Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Mar 2004, p. 26

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26-The Canadien Champion, Fily March 19, 2004 CLOSSFIE HumIN: 90300 Iàs if le ______ ZIA I«AlOM e MOI flT I II(MUMT BIRTHDAY "Hpy4MBirtbday HapyOil Birthday Ke n oeParton adFred and Sue Hobson S would like tu announce j f teengagement o jjher chldren Wedding Plans for 2005 MAIRRIAGE S$MONEYSS f100% 1sf, 2nd anri 3rri Morfeeges. COUNTRY LIVING opa Badi credo OK. Oeil Ontanio clous 2-hdrm os hottom Wide 1 -99-307-7799. 90cr cf retoari bungalore Seperete est rance and 5-YR O 4.3%, Aise equity issndry, coori otone, shreri rmorfgage programs regard- evailable. $975/mth stilities noss of income or crarli inclueeri 95-54 Oeil OHRfS @ 1-900-328 9- 9 7887 or vodat safetcres ce ircockbum om COUNTRY, large ose Jed seom apl. separete an- france, siabia for mature respanoihie pemsos. No smoking/pets. $990/mfh, firofifeof, immeriiafey. Raf- ACTON2-beroom eresces. 905-702-77f16. ment, avedohis My lot. OOWNTOWN MILTON4 $990MIh. Joet hliding, Millide Toreers 92 Mils/de seo pets. 519-5o76 . ive 1 &2 Bednoom Apis. -_e ts Doenfores. Bus stop et Front 00cr 905- 976-1249 arer.realstar.ca GEORGETOWN 1 haJ noom hesement ept. 5750mah inclusive, neps- rate entrisce, referencea. Api ft. 905-977-2993. GEORGETOWN 2 Jed mcom on Guelph, $750/mth plus heehirhydro, firtflasf, adulte onl. No pets, non- smoking building. 905-495- 1350. GEORGETOWN 3-11Ji noom, Main 00cor, cli f0 plaza, no pets, referescan, firotffls. $1175/mfh in- cliea utilitan. Leana Mes- sage 905-977-2523 Il intt oday in the Catabil (bemiton Grandp & GreatrGrandpa "Joe Belvedere" L fLyouefroînl Love Brooke & McKenzie Ail yorfamXl GEORGETOWN ose Jei noom basement, no smok- ing/pets, single temef e oniy. May loti. $700/mf fimhtlasf. 905-977-9190. GEORGETOWN qaief clean specioas osa bcd room basament, single or- cupant, May 1 sf. $800/mosth inclusive c/ca- hie & iassdry. Nonsmokar. 905-973-6650. GEORGETOWN omaf i 1- beriroom epertroant 5495/month pluas hyro Aveifeble immeriaey. No pets. 0el 905-73-3355. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street, South, Mhton 90e are nor accepting applicaos ton 1-f harom Aveit. Match 15 f-1 hadrooro Aveu. May 1 1-1 harom Avait. May f5 For more If ormation andilor le, ae an 906-878-9375 BuldIlng Mangr Leonard & Pny IMILTON rando 1 -hdms, 5 api, 2 parking spotsce hie, $1050/mfh inclâing FIRST TIME sfdtian. Availeble May for. 1 BUYERS Oeil 905-979-1198. 1Why rant ase yss cas MILTO, hdroom ores cift zeno dores? MILTO, 1 bdroom Free liof of homes aveit- apartment. parking anr il1- able aes incisded. $925. 21h1J athfOmne oe room availishe. $945. +. ssder Oleas and quiet building. $11 0/msth in Miftos, Oeil Mary 905- 299«025 '1 Gereos & Oabvîlie. Anailahie immeriiafeiy =iS aenaPeee- ONE large beriroom aiat ing.canr or cafl ment, clean, acceptable for 18&2649 older perses. No pets, raf- n 1111aise prng aresces. May 1sf. 905- eaBleSM 977-1209. ROCKWOOD hy Park $995/mth inslusise, lMme- ri afely, ssnny osle heri rosm, ere conditon. Aso store/office anailable 519- LARGE 2-harom, imme- riie/Mey 1. Herrireori filrs 4 appliasces, park- 2-brn home, fisisheri lîke saling Ariingtos Bli. haemesf, fencei yard, ge- BsrSsgtos. 905-691-0070, rage, O/A, referenices, rwc.pmonine/vieeS.ce $1250/mah + ofilitian. 905- MILTON 3-brn fores- 979-647. bouse, excellent conrdion. 3-brn bungelore wit pol 371 Broste St. aveilabie $1300/mfb, fins/lest re- Apil lost. $1200/mth + uSili- quireri. Oeil Baoty isOle Re- fies. Coul 905-878-4781. 1mes 905-879-7777. OAKVILLE - 2,364 SI- ACTON, 3 beriroom, ni ce noom toreshosses availebie streaf, ga ha. viiki.e immediaeey through Febnuary 1sf. $1050/mth + Mrh placs o sfilities. Oeil (519) 853- pedl Mu area. 5658. Lakeshore Management, 905-976-3336. NW GREENPARK TOWNHOUIE - 1650 sq. ht. 3 hedroom, 2.5 bath, ga- rage, 5 epptlences, close f0 ochools, shopping and harle st le apetk. Asking $1400.00 par monfh, firotlt. Minimum one year lesse, atilOane entre. Anailable May lut. 0011 Risk or Francan (905)-854- 3435. HONEST 36 year otd maie, protassionel needs hache- for/i-brn. Enchange for reork possible. William (905) 691-9693. UNFURNIFURN. room sn large, cean home. NoIl end oftMiftos,closeto 401t. Shere kitchen & hath. $425 or $450/Mo inclading utili flane, parking, iaundry. Must ha nery tst, non smoker,j no pets. Mature maie pre- ferrari. Aveul immediafe- i y/Apni lut. 905-876-1518 or 416-40-800 BRAND nec bosse sn Mil ton, close f0 401, $50mh iscludes stiliane. SharIth choie hosse, no pets. Cal 905-876-1627. ROOM for astis ousntry, 1 10 minutas f0 401. Foil use of hous, ores bedroom, hafhroom, & liingroom, sharei kitches, $550/mth , stiltian. Availeste imme- J diefely. Oeil 905-691-6935. TOWNHOUSE in 1 Georgetown, close f0 GO. Ores hedmoom, sithng room, 4 niera bath, A/C. Shereri kitches, iausdry, ail ap-1 pliieces. No pets. $650/mosth pls 1/2 utili- S. fimft and Il. 905-873- 0161. reboe pefc under neck. Near Pariseey & Mapil coor ieres. Oei 905-878- 1966. CHILDCARE -Fus, sfae envirosment for rîidres over 12 montho. Oeil for moeinfonsation 905-875- 27" Fasesonin Steran Con- soie TV, excellent condition. $250. Pleaee cait 905- 878-4681. A ising Room, Cer- wood, double podestat table, 8 chairs, buffet, bosch, donefeil conistrar- bon. Noe nOil in hoxes. 00sf $1f,000. Sacrifice $2,800. 905-567-9459 A King Fiiioretsp Me5tress Set. Nec in plastic. 00sf $1900. 905-567-9459 BEO, Amazing hergais, tfues orthopedic piiiorefop set, serein plastic, cerrenty 1$150 905-567-4042 c/li do- lises. Badroom Oherryweori, Beri, chest, dresser, 2 1sightsfands. Dovetoil Con- struction. Neyer opeseri 00sf $8,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-4042 BIRTHDAY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE af tIse Membli of THE HALTON RECOVEIY ýHOUSE Date: May 04, 2004 lime: 7:00 PM Place: Hope Place Center, 77 Bronte Road, OakviIle, Ont. Business To Be Enacted 1) By-Iew Amoendment. 2) Election of Directore and Officers CARPET f hane neyeral FREE Eshimae Got cob- 1,000 yris. of sec Stain Iy cheirs, fred vooksng mesfer & 10% nylon car- coo finishan5 Faeds Oas- pet. Wil do lvingosm & 1 om Wdoodi Reinishing anri hal for $39 scories cer FsrstureRepanrs 9-9.905- pet, pari & instsaton (30 5299 yardo) Steve, 905-639- 3-00 2902 HOT tubfor sale useri sec GLITIER GIRLS, gs p o rver 50s 8, perfect conri- tas, anri 00f bago. Plnase hon. $2500. sr hast of9er cet Kim 519-953-969 or 1you move. 0el 905-878- 905-702-4959. 04f0 \ENGAGEMENT LEONE - Josephiai Alison are delighted f0 an- nounce the hirth off Nlcolet Ana on Febnsery 24th, 2004 et 4:23 pm, ceighing 7 ho, il oza. Prouri grand- parents are Nick and Mire Leone, anri David and Wen- dy Anderso. Proari GreetGrenri are Giuoeppa Leone of Mittion, Frenciske Drczg 0f Misesesuge, and Marionie Anderson cf Oebvilie.à RICHARDSON - Bian and Nancy (nee Glammarco) cf Smffthville are pieesed f0 announce the hirth of their son Tylter Donald bon March 3rd et 5:09 amn, ceigbing 7 bel f4 ozs. Happy grandiperenfs Mr. and Mrs. Meno Giammerco of Milsionend Mt. & Mns. Aubrey Richard- son of Mifton. Proud Aunts end Urnes Jne, Ena, Steve, Uinde, Scott, Gary, Deb, Larry end Michelle. Escitait cousis Kely, KIs Brandon, Julien end Vicfoni. Tttenks f0 Dr. Gai end Dr. Johnson andi the wsnderfsl GO staff aif WLMH for their rare. CARBERlI Joyce Il (nme Brand) Peaeaully et Leissrewresrd Long Tenn Cere Fecitity in Brentffotd on Sanday, March 14, 2004. Joyce Oarbet in her 959r year. Loving elfe cf thte laite George Ross (Do) Catfiert. Balonad msttter cf Ruth (Daniel) Ro- bets. Sarvined by her grendidaughter Heather Rtoberts and grenddasgfiter in lare Christine Robants. Irde ceased by ber grandson Mark, brother Amblie and sis- fers Gladys and Doraihy Friands cere receneri et the J. SCOTr EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 Jamtea St., MilIce (905) 878-2669 on Wednesday, Match llfh. A Fsnerel Sarvia cas haîri on Thsrsdey March lafh from St. John's Anglican Ohurch. As espressions of sympahy donahions f0 the S.P.0.A. wosld ha appreci- atari by the family. CANADAN SOIT CANCER CANADIENNE In Memoriams in the form of donations f0 The Canadien Cancer Society are deeply eppreciaed. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY I CONGATUATINS!LORD Y, LORDY Look Whose Turning 75 CNR41LAIN!LOOK WHO'S BEEN Calogero ilc MARRJED FOR 40!!l Happy Birthday Dad. Guandia & Great Grandio Trevor and Kelly Manil Bob & Sheena Drennan Wîh Love. Dent Wishes. and March 4, 2004 Love the Family Your Famlly DISTRESS SALES B a rit k Foreclosures. Free lot of Forecloonre pmop- arils sn Mifton, Georgetowen, & Oakviiie. Pleceive a fracs campaiterizeri prJ ouf. Free recordied message 1 -88 8-2866-3 496 IDo1042 or go f0 hal- taoroISura.com ReaeBWSM#W0de MILTON attractive 1,58 uqft office, 348 Bronfe St. Mifton. Spece han 4 off- an, reception aires, cererer fles, cetpef andi la deccret- eri Oeli 519e53-9495. A o rnaHoe J on Vour Computer. Training Fronirier. Fft, Il Code: Sol it today in th Cenabian Ctjamg Antos Aparimens 1 & 2 hadnoom aperfimasf aveit- able Note and for future. Fririge & Sfcse, andry fuane, No doge 519-863- 4374 open 7 days/ceek se- dey approvef. ACTON flarge 2-harors upertment, 5750/roC plus; uarge 1-heri eperfment $550/mth pluas; 519-853- 5080, 519-95-32 ACTON flarge 2-bedroom apertmenf, $775/mth pilus; 519-853-5080, 519-853- 5352. BASEMENT apil sn Milton, naparafe estrence, A/O, parking for 1, sudt mature single, no smoking/pets. $800mth, infuding sOlO/ane. intuofs andi reterencan ae- quireri. Oaff 905-693-1907.

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