Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Mar 2004, p. 10

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lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 23, 2004 "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for/ Clientelle doubles a adverrising sooner or iater tinds itselitimmunie Wbusiness." kidîs nmentaI tieaitti DerhyBrwn But merger of two social service ugencles is nonerneless smootn MAI~~ ~ TI UE1 , ....e 5 . 00 0 s MOR *AI iO à 1 qC - D-=- E IX jSrE f u 'i 5, j001 RNE5' 'l e lin1 By TIM WHITNELL Special to The Champion tt has been a smaath transitional year far Haltan Child and Youth Services (C&YS) following ita cre- atian fram the merger of twa regianal social service ugencies. The new ugency, which contin- ues ta serve Milton and thc reat of the region, resultcd fraom thc mur- niage af Huitan Adolescent Support Services (HASS) and the Children's Asseasment «and Trcatmcent Centre (CATC) in late 2002. HASS's Burlington office closcd in September 2002. CATC ahsorhed thc service far youths into its Buriingtan location while cantinuing wiUi its awn services for children. A new wrinkie ta Haltan C&YS which hegan around Uic time of the merger wus Uic introduction of a walk-in clinic where families can mccl a social worker imrnediately instead of having ta ait an a waiting liat. "That's a really exciting thing that bas camne ta the cammunity. T1hey can came hack ta the walk-in as many times as they wanî. The important thing is Uic service starts immediately," said Lorri Interisano, directoir of administra- tion for Haiton C&YS. The walk-in clinic in Milton ait 443 Centennial Forest Dr. is open Wcdnesdays froro noon ta, 8 p.m. It can be rcached ut (905) 875-2575. Minora must came in with an aduit family member while those uged 16 yearsaund aider cun camne on their awn. Ms Interisana said Haltan "What we mr hoping Is tha with the merewe beose m« ffimt and bete seve the youths nnd adle scet Of H"1to. I thl RItS beensoniething on -epkl in" for sme C&YS's ciientele huas daubled this year with upproximately 3,000 clients now seeking help thraugh ail of ita services. Heather Caok, who wus CATC's director of clinical services before the merger and is now clinicai directair of Halton C&YS, aaid laie lat year that consolidation of the twa entities' services and facilities had nat heen recommended ar mandated by the provincial gav- emment. "What ave are haping is that wiUi the merger we become more effi- cient and henter serve the youths and adolescents of Haltan. i think it's heen aamething on peaple's minda for some time,' Mis Cook suid of the merger uit the time. "One (executive) bourd approuched the other," she added. The intent of the mergeî was ta create anc organizatian ta hetter serve chiidren, youah and their families expericncing mental 547 Main St.E.MILTON 8784M9 Notice of Liquor Licence ApplicationOnai The following establishment bas applied to the Aicohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Milton Social & Singles Club 77 Tbompson Road, Milton Any resident of the municipaiity may muke a written submission as to wbether the issuance of the licence is in the public interesî having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than April 17, 2004. Please inclade your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted ta the Commission, pieuse identify the designated contact persan. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of any objections. Submissions ta be sent ta: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W., "~ Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2N6 Fax: 416-326-5555 E-mail: licensing@agco.on.ca t Halton centre heaith probleros in the conunity tt's ciient-centred ta heip chiidren, teens and families reach their potential. Expected advantages of the merger were resaurces, such as staff and pragramai, being managed mare efficiently, an appartunity for program enhancements, expansion of residential services ta, younger age groupa and the provision af assessment/diagnostic services ta aider yauths. Haitan C&YS is a non-profit, charitable arganizatian and a provincialily-uccredited chil- dren's mental heuith centre. It pravides a multi-disciplinary appraach ta assessment and treat- ment while affering non-residen- tial and residentiai treatment serv- ices within Haitan. Changes ta, the residential pro- gram that came oui af the merger inciuded an interrnat review af the treatment pragrams at Piikey House and My Place, the move of Piikey fraom Burlingtan ta Oakville and the closure of the Milton and Aberdeen pragrama. Amang the changes ta non-resi- dentiai pragramming was the inclusion of free-standing pro- grams, such as criais interventian, with mare trained people available ta support the wark. Youth Aiding Youth is a popular program within Haltan C&YS. For the past 20 years it bas heen matching young children who need a huddy with teenagers aged 16 ta 20 years. At present there are several chul- dren an a list waiting for the commitment and support of a special friend. 'It takes a speciai kind af teen ta commit themacives ta a young per- san who huas speciai needs," said Ms Cook.

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