Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Mar 2004, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 16, 2004 ANNIVERSARY - i 5-YR 0 4.4%/, Ail qf A Wahet Hote ~ mortgaga pragramo regard- A Wor et om Jo On tess of icmne or credit. Ycur Computer. Tnaining iCai CHRIS @ 1-800-328- Prosifaf. F/T, P/I Csde: 7887 or vili us aI wwwasin- aý4 HmPCaa claitcocbburn.com 1 edsome tolanmy business. Mus(us hase leadership 2-bf n apartreent in dlown- abilty and desire tuas Milton, inciades scolle, (or above frf ga, hat & caler $850 mt. Avaitable Apri 1, average incorne ca, 905-878-9001. CaiCm ACTON 2-bafnusm ayant- 1-888-269-0755 rnent,avaiabl April le & hailfing, us pats. 519-853- 0976. ACTON 3-bafroore 6075/montS and 1-baf- SSMONEYSS 100% Itf noom 0075/mrontS. Bot s- 2sf asti 3rf Monbgagas. ciade Sast Avaiabta Aprit Baf cradit OK. Cati Ontario tsft, ffral Cai 905-454- Wida 1-888-307-7799. 4559. Mulon psmens 1 & hefrusm apartment assit- able Nsc and for fttae. Frifge & Sîsse, lianr facithais, No dogs 519-853- 4374 open 7 fays/aaais samie f ay approsa. ACTON large 2 nturey 3- bafrosm apartment sn Tri- plan, close lu schusis and doantoan. S850lmonth plus utilities. Asaîtabia Aprt tnt. 519-833-203. ACTON, 1-befrusm. Asail- able îmmefîatey Frifge, stuse, utifias inclufe. Nu pals, filiat referesces requiref, Cai 519-853- 3877. BASEMENT alt in Milton, saparate antrance, A/C, parking ton 1, suit mature nîngIe, nu smoking/pets. SUOOlmlh, inctufîng utîtîties. istlasI and reteresces ne- quIref. Cai 905-693-1907. DOWNTOWN GEORGE- TOWN 2-befroom apart- ment aîth CIA, lauir taclit tas, fuit bath plus pea- fer roors, parking. $950/month + utititias. Asaîtabia March lt. Cai 905-873-2539. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mitisifa Towers 82 ilf Driva. 1&2 Bafnusm Aptu. Close bu Doantowas Bus stop an Front DOsr 905- 876-1249 cce.nastar.ca GEORGETOWN t bed- roir baisement apt. 0750/mIs inclusive, sapa- rate estranca, netarevces. Aprit 1sf. 905-877-2993. GEORGETOWN 2 bef- rusm us Guelph, 5750/mIS plan heal/hyf ns, finnl, adfuto osiy. Ns pela, non- smoking building. 905-495- 1350. GEORGETOWN 3 bef- moir main flon, vik lu G. Non-smoking, vo pela. Referancas, firltat oharaf launfry. 51295/retS, atilntes inclufaf. Cai (905) 873-4708. GEORGETOWN aatremdly, Saga apt. cfth private stor- age nom, minates to mall $800/mont inclufes auti ites. May idt. Cati 905- 877-889. GEORGETOWN naciy rn- avatl 2-badroors, privais launfry, 2-car parking, us patasmoking. tmmafiataty, 5800/mt plus. FimIf(ast. (905)872-880. GEORGETOWN smi 1- bef om apartimant 5495/montS plus hyf ns. Avaitable immefiatelly. Ns pela. Cai 905-873-3300. 1 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Brante Street South, Milicn Vie ara sua acceptngt applicatrons for 2-1 befmoom Avait. April 1 1-lbefmoom Avait. Mas 1 1-1 bafroom 1 Avait. Muy 15 For more Information andiar ta make as aaonÜnnt, 905-878-5275 Building Managera Leoinard & Penny GET2-bedroora clown- tocs Georgetown. Non- smsker, no pets. Aveitabla May id. $895/montS in- cludes parking. ai95 MILMUN, i oeuroom apartment. parking asf unil- ities isclufaf. 6025.2 bed- roors asaitabie. $945. s. Dean anf quiet build ing. Cai Mary 90&- 299-825 Assitable îmmedîatey ACTON, à befroom, sica streat, gas heat. Asaitabte Fehruary ItI. SlOSOlmth +v stilttîs. Cai (519) 853- 5658. HO alm for ranItnfIlsîfuat staits or ait statis. Dther barns and rasifenc- ns avaiuable in Ruclsausf anea. Drval S. Gares RE Broker. 519-766-2996. MILTON asaîtubia imme- fiatey $1350/mth + utl- lien, 2-bfrm, 2 bath 1200. sq. hl bungalowain sec Drury Park afuit fevetup- ment. 5 appliances, C/A, garage, tait basement. Nu smoking, smai pat cal- comae 905-878-7474. MILTON TIMBERLEA, beauttu fat home, 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, fin banemt, hauti tut deck, double fnivecay, 4\ý appt. No pets, Nos smsker, $140 plus utiltnes. Cai 416-728-0210. LARGE 2-befrousm, imme- diate/May t. Harfcof ticers, 4 uppliasices, park tîke setting. Artinigton 01sf.,' Burtîngtos. 905-681-0070, awc.pmontina/sieao.ca MILTON 3-bf rm tuas- hosn, appliances, garage.%~ 51200/mo. plus atîtîtias. 905-876-2997. MILTON 3-bf rm tocs- hoase, excellant condtion. 371 Brosita SL avaitabla Aprit It. 51200/mt + ati- lies. Cai 905-878-4781.' OAKVILLE - 2,3&4 haed- noom toanhuses avaitabla immefiataiy throagh Malch 4 appliances. Ho- pafala Mail alea Lakashore Management, 905-876-3336. "NEW GREENPARK TOWNHOUS- 1800D sq. 8t.3 haf nom, 2.5 bat, ga- nage, 5 appliancas, closa 10 schus, shopping ami badîs osta a perk. Asking $1400.00 par ressîh, freat Minimum osa pear asse, utititias adna Avaitala May 1 sf. Cai Rics or Frances (905)-854-3435. tezo 5551 lu[ia" profansiosa neafs hache- to/t-bf rm. Exchange for cork possible. William (905)(691-9693. BRAND sec Soun in Mit- ton, close to 401, S500/mth isclufas uiinis. Shana the choie husn, ns pela. Cai 905-876-1627. MILTON-sharef accommo- folios for quiet, iean non- smoking femafe. Parking & utliies-inclufef. Close to mal & Go. .905-878-4977. BOONE - Claie and Sprlng (nie Lacourse> are thriiied to assuce the arivai of their ebilai identica tain girls, Madison Olane weighing 3lbs, thoz asd Sierra Matle weighing 31bs, 14 t/2oz, bors February 211h 2004 at McMaster Hospital. Proud gmsndparents are Ray and Linda Lacoumse of Stevenootille and Lloyd and Elles Boone ut Hamilton. Special thanku lu ail of the high nisis foctors and the nurses in the NICU unit at McMaster Hospitali n Hami FAY - Jîn and Affects ile Martin) ut Milton are thrilied lu assounce the earty arrivai ut their daugitter Ana Catherine, weighing 5 Ibu 15 oz at Milton District Hos- pitl on March 6th, 2004 .t'rbud grandpanents Herh and Cathy Martis, Joanne Robinson and Daue and Uisa Fay. Special thanris ru Dr Hunter and the 0.6. staff ai Milton District Hospital. KESIK - Shawn and Shawna (Broten) are thrilled to assounce the arrioal of ther precisus daughter Emma Ryleil bors Friday Match Oth 2004 ut 0:03 am ceigh- ing 7ibs, 15 oz. Proud filo lime grandparents are Ed & Jane Kesik ut Campbeluiile and a 3rd grasdchiid for Ron & Mar Brown ut Milon. Emma is weicumed by Great Grandma Alexandrine Musse, her maly Aunts, Uncles and coasins Kyle and Jacob. Special thanks lu Dr. Hanter and DB nurses Jadie & Jacsie. Aplin, Helen (Wllcox) Peacefuly pasad away ut Aliendale LTC on Thursday, Match 111 h 2004 at the age sf 81. (Retired from Nabis- o Brandu). Fredeceasef by her husband Leosurd (1985) and grauddaughter Jamie Zeiler (2000). Lsuing- ly rememberef by her chiidras Sandra asd Bernis Eue- lise (Wauhag) Mary Arn and Noal Lamore (Byng Ilit and Lînda and Ritichie Zeiler (Million). Pmaud gnandmoth- er of Tracie, David, Adam ami Cary Eueline, Wayne, Jeff and Kim Lamore and Jared Zaller. Dean grilt grand- mother of Jesse and Jasine. Famify ami friends may vssf ai tfe McKenaIaKache Funasal Homte 114 Main St Milion 905-878-4452 tram 7-9 pm on Fniday and 2-4 pm on Saturday Receptets ta foliote. In lieu of ffowans, memonel donations to te Alienfale Foundcain wouid be appraciated. Thask you toi the staff at Alendala for tein savng case. Frencht,Vers Marguerite (ne. Waltehouua) Vars ranch passed acay on Saturday, Manch 130, 2004. Sa was tie baila wffe of Thomas French and die tata Roy Hamis (1978). Loving mstfter of Ade a and her husband Staese Webb, Margare and her husband Marc Perrier and daughl in f aw Lînda Hals Stap- muther of Clîfford and his cite Urseta French. Sady missed by han 9 gnundchitdren and g great grandhi- dren. Pnadacaasad by a son Leonard Hastis, brothems Fred, Lewis and James Waftarhoasea nd sistars Lasina Norton, Dlilua Walterhsuse and Marlon Walterhouse. Famity and friands may sisit as the MoKarale-Kochar Fanerai Horne 114 Main St Milice 905-878-442. The Fuseat Service cii be hetd sn tae Fusentl Home Chapat os Tauday, Match 1ttf 2004 at 1:00 pm. sntar- ment f5 folisw as Dixie Union Cemetery. As eapressions off sympahy memoria donations to the Canadias Cancer Society of tha Heant and Strslse Foundcation wud ha appracialad. WRIGHT.: Ena Harriefi Mattl (noe Buatard) Paacefotiy, surmaundef by famity os Saturday, Match 13, 2004 at the Milton District Hospital, Eus Wright sn han 89t yea. Loving wifn of the tata Lorne Wright. Fredaceasad by har son Robent (Bob) and gnand- daughter Jo-Asne. Samised by han doughterîs-luw Jsy Wright and han husband Maryta Cameron and gnand- daughtems Dabonah and her husband Boh Daigneaa and Kelly and han husbasd Fred Grousd. Great gnand- mothar of Jo-Anse, Lyndsay Stephes and Lauren. A Fusentl Service cas hetd tmom the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St, Milice (905) 878- 2669 on Moiuy March toth. As espressions of syn- pathy dsnations f0 the Milton District Hospital Foundcabion aud ha appraciatefi by te fomîty. t n Log aoey i mandi oa bruceBel ah aedayMarch 17,200 2 Whs yhe canerce and tusk puwas aay 00eamined ynour aaen dy Tif ceadI aiteran to ogse WeSil ie th alwatd anmre. Tuhanyu ucsses onamî Butait ce asn doean Da lu golMnio a tendeou gnon uc Bl And nasesain a toises utLove uta has Dad mims evrr made Forte aner nam ar oo Haut aa Tamseyuday Tomrrtetay If R a &l the oley gve Nan Fol iv h orosnd oe ToCheeryor vieanm ayFursesd Basd ygu n ten stes sand AsI enl f on my o. To aoumthe est oar aalmambe. oree n my r Hetayda LoveAaa n1e2TH f « ANIESoJtY SALE Mafel d.Rver r., eorn oe New rey o ciishi heandtduri lune Dresse a nih tale,2armire dresin vaniî gradeecotn banhsd uc 1 bufet conerd binet hie abinet bocses. dor sink.& fly aebine. cl stads p ny hart avbal soal a 1aiy mis and Love ouc more DTahe a TRUCK ed takores 1 wolt youi Onde s-a htdstien atsi Hilson, Isabel At her home in Milton ahter a lengthy ilseno in her 82nd year Isabel Hilson, beloved wife of John (Jacks) Hilson for 64 years. Looiog Mother of Barbara, Joaone, Cathy ani her hosbaod Jim, Anne and her hooband Ron, John and his wife Joan, Robert and hio wite Marl Doog anti hîs ile Brenda, Jim andfihls wife Teresa and Janice and her hooband John. Sadly misse by her many grandchildren and greot grandchildren. Sorsioed by her hrother Daid. Predeceaoed by a 000 David, brothers James, Duncao, Brocs and sioters Arnnie and Margare Family and frîeods vilie at the MeKerale- Kacher Fusera Home 114 Main St. Milton 9056878- 4452 The funeral service was held sn the Posera Home Chapel on Monduy, March lhth 2004. Interment toi- isaed at Omugh Fresbytenian Church Cemetery. In lieu of flocers, memonia donations to the Heant and Stroise Foundatios or Dmagh Freobyterian Church woald be appreciated. d ~CLASSIFE» HOTIN: 905475-3300 * (CIII IIIIPI fl W WCIASSWFID HOURS: Monday to Fray al 9:00 amn- 5:00 Dm E -I i1 C i r ~ __ ____ BOUS fll j'la * siie Wd appea i - ~ . Pii.~ ~'tÀ'tAw (IIiNItT(W1na inchionflhI BIRTHDAY ww .altosearchco BIRTH mster liukg for her daughten (birth same NI- COLE DAWI4(, bons Octolser 21, 1974 at Une Milton District Hospital. Plis repi lu Bus #1010 clu The Canadian Champin, 191 Mais St. E, Ilts Dut., L9T-4N9. RAINBOW Village Daycare has spaces ausitable for children 18 months lu 6 yas. 905-878-7502. Vîst us aI raînbucuiiiageday- HAY for sale tnt, 2nd ira cu aitatfa/limsthy nouans baies. Square baies ut assaIa stra. Merrybruook Fam (900) 876-6237. A Dîning Rusm, Cherry- caad, doable padeatat tabla, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, duvetait construc- lion. Naew stilin boses. Cour $11.000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-9459 A King Piiloatsp Mattreus Set. Nec sn plastic, CosI $1800. 05-567-9459 BEI3, Amazisg bangaîn, quen urthspedic piltoctup set, sec sn plastic, aanty $150 005-567-4042 cii de- tiver. Bedroom Cherrywuod, Bed, chest, dresser, 2 nîghtstands. Duvetai Con- struction. Neoer upened CusI $6,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-4042 CARPET 1 have savera 1,000 yrds. of sec Staismastan & 100% ny- los carpaf, Wtt do living- rooll & hall for $389. lu- dadaes carpe, pati & in- stallation (30 yards> Stase, g0-639-2g02 Hot Tub: 2004 ail option, watereil, Ozanatoa, Red- waad cabinet nanan uaad, euhl le wrapper. cma $9,895. seait 5,000. 416-746-9M S$=S WANTED - Ait Chi- na, Silser, Crysta, Tea 'Caps, Royal oaffan, Scar- osusii, Glana, Jacelary 0Mf boys, Coilach.blas, Estates. Cai Joh/Tncy, 905-331- 2477. CASH paîd for astiquas and coitactibles, china, fig- urines, jeceiary forniture, coins, etc. 905-878-3145 cai: 905-876-7950. Engagement? Wedding? Just to Say IIlove you? Mhy flot put il in our Miletonesi

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