Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Mar 2004, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 12, 2004 I. m p to n CLASSIFIED DGTLINE: 905.875.3300 Cîàss! ifiediie dsapera IN vIu I MI T A WOftt ai HOMti Job Ou Vour Compuer. Training Provîderi. F/T, FIT Code n4 warm.MyHousePCJob.corn $$MONIEYSS 100% 1 sf, 204 andi 3rd Mortgages. Sari credO 0OK. Cai Otario Wida 1-888-307-7799. 5-YR O 4.49/, Alo eqnity mortgege progremos regard- loss of inrove or rrif. Cali CHAIS 0 1-800-328- 7887 or vinif as et cusnin- 2-brn apartrsenb us down- tocs Mltons, inriarian aboya, f ririge, basf & mater $85W/us1. Avralble Aprif 1, coi 905-878-9501. 3-bobirnou frasnfy paisnorl, racir f0 mono, in. C/A. risse 10 nrbooin, benk, mail. Non-smonking, vo pots. $1,200lmonfS plus ai ilition. Relenrene ro- quirari. Ceti 805-691-6T77 ACTON 2 - boedeoos apenl- monts, enaileble Aptil 1 st & May loti. $860/usfb. Quiet building, no pets. 519-853- 0976. ACTON 3-bodroom I $875/usontb andsi bbd- roous $575/usonth. Bot10 iv- dadae hast. Availebi o April t sf, irntitant. Cai 905-454- 4559 ACTON Apatuents t & 2 berirovus apartusant aveul- able Nom andi for future. Pririge & Stove. lasndry faciîfieu, No dogs 519-853- 4374 open 7 days/mek same day approva. ACTON large 2 sforey 3- beriroous uparfusent iv Tvi- plex, clone f0 nrbonis anri domnfomn. $850/rnonf b plun stîlfien. Anailabie April 1sf. 519-833-2038. ACTON large 2-borirsou apartusent, $750/mf h plus; large t-bed upartusent $550/n10 plan; 519-853- 5080, 519-853-5352. ACTON large 2-bariroous apertrsenf, $775/us10 pIlon; 519-853-5080, 5f9.853- 5352. GEORGETOWN 3 babi- mont roais ffoor, calS ts DO. Not-rsoking, o pet Aaîarascen, fifmffleas, shareri ieunr. $t25/uds10 ndlWus 40- oc. Cai (905) 673-4708. * Ada Stoberesnn & Uisa Toneli are thrilled ta annoance tineir son Kody Robert. * Firsi grandchild for Aady & Cindy Toneli, Islt nephew for Greg Toneff, and forif grontchdlt for George & Ruth Siobermonri. Kody is alo welcameti C, by hdv greaf.grasdnoterv ( Dans Tonelli & jennie Marey., ....... pm "M. ttuttUM iarg8lun onun- separaba enfrance. 1 beri- mous basernant aparfusent roous, patio anri gardes. avaîlubla May t. Saparafa Parking, ufildties, cabia in- entrance, soif single, non- cluriar. Mapia/Dalrao. No susoker. $850/rnonfb. smoking, no pets. P irnt/iasl, rafarencan ra- S700usonbb. Avoulable April quireri Cai 00-878-573. 4f5. Suit single business Cali 905-873-6390. MILTON, 1 barirou apartusent. parking and sOil- DOWNTOWN GEORGE- Oties includeri. 5825.2 bar- TOWN 2-badroom spart- 1roorn availabia. $945. + ment cifb C/A, lasndry Clan anri quiet building. facliffies, fuil bats plus para- Cai Mary 905- 299-062 der room, parking. Availabie irmariiabaly $950/rnonth v afilifien. OEbarnu Annileble Marcb fnb. Cal f N ero aprrnenf 805-873-2539. vety dlean, acceptable bor -________ oklier prorn. No pals, nef- DOWNTOWN MILTON arances. $825/usonth rsdlu- Mil"nd Tomera 82 Mil"sd sive. May 1sf. 905-877- Die. 1&2 Barironus Apfs. «1209. Clone ta Doranfoco. Bas OEbdruseogon ofpn rn or 905-876- Tiplex, dlan. bragt & apa- 1249 wwc.raLnar.ca cross, $739/s1 inclu sive. GEORGETOWN nucly Apnil 1nt. 905-702-1911. rasovnad 2-brous, .rý VERY npacioss 1-barrn vae fanndry, 2-car parking. basousont apenusosr. no pets/nmoking. m- close to ail arnafen, alili- dinftl, $980/mb b pins, flan inrf 040 Availablo Firntlast. (90)873-8M. May tnt. $90/ontuset. Cali GEORGETOWN ornal 1- 05-8776659 bodroom apanfusenf $495 usnfb plus byr n Ave fable onusarianfaly. No pots. Cafli 0-873-3355. SI raBfan,3bv GEORGETOWN, 2-bari- bonne, large lot, SblOO/mth mous, $765/us10. plus bout +, soar arrienites, naailble & bydro, imrnodiafoly, imusodinfOfy Cali 905-826- instlant, no-pets. Aelarenc- 0665. (905)od95-c1e50. ACTON, 3 boirnous, vice (805)95-130. Street, gas hst Availeble Fobrunry lsb. $1OSO/m1 + utilifies. Cai (519) 653- GLEN EDEN 5658. COURT HORSE lave for rost. sndi- APARTIMENTS virisai staîts or ail stalîn. 122 Broafba Street, Othor burno anri residancen South, Milton 10e ara nom accapfing availabie in Aorkmoori applications for area. Ornai S. Datas AE 1-1 badravus Brokar. 519-766-2996. Avail. Mambh 15 MILTON ao;maîAi muse-Ï 1-1 bodroom diby,13/rt+si- Avail. May 1 itl,$30mh+ulii 1-t borirovs fies, 2-brn, 2 bat 1200. Aval. May 15 1nq. Il. buoga/or in nom For more Drury Par aduf dovaiop- Infortiîon andior lai usent. 5 appliancen, C/A, tusae ~plnt- garage, ful basarnent. No Please Cati smoking, susail pet mal- 905-679-5375 couse. 905-878-7474. Building Managera MILTON TIMBERLEA, Lonard à Penny benafiful dat homo brin 1.5 bath, Oin basernf, bafi- faf riocb. doabie dnvcy 4 GREAT 2-badmoom doms- appi. No pets, Nonsmker, tocs Georgetown. Non- $1400 plan atifitlea. Cali S--,, 416-728-0210. May 1sf. $880/rns sn- cIndes parking. Cai 905- 702-3301. MAYFIELD, 12,000 nq.ff.. seif-cosfnineci, 2-berm apentuseot. Firapisca, AIC, pool, neparato Onfrance. No ausolnghot. Single maleo onfy. 5825/monts. Cafli 905-843-1 273. diaea 1. Herrimnoo fovn, 4 applievrea, petS- liSe settinè. Anfingl Bled.. Sarlington. 905-681-0070, www.pmorfineMviewtea bosse, appliancen, garage. $t200/no. plus ut fît ras. 905-876-2997. MILTON 3-br toms- hoose, eocellent condions. 371 Brovfe Sf. availabla April 1sf. $1200/mfb + sOi- fies. Cai 805-878-4781. "NEW GREENFARK TOWNHOUSE' - 1650 sq. O. 3 berironus, 2.5 bath, ga- rage entrunre, 5 appfianc- as. clone fo nobools nhop- ping anri barba onfo a park. Askisg $1500.00 par monts. ffrnlnnt. Minimum osa yoar le.n, uflitin on- Ona. Cai Alofi or Frances (905)-854-3435. ucmm a i sousson, cra hanse, ut iffione incluried, saperais e cashm, rlose f0 DO. quet prorn, son- susoker, vo pots, Apr lt PirLs 1, 500/mus1. Cai 416-254-1519. MILTON - sbaed acroms- msodation for quiet. rion nosnmokisg lotusle. Per-N, ing & afifif ion inriadeci. Clone fa meil & Do. 905- 878-4977. TOWNSIOUSE in Georgetown, close fa DO. Oms bodmous, ottng moom, 4 place bats, A/C. Sbared kifcliev, iaundry, ail ap- piancen. No pots. 5650/monts plus 1/2 sf111- flou. liusf anri lest. 905-873- 0161. BIRTIl mobser isskîng for1 ber dugbfer (binth sae NICOLE DAWN), bous Or- i fabar 21. 1974 eith1e Misasn District Hospital. Pieuse rapiy fa Boa #1010 c/o The Canadian Champion, 1§1 Main Sf. E, Milton, Ont., L9T-4N9. A passionefe, mature & professionaiy Cortifiori ECE/Mastossori Teacher launching u m ornoe cfasnroorn cbifdcaro pro- graus. For more infomatio or n progreusi package for pour rbild, pleane contact Seusanîbe et 905-878- 6524. DAYCARE soneac us our Somna Passe ral (905) 319-3634. Loe and Mark Taylor are thrillad f0 anvounce the Sala arri vat of a beaotiful baby boy, Jacob> Edraard Taylor was bom on Tborsday, Marcb 4th, weighing 8 Ibo, 10 oz. OverJoyed first dîme Nonno and Nonna are Ennico and Livia Cevadase. of Niagara Falls and tfiird rima grandparavts are Ted and Gail Taylor, of Owan Sound . Spacial tbanks fa Diane Kerit and Taryn Woolsey Of Halton Midwîvas and Dr. Sharma anri staff at D.TM.H. TALBOT - KevIn and Liaa (oaas Rua-Tribbu) ara plaad f0 anvoonca the birtb of their son Andrara Mar- caa weigbing 6 Ibs, 15 oz at Milton District Hospital on March fftb, 2004. Beauiful baby boy is anaîously mal- corned into a bosa foul of love. The world vaan increri- ible ocean of conosity andi wonders. Swim throogb itaf yoor own pace and explore ail yoo cas. Lova Mom & Dad, proori siotars Laura andi Danialla. WILLOUGHBY- Andruw MacLennan, 1967-2004 Paacafolly at borna on Marcs io, 2004, Andrew went to be wifb 004. H-e toogbt a long and hard bafle wib cancer for 8 yesrs and inspîrei many by bis delerrnina- tion f0 carry on andi witb bis sfrosg taifb. Ha leaves be- bînr bils ever loving vile of 24 years Jennhfer (nies Meffz) and bis belovei cbildren Emily and Maffbew, as vieil as Ebony, wbo broogbf bim o much joy duning bis baffle. Also bis parants George andi Margeae Willougb- by, brofber Sfepben, Sisters Jocfy (Arbal) Singb. Hilaty andi Giflian, mofber iv lac Jean Meffz, brofbers in law Paul (Ans), Don (Joanita) and 8 Nieces. Arrangements entrant er fbroagb tbe J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St, Milton (a05) 878-2e6a. Crama- tion bas taken place. A Memorial service will be baîri on Satarfay, May 15, 2004 ait 1:30 PM frnm tbe Prince of Peace Lotberan Cburcb, 1299 Brant Streef, Buriingfon. In Lies of ffoweus Donations f0 the Canadian Cancer Society Miffon Brancb Transportation Pond, Wo044 Vision's "Lifeime of Safe Water" or "Seed, Tools andf Leaming Proîects in Andrew's memory woold be ap- preciafeni. Thanko lv everyone tor ail tbeir prayers and Lsupvo tbroogb tbeve years. GRAN, TERRY - ln foving mematy of a dear Brather aod Uncle raha pasaed anney March 13, 1985. Tbe special yeaus will sot refum, isbas ie ware ail fvgefber. Bot wrtb lovîng memonies in oor beart, yoo wll be witb us forever. Laved by Trncey, Shane, Jady and Brittnny. ln Ioelng muemory of BRUCE ERVIN - Marce a, 2003 In meusory ni a very caring and devafei bosband, fa- ther, latber-in-law, grandffafber, andi friand. Who leff on alfa pear age. 'GONE BUT NDT FOAGOTPEN, TILL WE ALL MEET AGAIN" With ail aur love Your Famlly Ilufovng munory of our sacuua baby Benjamin James Graham March 13-25, 1M9 Pîve yeaus bave pansed and yt etOtmes, Itfteels fike yesterday. 8 ce oald bo granteri one cinb, If wosfd ha f0 bave ynu tiers witb on, Nnc and Forever. Vos cr11 alwayn basns bu earts. We Mins yns. Love, Mommny, Daddy and Toddxxo» ln Menma.y af Davi "Spankry" Stevena Neyer Porgonten Obeers rny Pniend Lova Nul & Val, and ail yoer rianda SCHICHT, Fritz In loving nmumory of a condarlf huaband, desoei lai er and grandafther cho paaaud away Match 13, 20M3. G04 looked aroond bis gardes, Andi founri an ernpty place, Ha thev looked dlown opon fbîs aIS. Andi saw yosr tired face. Ha pst bis sons arounri yos, Andi liffari yos fo rest1 Dodos gardes mont baé beasîdu, Ha only faken tbe basf. If broke sor bearts o 0 In yos, Bot yos dîd sot ge alose, For pari orf Os went rarth yos, Tbe day God calleri yos borne. Sadly mlaud andl tueur lorgoles Ruth, VioleI ngrid, Puet, Andy and familles. In Memonama in fthe forti of donaiorns b The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciafed. Cards of Thanks are on page 27 of Classifieds A Dîning Assus, cherry- cood, double puduuftal tabl, 8 chair, buffet, batcb, dovafail conntruc- tion. Newr nfi in bones. Cont $1f1.000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905.567.9459 A King Piiiowfop Mantraso Set Nec in plastic. Coof $1600. 905-567-9459 BED, Arnazîng bargain qseen ortbopeiic pillowtop Set, sem is plastic, warrany $100 905-567.4042 mii de- liver. Badroon Cbarrymood, Bari, cbes, dreosser, 2 nîgbtstands. Dovetal Con- struction. Neyer opeaer Cont $8.000. Sacrifice $2.600. 905-567-4042 BUY/SELL star lifts, parcs lOts, alevutors, wbaeicbaius, bospial saris, scoters, etc. Cai Silvar Cross 905-847- 5504. CARPET i bave neyera 1.000 yrris. of nam Stain- master & 100% nylon car- pet. Wii do livingroors & bal for $389. lncisdao car- paf, pari inotallation (30 yarn Stleve, 0569 28 FREE Enlirnafas. Dot mob- biy chairs, fireri ioaking wooi finisSes? Aieldn Con- ftnu Wnood Auffnisbing ani Fausniure Aapaius. 9-9.0905 632-9090. HAY for sale. 1sf, 2nd, 3rd csf affaffatfiusofhsp quare ibaies. Square baies of wbenf offinu. Menrybrook Parus (905) 879-237. HOT tub fornsal, unari. nec caver, nits 8, perfect condi- tion. $2500. or bas offer, you mova. Cal 905-87- 0410. Hot Tubh: 2004 ail optionn, wafall, Ozanaor, Aed- cooi cabinat, never anari, nfii in rarapper. Cont $9.995. Self $5.000. 416- 746-099 SEAT Safl Presses sp yoar riinenfeldiningroon chair nats a/saiecari fnb- ricsfrm St 9glach. Seat csbios, qafity bonus re- placemsent bous $29.95a. Pilds Fomifare anri Fnb- ricn. 9-9 daify. 905-632- 6000. MvdMoved The Pianio Doclor Toîîng e Reparts Reçssditioning Apyraîsols e Esimalos Salis oi reosdilîoried Pianos For moto dotoîls cal 8iii Szunurunyi Cull: 905-616-7244 pîavodocioriryabss ça Cali and GET IT SOLDI III Monday to Friday 905-878-2341 Apln, Holan (Wllcox> Peacefsfly passed away et Allenda e LTC on Tsursday, Marchlltb200daf fbageof 91. <Refirerifrous Nabis- o Brans). Predeceased by ber bssband Leonard (1 85) and granddasgbferJdemie Zeffer (2000). Lovmng- ly rarnernbered by ber cbifdren Sandra and Bernis Ena- fise (t'asbago), Mary Ans andi Nef Larnore (Byng fIs- faf) and Linda and Richie Zadar (Miffon). Prosd grand- motber of Tracie, David, Adams and Cathy Ovalise, Wayne, Jeff and Kimn Lausore and Jared Zeller. Dean grat grandusotber ai Jease and Juase. Farnify and Mainda rnay vinît af tbe UCKERSIE-KOCHER FIJNERAL, Hom 114 Main St Milton 90547&-4462 fusus 7-8 pus on Fniday and 2-4 pus on Satsrday. Aecep- ldon fa folfora. In fies of Iflowern, marnoril donations ta the Alfendale ondation woard be appraciafed. Thank yoa to0the staff ai Afianda a for fbeir ioving cars.' MARK 1910-2004 William Harold Mark panneri ncny at Sf. Jonapbns Hos- pitai an Wadnendny, Marcs ta, 2004 in bis 94th yaar. LOving sbond aI Wrnnifred Mark. Devofad fatber of Ken and Dianne. Cbarinbad grandffbter of Mark and Ban. Brnfbar-in-law ni M. Clamants. Predacennei by bils parents W. Mark and M. Mark, brnfbems Anas, Loma andi Joneph, niofaus Edosh and Marial. Ha dl be rninued by rnany nieras and napseco. William cas bousin Mil- ton, Ontario and joinad the R.C.A.C. in f844. Ha enter- fainer it 'Tîh 1e Menry Maindy Makeus". A graveside nervice rail ba baid ut FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL GARDENS, 2001 Dundas Streef Easf (af Wavell1), London on Saforday Marcs 13, 2004 ut 10:30 arn. Arrangements enlrunfad f0 Mernori Posera Home 519-452-3770. Rigo, Turusa At Aifendale in Milton on Wadnasday, Morcb lots 2004. Téea Aige, balooed milfe of tbe fate Duglielmo (Wil- lim) Aige. Loving rnofbar orf Lauro andi bis mife Mary Aigu andi Helen and ber bunband Doog Smsith. Dear Nono of Jay, Ailinon, Amy, Davîid and Emily. Prede- cenneri by ber ninteus Maria, Ernestirna, Aonîna, Ange- lise and bar brotber Anberto. Farniiy and friands rnay visit af the MCKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME, 114 Malin St Miltons 90t6-78-M42 frous 2-4 pus and 7- 9 pus on Friday. A igil Service mutl ba baid Priday aven- ing al 8:30 prn. A Mass of Cbristian Buriai miii bocal- ebralari at Hof y Aonary Aomsan Cathofic Cbsrcb on Sel- arday, Marcb 13th 2004 at 11:00 arn, Infermant f0 fol- for a the Miffon Evangreen Carnetery. Marnoria dosa- fions f0 the HenOt and Stusha Foundation coul d bo ap- prefad by the larniy. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated

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