Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Mar 2004, p. 10

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10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 16, 2004 HIGHSCHOL RPT (\ ~ Lighten the scales this year by joining the Herbai Magic team ' " :'~1 c<' L Oand see how great you can lo fe utoemnh \ \ XV Guaranteed weight loss. V No prepackaged foods. V Grocery store bought se ul service programrs. Vl One-on-one personalized food. V Lose Up to 7 lbs/week. consultation. &V Safe, easy & Effective * HOURS: 1~.~L'MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:OOam - 7:OOpm ~~,,'oe '~v vvv 7Ii#Vi*-l!¶Ua~,g SATURDAY 9:OOam - 1:OOpm â t ? . MExpires March 23/04. Based an fail progrun. p,.V'%mgf1t l\mang>enno.out annd I'iu trit,ý c C'vrem DESIGNED FOR A LIFEIMIE 1 OF WEIGHT CONTROL ak for tbe impossible. ita our specialty. Zw«Iramgyts.c Exclades predarl. ~15 Martin St. S CARRIAGE SQUARE 905-693-9594 "1TUE ROYAL6 REPORT" Preston MacNieil Liana-Darla Pressé .11811111 REDuSC Rion SCIGOL This week at Bishop Reding has been another excitmng one as many events took place theoughout the school, and mauay upcom- ing events were anticipated. This Thursday proved to be no dif- ferent, as Bishop Reding held ils annual Coffee House. The Coffee House displayed the many faces of art in a creative and inspiring setting. Mr. Mackenzie's senior art class's work was displayed around the cafetorium, which mas sel up with couches and pudded chairs to make il feel as thoagh they were in a coffee house. There were many musical talents; hoth vocal and instru- mental, as well as poems which were read. Moreover, there was a speaker frc m Development and Peace who made a wonderful presenlation on the importance of waîer for ail people. During intermission. the members of S.0.L.L. sold baked gonds t0 raise money. Ail of the funds which were collected from these as mcli as ticket sales wilI be given t0 Developnieni and Pence who arc cuiTently working on their Water Campaign. The members of the Student 0f Living Life group would lîke Io îhank aIl] who hrlped oui and came oui for ibis amazing night of art. music, aiid social awarenrss. This week was also an excîing week for the siedents who %vilI he gearing np ihis upcoming werk for ilîcir tcip 10 lîaly. The group wilI he leaving îlîis Wednesday for iheir jonrney across the Atlantic. They will arrive je Milanl for a day of shopping aind continue on iheir way 10 Venice. where ihey will siay for tîwo days. Some of the activities this groups has t0 look forward 10 incInde visiting the Vatican and seeing the Holy Father. Pope John Paul IL a Gondola ride, and of course. the Sisline Chapet. We ai the Royal Report would like 10 wish aIl] people participai- ing in this joumey a safe and leamed experience. 'Me Senior Boys Baskethall learu had an exciting week as ihey continued in their payoff season. The Boys played in the Halton AA championshîps ai Lord Elgin. The hoys played extremely siroug and came out winning hy three points. winning lhem the Hallon Championshîp Title. This was the firsi lime in Senior Boys Hisiory for Bishop Reding. As a resaIt of Iheir win, Thursday was declared a Spirit day and many studenîs ment dur- ing fifth period 10 cheer on the learu. They faced Mississauga's Ascension, and afler a long fought batfle, were defeated. Their coaches, Mr. Freeman and Mr. Jonker congratulale the hoys on a great season. They surpassed any expectalions and for ihis they are very proud. They would especîally like îo recognize the exciîing players, Jow McSween, Zac Ward, Ryne Furik. Dave Tielemans, and Malt Masterangelo. As seen, ihis was another evenîful week for Bishop Rediîîg. AIl sîndenîs are looking forward îo a welI deserved March Break. We aI the Royal Report wonld like t0 wish everyone a relaxing and safe hreak! Quotation of the week: "Hall our life is spent trying lu find somnething to du with the lime we have rushed lhrougb lire lrying tu save." - WiIl Rogers. MILTON DISTRICT Rios SCUGOL "6MUSTANGa MESSENGER"' MD han been raîher empîy lately, parlly due to March Break, but alan because a good chunk of studenîn are now basking in the comrfortable Italian suri. 1 arn sure many of the studenîs left behind are now wishing that îhey had taken the offer to, travel insîead of slaying home, lhough slighîly richer. Wiîhout the lIalian travellers hoosting clans numbers, Thursday's classes were very unevenîful as many stu- dents opîed bo do other lhings right before the Break raîher thaît go to school. This is flot surprising, and the studenîs who did show up for their classes were treated to the Mont educational of films. The arrivaI of March Break put the brakes on ail aclivi- lies in the scbool and also slowed the passage of lime. Last week, many sîndeicîs were seen puliiiîg out their hair aîcd dancing io their seats for wanî of an Ilalian beach or jusî a break off scbsîi. Results front Semi-Fornial have arrived and the Prefecî organizalion bas announced a profit was made. The money eamed will be put back mbt the school as p-art of the annual donation as well as used 10 mun future school events. The major show of the nighî was 'that nameless band' that compleîely dazzled the allendees. For ail the groupies out there, there may be a concert held in the nexi few monîhc feaîuring the band, which by that lime, should have a namne. No doubt, many MD studenîs will flock 10 see the show. Soccer lry-outs are still conîinuing, and aIl participants will be anxiously awaiîing the culs for boîh the girls and boys leains when îhey relurn to school. Performance dates have now been set for Ibis semester's production of Mousetrap. Tickets will be put on sale in the next short while, so keep lisîening for more detaîl. Have a safe aîcd fun-filled March Break! "6DATELI1NE DRUR"P Alicia Visconti John Peterson Eriko Stromre E.C. DRURY Rion SCHGGL3 Once apon a lme, hece lIved 3 Hebbis Alino Erico eand Jnhnatoe Each of which lIved in ther ewn Hobbi heles The winte had heen hueh, Iravn g the groand a mud-ridden mess. Their gardens mnald neyer grow agaîn. if the Hehhils ceaIdait fis their dîsustereus yards fast. One day, Eneceo was Sittiag on a maffeli eaîîng her tniffett, white îhînkîng nf how hec garden had gene aslcay. Along came Jeheatn (celuning front hîs journey!), who sîoed tll heside hier and enclaimed ihai he had baund a mugiraI hean Ihal day, Ericcn mendered where he had foand il. Johealo pcecaimed, "Why, ai a mugi- cal celebratien nf delîghîful faliage." (The Canada Blooms Show!) Ai the show. ichuale hadl the pleasare oif vieming the dîsplay nf Fnliuge Feîîsh's "Garden Balcon> Design." The Tcronîe-hased company had enlered a cempelilin milS a series cf h Gardens îhai each complimenîrd <le "Small Space Garden Design" whîch is the eew Incas liii 2(X(14. Fnar sîndenîs fronm E.C. Derr; Dama Leslie, Mailt l-ieii Mark Vinies, and Kimherley Gifisco mme asked le help wîîh the seing of the ceipans 's designs, Alîliougli the ccnipany did't ciii. tis is a <ge .ieciiigplislinien 1or these ciiideiiîc siiice i i,~ f~lic <cclt lime ihai a publie ýchoc! lias assîsîed in au cveîîîo his magnîînîle.. Ws tc "g rue"fnr> Alicio Lcard Ericco <nd lchiîain ialking oi tis iagical beaui 55e suas exircele- 1c jealcas of Joliiato'. maie bean, so jealcis in icit. liii her once greenskii tîncî n . duli colnur oi scpi. Slic knee she h,îd iii have i., and she aise kne liai Jfnlî's ne %ccakncsýs wis her liîîly (ccii Hîîbbîî vnîcc Shc hegai to sing: 'Beirc. beanx. <lie nincal cruit... liuhiî.ii îmmedîaiely dropped the hean. Whceeer d<4 yoi ciare ioin iig lîke hi< Oni Tlrrdy Maccl 11 th, fle E.C. Durîeinsic depacîmeni performed ai Alleuudale. Tie lize Bland, Jazz Cîînîhî. Conrcert hand, aed Choirc each per- lccnied a nniher oi pieces iii a saniel> ni styles. Alicîn happeed le he sîîîîng iii the hack. and mas ahle <e mineor the choeus angelic ceices. Alihcngh hec <ceg selecîîonncculd, perhaps have heen dîlleceîîî. she sîill managed bo hypeolîze Jnhnaîo. Aliciu mmit <e snaîch ap the magîcal bran. hut Erîcce mils standing iii hec wcy. Erîcco yelled. 'ycn donit nerd the beau! Yearr foce small le clîmh the stock anymay." Alicîn hcd hec grceen colrr hack. "stop Ihai discriminalcry alii- tnde! Sire has no hccring ce ni> abîlîtîrs. Match 2 I si <s flie "Internaionial Day fer fic Prevenîcon of Racism.' Eeryday people merk lii stop rccsm, bel on ihis day. Iri's boing focmccd an încrasrd awarnrss fcr the pîrenlîce cf cacîsm. Erîccc mas soirr. She knew she shîînldn'i have saîd ihal. ced the heau mas passrd fenth le Alîcie's samaîief arms. She decîded le plant the hean in the puh- lic pacis, sc i ccnld li enoyrd hy everyce icham mas înspîrrd hy Alicîc's nature, and drcîded le panîicîpaî in the 2nd mnal "Cal Ion the Cure" ai E.C. finrr. mhîch miii lake place ai the end cf Match. Sîndenîs thai are involard in "Cul for the Cure" miii be shavîng iheir heads in ecdec le caîse meney. Ail pro- cerds frcm <lus ecrel miii hc denaird in canîcer research, se be sure le sponsor ail participants! Wîîh îher gardens mnch improerd hy the moagie Sean. Alicio. Erîcce, and Jîîhnaîe ail ccîîred hack le Iheir HoSSîl hoies l'or a meil-deservrd Maccl Break. The ihrce «cvd happîly ever aller. Tue cend. TRIVIA Last Ieek's Question: Ho% niaiî <ies havc I)rers 'c orestlers cion lFSAA' Aîîîccî: own' l'iis Week's Questionî: le chat niontch c% il] Dror> 'c 25th aiiniccrs.iry tckc plce!

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