Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Mar 2004, p. 17

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 16, 2004-17 OF Btt Jan-Chong to represent Conservatives Farmers' challenges increasing Canadian farmers find îbemseives del- uged witb cails for sale food and produc- tion systema that are botb environmientaiiy friendiy and bumnane 10 tbeir animais, Tey bave been evoiving these requirements for decades, but now verification is necessary, and farinera are st-uggiing t0 keep abead of tbe demanda for more formai recognition of farmi management systems. Tbe Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) bas been working witb ils partners in the agri-food sector to find tbe best ways 10 meet the requiremenîs. As tbe file expands, so, do the anîicipaîed cosîs. Il's obvious tbat an inlegraîed approacb will be necessary 10 gel the job done and aI a rea- sonable cost. Tbe Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) juat hosted a two-day session in Ottawa -New Faorn Management Systeins: Taking Control -providing an opportunity for ail stakebolders t0 review the situation as il bas developed, and attempt 10 identify the best way 10 put on- fatin systema in place that wiii work for consumera and for farinera. Many faria produce more Iban one conunodily and would face sîaggering cos for inspections and audits if eacb commodity was 10 be handled separately for certification. CFA President Bob Friesen's invitation 10 the session pointed ouI tisaI 'producer fatigue' is developing an farmers surive 10 cope juat witb paperwork requirements. Tlhose attending the session were asked 10 deveiop a strategy 10 barmonize and co- ordinale ail existing and emnerging pro- graina aiined aI ensuring production facili- lies meet food safety standards, environ- mental standards, and bumnane animai pro- duction standards. Il bas been a tali order, but Canada's agri- food represenlalives aI tise meeting were diligent in tiseir search for solutions, Integration and co-ordination were tise key words on everyone's ininda aý participants aI the sessions wenl 10 work. Speakers at tise Ottawa sessions came from tise United States and tise United Kingdorn wilis thse majorily from, various ares of Canada. Goverinnents, producer groupa, wholesalers and retailers were ail inviîed t0 presenl lhiser perspectives aI tbe sessions. Details bave lu refleet the on-farm sys- teins farinera froin Coast 10 coast wiIl need 10 incorporale into thiser operations. Dealing wilb sometising ibis expansive will require an equally large data base. Participants in the Ottawa session aeknowledged the need for a staged impie- inentalion procesa, introducing thse levels of involvement over a period of lime, grad- ualiy increasing tise accountabilily of thse initiative, The OFA believes iî's critical tisaI thse systemas being designed accommodate sinali and inediuîn-sized fannaing opera- lions. Simplicity and affordability are key. Tise systems are here! Tbey muaI be designed by farmers, for farinera. Bette Jean Crewa is an executive com- mittec member of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. M ik e Cbong will represent the Conservative Party of Canada in t b e "P Wellington- Halton His riding during tbe next fed- eral election. M r . Mike Chong Cbong, 32, wbo lives oulside of Fergus, was named tise candidate aI a nomination meeting in Guelpis last Tuesday nigbt tisaI drew more tisan 300 party supporters. "Ifs a privilege and a responsibiiity, but I'm iooking forward 10 il," said Mr-. Cbong, an iniformation tecbnology execulive. Mr-. Cbong beat ouI Marty Burke of Guelpb for tbe nomination, BEo 24 HO drirtkSaervir n.n. h-n saffl5 or order ani At one point former Halton-Peel MP Garth Turner was also vying for the posi- tion, but later withdrew from the race. "The vote was very close," said Mr. Burke, 43, an Air Canada pilot and former milita-y veteran. "t do believe probably the difference is that Mike is a local fellow." He added bie wisbes Mr. Cbong the best in the canipaigo. M. Chong said lie plans 10 mun a good campaign focusing on issues that concern the people of the riding and will propose constructive solutions. He admitted that the party has a lot of work ahead of it and candidates need to tell Canadians wbat "tbis new party is aIl about." "Tbey're going to examine us - take a look at us, but we're going t0 bave to earn their trust," said Mr. Cbong. M. Cbong, wbo bas been mnvoived witb Conservative Party federally and provîn- win's» è Fuels Independent suppliera of: ice CI * Stove Dii 1 Fuel * Gasoline tLubes Just cati us, we'ii b. tharet UR EMERGENCY SERVICE ~igthe Haiton and Peul Rogions 905-855-1222 1 -866-855-FUEL ine at www.brownefuels.ca cially for several years. ran unsuccessfuliy as tbe PC candidate in Waterloo- ~j~~ Wellington during the 2000 federal elec- tion - SVOLUJNTEERQ NEEDED FOR CIOZY READING Do you enjoy readlng to littie ones? S Become a Cozy Reading Volunteer. Volunteers are needed throughout Halton. Volunteers need to: # Be dedlcated & commltted Se Be availabte during school hours for 1 hour per week * Provide a Police Record Check For more Information about the Cozy Reading Program contact Wendy at S 905-625-4011 or cozyreading@bellnotca Six consecutive Tuesday evenings, starting March 3Oth, from 7:30-9:30 p.m.; plus a dress rehearsal for the Toronto Phitharmonia Location: St. Pauls United Church + 123 Main Street, Milton + Cost $l49lperson, including GST F----------------- "One of the To obtain a brochure/regîster, hest courses Iplease contact: Ambiente mnc. I've ta/cen out- P.O. Box 5002, Station A side my 1 Toronto, Ontario MSW 1 N4 "stressful" pro-I Phone: 905-886-2185 fessional lfe; al Fax: 905-882-2264 grea escpe. Email: Ambientelnc@aol.com CONCERNED F$5FF ABO UT YOUR LWIT TIS AD. TAXES! TAXWIDE.NET 24et 4 5~e' Uv aw ON THE SPOT OPEN 7 DAYS Ovr1 !ons to serve yo.i 1 -866-TAXWIDE MILTON MALL 905-875-3726 GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE 905-877-5884 HEAD OFFICE: MISSISSAUGA: 905-49-2222 IL r : @i A ...................................---,.',..,.,.-,',...,-.,'-,'. .-..---,...----'i Oakrville Mml Centr-e lyY, * Paent-iîd Ontario Xalentine'sÂl DaUj dînner for her parents Alex entered our carrier contest and won a gift certificate to Matt's Rib House, for her parents. Alex has delivered the Milton Canadian Champion for almost a year. Congratulations to Alex. Enjouj! Thank you to Matt's Rib House 500 Laurier Avenue, Unit 15

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