W. 1i8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 12, 2004 o iDateline us a free listing of Avenue as 7:3 coming events only. The column Knox Presi IFis available to local community Main St. E. t corouns to assist in nromotinflnc a n-bd *specrnld*y wloo 6 fdt wa 'D ply& *b44à 16h4,2.4 b5VEC~'enýte RdfE*wi.a±à N,klttudsideawbag P9WjS.a,1 - Pm w ws, keylus reme - 2.4 ç5 l 24 ve V V1tCubo ne qqW * kwgu 1 Im%.m LMM . s 2004 HONDACIVIC SE $16.800" MSRP $ C so*mtu 4hve~atueg IMM"y é.tq~tuo Georgeto wn Honda 316 Guelph St., Georgetown 905-873m1818 THE SMARTER WAY TO Buy. l ý --A&rrt a, AWbopeâEmC St spel M W4- SE xbX114m 2l8stpeanaf« 4ITIUh.AJ. 52M,38%(W %ts oti a~1876/2721741l1,231). Dme py oerçÀIt 4 , 1M201 dc.il MM phsaalde,M w u* m ý 0 tu rnedu aaIt WMfo 1,»lglmA,0 axat "MP£RPdmrd.iefàtsp0El,8141tt à3.%masa to is "on l ew stx5k M iSe CuçWO achM1204 Ct H ýSRVfl f,64ad tndcdc FRgq sc: 12Io al3 pram ç$»3pr ft W ffft C1. ,980 k 3lta toâ Oom d 21,991.80 OmMOfe emW C* mf Z4 fet s Z6-t Wm xMM *àd emwf soý$0.Sêpt u U6 C0el1«1,700 esm àWefssxaa > X Cs~açàw d rism 0. VMd&R Efmý$4 w nd c o ü M g0MMýRi 70 :ar to mm is 1,3. *e*eTun kw mm, m#M aM É&m ama " Ofls m sMurl tee CrW s Jay204. fSe arad DM mM Me 24 ttSolma A ~sAicmc lCWt 1 $eeAuMWOmd MSme mbifod ûÈRdedeta * 0 p.m. byterian Church, 170 tolda its St. Patrick's their future events. Only charita- ble or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closeat to the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Datelîne should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 PRO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed f0 (905> 878-4943, or e-mailed to mil- toned @haltonsearch.com. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fridays edition. Dateline items aren't accepted by telephone. Saturday Mar. 13 Milton Mail holds Saturday Morning Family Storytime at 10:30 a.m. in the Centre Court, together with the Milton Public Library. Aduit accompaninuent is required. Hornby Euchre is held at the Homby conumunity hall on Steeles CONTRACT NUMBER:. SCHEDULED START DATE: SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE: CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: level from noon to, 3 p.m. The cost of the lunch is $4. Use the Mary Street entrance. Saturday Mar. 13 - 18 Crawford Lake Conservation Area kicks off its March Break Sweetwater Season each day fronu 10 arn. to 4 p.m. and continumng until the end of the week. 'he offi- ciai Sweetwater Day Celebration takes place March 14. On ail days of the event, kids can enjoy Native- style maple demonstrations in the reconstructed Iroquoian Village. There's also a discovery hunt and crafts. For more information, cail (905) 854-0234. Mountsherg Conservation Area continues with its Mapletowne Sugar Camp throughout the March Break fronu 10 arn. to 4 p.m. 'Me event includes mnaple syrup demonstrations, guided horse-drawn sleigh tours and, of course, pancakes. The event costs $5.50 for adulta and $3.75 for kida. For more information, cail (905) 854-2276. Monday Mar. 15 Haiton Regionai Poli 'ce Service presents PACT (Parents of Adolescents Coming Together) at 490 Childs Dr. in the cornmunity roomn fronu 7 to 8:30 p.m. The topic is 'If not your home, where? Reaching that criais point with your teen'. The Milton Horticultural Society meets at 7:30 p.m. as the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Chartes St., to explore 'Designing For Smail Spaces' with Stephamie Morris. The Northl Haiton branch of the Red Cross holds its two-day March Break Standard First Aid Course, which continues March 17. Space is lianited. To register, cail (905) 875-1459. Monday Mar. 15 - 18 Gien Eden Ski and Snowhoard Centre hegins its Ski and Snowboard Adventure Camp, which continues until March 19. Camp packages metlude lessons wîth a professiona instructor. Tlhose interested should register in advance by calling (905) 878-8455 or visitmng www.gleneden.on.ca. * see more DATELINE page 31 WS-2119-04 MARCH, 2004 AUGUST, 2004 LEONARD VERWEY EXT. 7616 1151 ronteRoad OavleO 6 3 $26.800" MSRP 2004 HONDA ACCORD IXaG SE $298, 2004 HONDA PILOT GRANITE $38,800" MSRP $s4[ Pdcowfeuo.i uUi,1dm R* Ead UbM gS.asylMË. NOTC OF CONSTUCTON INSTALLATION 0F WATERMAINS AND WASTEWATER MAINS (SANITARY SEWERS) ON STEELES AVENUE (REGIONAL ROAD 8) FROM JAMES SNOW PARKWAY TO FIFTH LINE SOUTH, TOWN 0F HALTON HILLS M z >0 STEELES AVE (REG. RD. 8) f e, HIGHWAY 401 MAIN ST WEST 1 -r rz M r 1 quanom- fMNie 1