14-The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 12, 2004 ~Penman is re-elected to conservation board THE 2004 NISSAN Lease your 2004 Nissan Sentra 1.8 S and destination and delivery is included. For a limitod time get No Security Deposit. Or choose financing as Iow as 2.8% and get No Payments for 90 Days!t» 2004 NISSAN ALTI MA EXTRA $22,999o* 2004 NISSAN MAXIMA SE WITH LEATHER INT. $310&WR $1 49695~ Witb over 40 standard features like 126-HP 1.8 Litre DOHC Engine 15" Wheels 8-Way Drivers Seat - Air Conditioning -60/40 Split Folding Rear Bench Seat - 1 00-Watt CD with AM/FM Audio System $36,888* 2004 NISSAN MURANO SL ALL WHEEL DRIVE 4%39P By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Brian Penmnan was elected vice- chair of the Halton board of directors at the environmrental Brian Penmnan agency's inaugu- rai meeting recently in Burlington. "ýOur watershed is under pressure with the issue of growth. That issue is near and dear to my heart," Mr. Peniman said at dlic February 26 meeting, just before the bal- lots were cast. Local environmental issues he said are important t0 address include gridlock, new highways, the need for enhanced green space, and the necessity of preserving wet- lands. "Let there be no doubt about the enthusi- asm and dedication 1 bring to Conservation Haiton," hie said. Mr. Penan was nominated for the posi- lion of chair - whicb went instead 10 Jean Williams in a second vote aftêr a tied firat one - by Mayor Gord Krantz. He was then nommnated for vice-chair by Mr. Krantz, who cbampioned Mr. Penman's dedication 10 thue agency. Mr. Penman bas returned to Conservation Haiton (CH) after a three- year hiatus. before which bie served 24 years as a director on CH's board including nine years as chair. He didn't stay away, lhougb, durmng the three-year break from the board. He simply crossed over to CH's fundraismng arm, the Conservation Halton Foundation. "This is an organization t love," hie said. Mayor Krantz, who bas been on CH's board of directors for rougbly tbree decades, was inducted for another three- year terni. Milton appoinîce Ken Keates, wbo served on the board for tbree years, was among the retiring members. 1I will continue 10 support flhe founda- tion - t believe ini il," Mr. Keales sald dur- mng the farewell ceremony. Ms.Wiliarns was re-elected as chair for bier fourth one-year lerm. She bas been a director of CH for 19 years as a citizen appointee from Mississauga. Speaking t0 thue board before the vote, Ms Williams said that as a citizen appointee she bas no hidden agenda or constituents to please. "Wbat you sec is wbat you gel," she said. "I bave no biases, and I'm not dependent se.m EXCITING on page 15 - W W$37,999o* NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 60 mth lease I24,000 km year Deposit Monthly Payment $1 ,Y800 $185** $800 $199g** $0 $21 9** *frelght Includied, taxes extra. 2004 NISSAN X-TERRA XE $30e, Mr-. $289995-- DEMS PEAD'l'TO -E SOLO U"<-mm 2004 CHINOOK 2004 NISSAN 2004 NISSAN 2004 NISSAN PATHFINDER ALTI MA EXTRA QUEST SL wiotvco MURANO SL/AwD $3'jfOi.SR .$4;9tiRP $38 &10ip MOONROOF $33,995* $21 ,995* $369995- $38,999s* ýee