16-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 16, 2004 in 10 wo ei TI risk intrearea with ae. gro. Tihé Otaio Bre Sireening rgo poie *il deve gog breosî examinaiion and a mammogras i ni a' * kâ Make your appointmenl today.1 1-800-668-9304 ( Mobil & WBRICANTS *Furnace, Stove Oil, Gasoline & Diesel Delivery ,à TSSA Licenced Service Technicians Stocked Esso & Mobil Lubricant Warehouse www. chal m ersf uels. ca (905) a 877510 -e0-2809 loin the many people wlnoagree nat ta drink alcoholic beverageo..and to dnive evenyone in their group home safely, before YOD start exercising. W.'.s t. . S. X 9V 49 Main St. OuActveFwwa, '6 ice905-877-3201 Hours: M-W10O 6, T & F10-8, SAT. 10 -5 the position over Campbellville-area resident Gary Zemlak in a nomination mneeting in Rockwood that .sttracted nearly 3(11 Liberal party supporters. "I arn very bonoured 10 be representing the Liberals iu ibis new riding,' said Mr. Hood. a referee for 21 years and opera- tor of several travel agencies. încluding one in Milton. 1 believe the experience and knowledge 1 have gained dur- ing my profeooional oporto and busineso careers, and as a con- sumer representative in Ottawa, have prepared me to be a very good and effective voice l'or the people of Wellington- Halton Hillo.' He added he'o graaeful for the Liberals in this new riding."1 BRUCE 11166 support the community has sbows and looks forward 10 a federal election call. Mr. Hood, Canada's forai Air Travel Complaints Commissioner from 2000 t0 2002, is semi-reiired but still doeo some nardiation work for the travel industry and repre- sents a resoro in Cuba. Mr. Zemlak couldn't be reacbed for comment at press Bruce Hood, NHL referee for 21 years, wiIl seek the federal seat in Wellington-Halton Huis. Hornby board members sought The Homby Association of Rate Payera (HARP) will bold its annual general meeting Marcb 24 ai 7:30 p.m. The meeting will take place ai Homby Glen Golf Club. iFollowing a report by HARP president Ken Lawday, elections will be beld for tbe 2004/05 HARP board. HARP is looking for residenîs of the greater Homby area wbo are willing to join the board, and is asking to, be notifird of Ibis before the meeting so nominations can be announed. Two board members will be otep- ping down ibis year. For more information, calI Ken Lawday ai (905) 876-2527. NOTICE 0F RECONVENING 0F HEARING IN THE MATTER 0F the Consolidated Hearings Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.29, as amended; and IN THE MATTER 0F a proposai by the Proponent. Central Milton Holdings Limited and 665497 Ontario Limited. The proposedi amendiment co the Niagara Escarpment Plan and the Region of Halton Officiai Plan is co include approximately 63 hectares of land owned by CMHL in the Milton Urban Area. These lands are generally located between Steeles Avenue and Main Street immediately west of the CN Railway. The Applicants proposaI was considered by the joint Board in 1999 and early 2000. On August 10, 2000, the joint Board issued a Decision, which was confirmed by Cabinet on Augunt 28, 2002, that the CMHL property, excîuding the woodlot, could be considered for Urban designation but that an ordinary subdivi- sion would not meet the objectives of the Niagara Escarpment Plan. The joint Board decided that a spacious, well landscaped plan would: " respect views co the Escarpment; " provide scenic walkways; " access the Escarpment directly or indirectly; " reflect densities existing on nearby Escarpment lands; " be reflective of the open landscape character; *evaluate the woodlot for ita environmental sensitivity with proper setbacks; and *dedicate the woodlot co the public. The joint Board directed that a Detailed Concept Plan be prepared to address these issues and co guide developmenc on the CMHL property. The joint Board deferred its decision co amend the respective plans pending the completion of a Detailed Concept Plan process. The joint Board intends co, consider the approval of the Detailed Concept Plan at a hearing scheduled to commence on ThursdayApril I st, 2004, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers,Tbe Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario. IMPORTANT There will be no court reporting services provided by the Office of Consolidated Hearings for the Hearing. If the parties and participanta consider chat they require a transcript of the proceedings tbey may, with the joint Board's approval, obtain such service at their own expense. TAKE NOTICE that this hearing date is peremptory to ail Parties. If you do not attend at this hearing and identify yourself, the joint Board may proceed in your absence and you may not receive any further notice in chese proceedings. DATED ait TORONTO, this 8th day of March, 2004. Susan E. Dunn Hearings Regiscrar We believe... in helping. Anyone. SMywre. PLEASE GV E 1--21 -3433I Hood gets federal Liberal Former NHL referee Bruce Hood scored a victory Wednesday nigbî and becarne "Iam very the fedieral Liberal candidate honoured to be for Wellington-Halton Hillo. M.Hood, 67, of Ermn won representing the