Martin says she 110W always wants to make Milton home 1 fromn FAMILY on page 3 Chris Hadfield and E.W. Foster started a drive the day after the fire to quickiy gather clothes and money for the Martins. Van loads of stuif, froin clothes to toys to, school supplies, poured in fast, flooring staff. Parents rushed to Toronto soon afler to give Ms Mari-n some of the goods for the family to use right away. There are stili about 10 garbage bags of material lefI over wbicb will be split between a family in need and charity. Rose Bi ooks, a secuCti.y ai Chris Hadfield, said the incident has bit her emotionaiiy. "We continually feel proud of things happening at the school, but you can't help but feel proud of the community that so selflessly picks up and helps someone else." Jasmyne is doing well, Ms Brooks said. 'She came back incredibly excit- ed, that ail of us are sleeping upstairs ai grandma's and there's ail ibis pile of inys and cloibes ail around us." E.W. Foster principal Dave Swanson said tie town's IcspoisC is inunmeasurable. "The people of Milton and tihe scbool have shown their ability 10 share and support a family in cri- sis." He noted Sbaneikah and Tenisha are doing fine. One more ihing Ms Martin learned througb ibis ordeal - she's a Miltonian for life. "in not moving froin Milton," she said proudly. "in staying put." Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@milboncanadianchanipi- Child pornography case in court A Milton man charged with possession and distribu- tion of child pomography in January will make anoth- er court appearance ibis week. Kirk Scott Pierrepoint, 34, appeared ai the Ontario Court of Justice via îwo-way video Thursday in Burlingion. T7he court appearance was sel Febmuary 26. His case was remanded to this Tbursday ai the saine courthouse as be's in tbe process of obtaining a lawyer. Mr. PierTepoint bas alto been cbarged witb posses- sion of a conirolled substance. The Canadiani Champion, Tuesday, Mareh 9, 2004-5 ýî S.,