,-i <1h fnom TOuor London ________________ I ~ I Weskead Adm. $3. ~n( mî~i froc purking/houted/ac loto: 519-668-7731 lAledae un TntCen HALTON REGIONAL in hic 82nd year. Loving 1 POLICE AUCTION rfether of Janet Mairakio an Reed aoeil ha huoband 1151 Broflte Rd, OakviIIe id AnlOc Rafic, and Lia Str yA il3d (I oos id Hoilis and efeptather ta aud y pil3d Idos randtfather f0 Emiiy Rame- Viecin & Rogistrat ion 8:30am-9:30am D Trania and Logan Reaide. MICTION STANT 9:30 AM y brother Antony Potimeni 1 AUCTION SALE 0F FOUND BICYCLES AND) id fier husbandl Stan, at of ASSORTE)) UNCLAIME)) PROPERTY et the MCKERSIE-KOCH - ____ __________ IMain Steelt Millon, 905- mn2-4pmeand 7-9pm. The A CINSL nld on Wadneaday, MarofiCTO SL as United Chumofi, 123 Main Cleenng Fart Aaction Sale icw In mernory of Michel, Saturdey March 27th et 1 0:3Oem Founidation would hea p> For Mr. & Mrs. Oralg Featherstona (905- 878-9197) (Farrn Sold) Lacatail 5371 #2 Sîderosil between ~ (D~)Appiaby Lina and Tremaîn Rd Approx t H(Diui ne) ie, ec 21/2m1 north of hwy 5. Aprox. 7 mi south- Timbas in hia 85th year. wast of Milton oRose Timbera. Beioved Consisting sf Cafle -Tnacfsns - icatyn MoLean and the ltt Machinery - Huy -Sf rac (etc) ail 1s hie grandchiirnAE lp st-JhDre250pnsafn eesica andl greet grandsons % t qim t-Jh er 50oe tto Ie cii ha receiveil et the J. wifh 8 speod Sycro dual remofes 60 h.p., 15.5ex38 roua L, HOME, 21 Jmme St, (2825 hns) cifh front mount John Deere 70 ftnochiocer. Taeedeay, March 230dfrnm John Deore 2130 ciffi 140 loader 15.5 o 38 rouis (2000 s ervice et 1 PM tntm te hrs) ciffi manare backe and bale spear fer aboya louder. eaeton fa toilow. (Soin tractons in like nec condiion) (558- fracfos 1 ownon boughf new) John Deere style 0 gas andl stovo su fly cheel sfarf - Int 370 140I chool disc (as nec), Int 550 single asie manaure spreader (as nec), J.D.S.M. 4 e 16 145 pso, 2 Turnco gnavify boxes and 10 ion cagons, 16 f fbod cagon, 126Il3 P.T.H culfieufor, 36 ft8' PTO. ng mrlac- of my Osai speed King sugor on cheels, 200 hlaie fiai bed wagon, 12 Mother, ad Nana, whio Il3 P.T.H. cultivair 36 ff 8» PTIO. speed King auget or rab 22 2003 heois, 20 if bale and grain eieuafsr, 7 fil S.D). 3 PTH. f oge and Stone, biade, Dauser 9' Pst ote Auger. 7 ff Ini trait mocer, 4' st and piara, grain auge, 8 ff chais hamacws, grain aeratsr, J.D y 7h 3 of toving deedo P.T.H. mocor, Geh husmoermil, Lundel cnsp chopper, 16 îourand yeant. lui lot grain drill, 8 ft double packer, huzz sac il h.p. mlssed and souppen oidîng mocer, 3 ft act toiler. Grovtey 40I sick- nmberail. le bar mocer and ree affacfment, 8 f box traler, fanning Love nrîtl, pluffoîso soutes, cemnent mieri, round baie feeders, DIra>, Kimberly, Chaises, Arvil, 5 h.p rototitinr, cObol bario, iter carrier bucket in), Krlstlna. and track, chains, otectric foncor, fencing, cotle olor, buggy whoots, caking ploth, 200 gui oas tank, gty uf oid 311) cui store, 2-120t cutueflu 12", Tarpo, chairs, portable air Forum iumpiooso, Approx 5 cord of lîîewoud, gfy of miter carvîro thord Basswood- Pîne -Wutrut (at dry) HarO CARPET i have satanai hethr 20 f 80 vO'coodor heum and othoro. rsos yods. of nec Staîn- mater & 100% nylon cao- Hay & Straw Approt 80 sourd 4x5 bobo utf hay, 100 4 pet. mii do iltingoon & o 5 haloes ut sirus fiat for $309. Inciades cao- Cattia - 8 croosibîed coco cîth cules, 8 yearling calves pet, yod & installtion (30 Mary more faim retuted items to chooso from, yards) Stete, 905-039- good, cieun oferirg. 2902 Tormo Cash or spproved chegue day of auction. GLITTER GIRLS, gis par- Lunch booth on grounds ries, and loof begs. Piease cai Kim 519-853-060 or Jiai McCaMtay Auction Saisi Loi. 905-702-4959. Wstasnlau: 905-89-8778 Hot Tub: 2004 ail options, www.auctaasflnd.cuWuacataay Wood cabinet, nover usad .811i In wrapper. Coat $99M5 Soli $5800. 416-748.099 CASH pail foantiques and colleclibleau chine, figurines, tecellery, fantre, comas etc. 905-878-3145 cell 905-876- 7950. WAM -Al OAK D-Rftabe 6 lafs, 6rnapl chairts 080 , rockmng ne, Sitter, Crystai, Tee chair $190. Calu 905-693-0778. Caps, Royat OouOton, Scer- oraki, Glea, Jecelery O Il toyo, Coiiechibleo, Etaea. ff Cai John racy, 905-331- XatISOC.o 2477. CLASSMIFIEDS \ i GOALIE cifh eoperience I ONI for campettve ladieu sac- THEi car feam, for Monday niait IT R E aetdoor seagas Cai 905- ITR E 875-0395. 1 Saturday March 27 ai 8 pmIn Royal Canadian Legion 21 Charles St., Milton) D. - Gomes -Food -Przes v- The Canadian Chamnion Tuesdav- Match 23 2004-23 1,