Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Mar 2004, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 12, 2004-27 John DiGirotamo, ana famîlies wîch to tisank 005 tamily and fronds for yoar actsofe kîndness and sympaton dur- îng the passîngofa my Wiie, 000 Mother ana Granelmotti- or Melanra. At tîmes f ike titis yoor comfoCt ana support mecs more than words con say. John, Ntck, Retph, Mike, Mary and familles Tise famity et Oenise Persaud woctd like to tuane att of ther iamily and friands who sent flibwes, and do- nations in hor memory, also, those wfio vtsdted, Coco presence and caning were groatly appreciated. We woaid aiso tiko to shnk Cae stuCf ai BeCaany Rosi- denco for tnir toeîng crte and attenion oeer the pact n2 years Pctty poar caning vite co appseciated. And tact bct niot taot Ose emergency rot staff ana thne nursec on tise 5th itoor cocOs oi Joceph Bsant Hospi- toi Yoc wese sa cndstaneling, carno ana iseipial dasing hes hospîtatization. Tisane you Debisie for yoo iseip dcning the tact moments. Olive & Jim M1,mas, El aine Persoud. Linda Norton & Famify, Juckie Deyaang & Famify. ý WANTED - s ii na, Sîlvor, Cryctat, Toc Caps, Rayai Doaltan. Owaraecks, Glass, Jomel- lery, Otd tayc, Cottectibtos, Estates. Ccii John/-Tracy, 05-331 -2477. CASH pcid tas antiques and caiiectihtec, china. fig- arines, jowotiosy, fameuse, caine, etc. 905-8i78-3145 oeil' 905-8i76-7950. 3 paret bred, chior haisod, mate Pekîngoco poupc. Toc - serrocc bayer & tovîng home. Ccii 905-875-0930. 1980 oicmebsie Delta M0. 70,OOOtkmc, original! No rsct on body, tramte notas wosk. $tase. OBO, cati 905-702-2752. 1991 Ford Eccort CT p/rani, ficpd., rat radiaic: atean air 06/03. $900 090. 905-877-3228. 1992 Fard Eccori Wagon, cetified, Etoctod, $2.700. Ccii 905-878-5330, atter Cirs 905-8i78-933n1 1993 Plymoaths Sadanco, 4 dos haichisac, 52,000.Osytmc, lady drinen, autamatic, 4 cytindos. 2.5 ltuer, AMJFM, nec Oses, sui- ties and battery. CetiCed $3,500 aSt. Cai 905-878- 4691. 1997 Honda Accord Spe- ciel Editiun, 4drAuto, ieaOs- ose, AC, caruoti, CD, toad od, n25,osyks, calety, Etoctod, groat chape $10.500. Cati 905-702- 8814. 1998 Niasan Altima, au- tomnatic, 115,0trtcms, faits faaded, nes blaoi ires, eceolent condition. $9,950. 090. Cati (905) 203-3902. 2000 Ford Fanas SE, 4- dour, automatea, wite, faits ioaded. 641cm, mini candi- bon. $8,900. CcliI905-702- 1844. 2000 Monte Caria SS. Sul- ver on black, heaied toaCa- os, ioadod. 12,t00kms. Asking $10.500. Cai citer 4pmn 519-053-9977. Self il todlay in the Canabian Cttampioa 2001 Baîce Fare Avenae, 3.8L V-t. srsver, leutier in- serir, eaecatîve drîven, non-smoking, att tise op- tions,' verni dean, annuaiy rasi pranted, ceCîiîied. Acte- ing $17.500. Cai 905-873- 0455. 2002 Dodgo Carcoan Se, 41 ,OOOkms, taadod; 2002 Dudgo Neon, sspd. 3n OQOtemu, bease taiseover S275/mth. 9i05-821-6105. SAW-WHET GOLF CLUB requires F/T & P/T 0 Pro Sbop *Kitchen help *Maitennnce heîp Appiy rn pessor on IlMasch 13,10-2pmn or eMaich2O,10-2pm os mail reseme: 1401 Bonte Bd. Octevilie ON L6M 4G3 No phare caiia piocoor ertIfl Trin Highiy psofessiorai, maiaied sadivîda for totiington's masi exclu- sie fitooso club for woen Eu-tise Fout Fa,? y Flaw 1111U6439-1440 Lin Bordent Mr Mai&s Cleaners MNedat We areob ngfor a fewgoodpnpl We offer " Daylimie Fluor - Mon fa Fri " PId training " Paid Miteage " Wtekly pay " Benefits availabte Cao flaes (905)847-2210 CAREER SEMUNAR RFflIF'T F considering a charge from yoar carrent broker or tooking for a new career, yoa owe it ta yourself f0 aftend fOis seminar. fou Will Ff cd Out About WhoaC should canarder real estate (ard who should rot) *Provircial licensing course *Royal t.ePage trainirg, prcord deorent ana support * iow ta get a qaîck tant *How ta maxîmîze yoor incarne Tknuàïi Mu'c 18,17:30 Pmn 9 u C1111l L, koghtW n Seahing as trmrted, cati noir ta renerve a neat! ROYAL LEPAGE Millton 905-878-:101 iîtsiisitis Georgetown 905-877-8262 Re Misisauga 905-821-3200 SB URLINGTON FOUNDATION The Bonlington Commorîtly Fondation actieely srves the people of Bortington by atactiag permanent charita- ble capital and pravidîng grartas, leadrrship and ser- vices that entharce the health and vital ityofn oor cern monity. The Commotîty Foundatîon is oeeking a dynamîc EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Io help leaO tho organitation soccessolly int the futore. The Enecotîoe Director repnrts 10 the Board of Dîrectors and nopparto a cote o) volonteera in arean nf tord deoelopment grant makîng, commonicationn, financa, inveetmnert and commonîty leadership. The successful candidate must demaonstrate: " Exceptinnal organîoatîonal, interpersonal and communication sisn " Experience rn assaI deoeîopment & fondraîsîng " Knowledge af the Burlîngtor commonity The soccesotol cardidate ontl be an ootgoîng ana hîghly motivated prrson wh0 wilý proolde leadership and vision ta meet the challenges aheaa as the foundatîon moves nIa a yerîod of grawth and eepansionn Salary is nego- tiable cammensorate ith goalificatiors and eeperîence. Pleate sobmit resomes hy Aprîl 1, 2004 ta: The BonisOgtan Community Fondation 1349 Plains Rd. E. Borlington, ON L7R 3P7 Fax 905-639-2716 Entail christine.kempet8sympaticai.ca We thask ait applicanfo for thoir intereat bot oniy thoat aeiected for an intervaiew wii be coaiactedl ENGINEER Oaiseilte based aeroapace marofactorer requîrea an elec- trîcal/hydraulîc intercornectien ergineer os ilt waris indeperdeatly and liaise wîth tot coatamers ta develap, design, document ard qaalityi întercornectîor syatems for ose ia harah eavironmeata. The socceastol candidate wiii be molli-disciplinay, have several yeas of design eeperierce 00100 CAD software (prefer Catia), sourd kaawledge of mechanical and matesial disciplires wîth gaad anterpetonal skilta and attention to detail. Please Iorward your neomme ta PO Box 6436 c/a Onkoille Beaver 467 Speers Rond., OaIcvilIe, Ontario L6K 3S4 'Au. cdx ci) o OED Ain ourds s n AFARlMEN FOR KMN, AUIOMOIL, RECRA11ON VEUiCLE AM'I MOTRCYCLES FOR SAME wtt) aise be inctaded in Ihis addiliona citcation reachf f Coli todary lot gel your od loto the exlexded meach of recrderst 905-878-2341 Production Superviser Requîred for Steady Afternoans Cesponsibie for maîntaînîng guality o) prodoct, planning of manpower reqoiremonts, nopervision o) hourly empioyoes, acitecomont nf production objectives, compliance with CeaitO and satety rogolatians. Minimum 3 years spervîsosy experionce in a high vnome or assombty oporation. Excoptiona commonication, organizatiota and prob- lem-aoling steitis tequîtod. Sobmit a deiaried nsoume ta: fana Corporation Long Manufacturing Homain Resaurces Depattmenf 1400 Advance Rd., Oaknîiie, Ontario, LOL 6L6 Fao: 905-825-8425 Na phono cails please. Oriy those oeiectod for an interview wil 0e conltacted. EXel~ Exet is a leader in third-parly supply chsin management speciaizing in a wide range of warehousing, transporta- lion and logistica services. Our commiliment to quaiity services and leam-focused achievement has created ex- citing opportunities for Order Selector Operators. ORDER SELECTOR OPERATORS FuI I-lime & Pari-lime positions availabie. Various shifts available. Must be avaitable 10 work overlime. Applicants may apply in person ait: 8001 Parkhitt Drive, Milton, Ontario on Monday March 15, 2004 tram 9:OOam - 4:00pm. Appiicanls unable la attend may fax a resume 10: Human Resources 905-878-6365 Dsîe'rsty sund eu'rsaliti rea ttefoisi tii oifrisr e'ssptryiyrest pîractiais. JOBS Wne AVAILABLE W ne Production sork ntse MILTON area. Floral Designer $11 $12/hr Ai shsifts ceasîcoît. Contact Bary ci Fax orae in. Miton Greeose Fiower & Cr5t Sisnp HCR Caff: 905.878.950f or Drop Resume 080i 416-622-7258 or 222 Main St. E., Milton FULL-TIME Hetp required day or nîght shift -n Wood Shop. Some heavy liftng. Must 0e rellabfe. Apply in person with resume to: 12 Armstrong Avenue, Unit a Georgetown, ON No phcone cati pleasel HARO) WORKER NEEDED $1 3.00 per hour Must have transportation and be abte to work independenty. Catit Brian 905-702-3836 NEW RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE... .... movîng 10, Georgetown requires energetic cteaning staff. ] Contact Penny ait 905-702-9452 10 arrange appointiment Loakîng for a Fuli-time Produce Clerk " Must hasesa minimum of 3 yeaurs reialed espenience. " Must be capable of working in a busy bears ennirontment " a soit motieated persan wilh leader- ship skiffs is necessary. Competitiee salary and benefits anaitabte. Also tooking for Part-time Produce Clerk *scits retired persan with rsany years eoperiesoe. Appty in prorn 620 Eglinlon Ave. West. near Mentis In Mississauga or tfax (905)712-9606 FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted Cail 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company LANDSCAPE CONTRACTrOR Now hîring tabourers and foremen opersting from the Georgetown area. Experience in landscape con- struction and DZ and AZ license an asset. Fax: 905-702-8486 Phone: 905-702-9878 JO ERHWIHRSLS EXPERIENCEO WORKERS EMPLOYMENTIPROGRAM Dîscover 1-tow Te: -identify yosr kny strengtes and steis Write effective restames aod cocoes -Use tise Internet and post pour rnscmne -Promnote poorseif in an interview Yeu Must Be: a45 years oi agir or oider -Unemptopird and seeking more i.e i t .160-S roeree s, unrit 1 eei Buerigre 905-681-3356 ext 21 wce,,e enona,ee,s a Experienced Esihetician &Hairstylist Hair For Total Skia & Body Cic in Milton Please drop offtommere or S tylistsPhone 1111 af 519-853-5842 Baud a Carees and leave a message Commnission &Bonus tn of Iavll' Pr e Salon "Unbeatable benetito euie th i-- lo gpronl "Advanced apdating Salon Manager * F/I "Apprentîcea ecm Lia. Siptic with neot tess than 5 years Rap. Cati Samantsa 905-308-6118 Exp. Hairstylists s .firstchcice.ces Fait os pari-tise wdth net teos than 3 secrs eop. Ptoaso caîl kym @ 905-849-8808 Ex1221 osond resume 10: kymm@bollnel.ca witn tire pubic. We ofer an excellent siaing aarp gnap, leni package 420 Ste010e Ave. Il Mitta, ON or fmxod 905.8762573 Attendtu: Anft* PARTS DEPARTMENT i Coonter pension for busy Ford deal- ership in Georgetown. Ford Micro- cat experienced required. Salary plus bonuses. Pliesse catit Keith Davies CONCEPT FORD 905-846-4600 or fax 905-873-1958 WANTED: AZ DRIVERS Fiat bed work Cor SoLJthern Home weeisends. Beneits Cai Best Transfer 519-853-5773 - Ext. 6 or 1-800-862 -1470 - Ext. 6 PERMANENT FULL TIME DRIVER/SERVER NEEDED Must have excellent driving record. 5 days plus. Must be mature. Avaitabte weekends and fate nights. $9-12 per hour. Ptease cat Jennifer Otmstead ait Kentners Catering 905-873-0404

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