Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2004, p. 25

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Dr. Ron Strohan Optometrist Wakefield Professional Centre 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton Dr. Ron Strehan 905-878-5882 Optmaeit Mon-Thurs 9-6, Wed-Fri 9-5, Tues 9-8 Satarday AM by appaintmant Wendering abeut yeur Child's eyesight - If net then yeu sheuld bel Yeur cbild's future depends en yen.. the Parent! Q. When should 1 bave my child's eyes examined? It is recommended a child be examnined as early as 6 menihs ef age, again at the age ut 2, and yearly thereafier. This is ta ascertaîn whether both of yoar cbitd's eyes are ltealthy, and continuing to develop sarmally. Even thougli a baby is bora with two aduit sized eyes, developmesî of vision continues up ta the age of 8, aitd parceptually throaghoat lite. If an eye is "weab", thea the brais caitaat develop praperty. which may tead ta a condition catled Amblyapia, or boay eye". A child who cannai see clear- ly will flot develop the necessaiy visual acaity far the eye ta see accurately later in life. This will evidently affect yoar child's ahility ta achieve vîsual standards for careers and livetihtlod. Q. Hew can yeu examine chiidrea when tbey canIt respond to questiens? Oculovisual assessments, or eye exammattans involve mach mare ihan answering questions of what is seen or flot sean. Evaluation of the healili, optical qalities, and fonction of the eye's structures, and eye coordination da flot reqaire aay questîaning of the cld. Much information about a child's ahility ta see can he determined ihroagb iharoagh eye examination hy an OPTOMETRIST. Q. Aren'i my children being screened, er testeti in scheels? Ne. Unlortunately, ihere are no routine vision evatuatians occamaig in scbools. The respensibility bais been lefi le the parents. Sisica vision ixs c8/ntro Te S. M in Chmin 9-anSre . MloOtroLT49ý (905) 878-4994 ., M... Fax:(905) 875-4485 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594I Email: drabarrow@&sympatico.ca ' Providing a Natural Way to Better US CHIROPRACTIC SAFE? Chiropractir care ix a safe, effective heat care system for the whole family. While no healtb care, is completely risk-free, few can match chi- ropracticur safesy; its garnte, non-invasive, drug-free mathods banefit aIl age groups, tram newhorn infants ta seniors aid ail ages in batween. Chîrapracîîc is the targest natural bealth-care profession for a reason... it's safe and it marks! If wa're going ta ha measuring safeîy thea statis- tics must ha put ino perspective. Our standard reference ix modemn medicine. How Safe ix Medicine? Maxi people ru ta ihaîr physîcian for every scrape, sniffle aid fever but few realize the inhereni risks of drugs and mnedical rare. Studias show thai as hîgh as t0,000 Canadians die a year as a rasuli of madîcal arror. A furihar 10,000 deaths resait from infections acquirad in haspitals and anantîcîpaird complications fram madicatiaus. Add ibis ta an asîimaîed 20,000 medîcatioo-relaied deaihs in non-haspîtal saîîings. That ix 40,000 deaths par yaar. i ix the equivaleni of ajumbo jet crash avary ihree ta foar days. 40,000 deaîhs par year makas drugs and medical rare tbe 3rd taading cause of dah afier beari diseuse aid cancer. Whai about Aspirin? Anti-inflammatory drugs lîka aspirin causa 3000 deahs pet million people by hleeding ulcers. Aspîrîn, the anea-aday habit, bas haan shown ta cause op ta 7000 sîrokas par million people using it. relaive nianajiinc , acou %vouluo ania ici e.imiiy ar iiaving îiiiiii- The risks associaird wiîh a chuaopractia adjusiment are so minimal, tirs unless tbey have haen examined. If a child aven bas a subite visuat prob- they are nearly impossible ta measure. A lot of media lies aid palîtical lem it may impeded thea child's uhility ta leanclearty. Since 80% ef lesen. deceit bas surfaced. A study published in the Canadian Madical Journal ing cernes ibreugh visien, bew cleaely a cbild learns is affecieti by bew said seriaus adverse reuctiaus are astimaied ut appronîmataly I in 5.6 ýclearly the cbild sees. And the bhaviaur of yaur cbild wiii heauffacied by the million adjusimenîs. To put ibis ino perspective... any givan persan ix ability of your child ta respond and communicate. Vision ix tha maxi powar- moelky bstu ylihngmlipeie hnsfera e- fui fora af cammunication. You depend un it... Do flot take your ayasight aid marenlketah co sruck r ay lihting mtipl liusmes tinsieraypt If yen have any questienu, please hake the dîme te ask.. yenr child's The fltiut ofte maîter is tiha maxi commun outcome ut cbiaapractic future depends n yen. cure is, by tut, improved beults. Health and Wellness" Q I have trled just about every diet ln the Iast three yoars, and 1 can't seere ta keep my welght off. Why le that? A: The answer is really quit. simple: diets don't workl Unfortunately, there are a lot of "quick fis" promises, rang-3 ing tram "fat-eating" pilla to ail-pratein diets ta muscle- stimulation instead of exercise. The comman denominator among these is that they affer short-termn solutions ta a long-terni weight problem. Most make unproven dlaims of «weight iass", snd can be potentiaiy dangerous ta your health! At Herbai Magic, we understand that achieving long-tern weight losa resuits requirea facus on the underiying cause of weight gain: poor eating habits! There must be a change in the way one approaches food on a DAILY basis. With this in mi, Herba Magic has designed a sensible, well-balanced eating plan that uses oniy your awn grocery store baught foada (no shakes or pre-packaged meais). Safe, aIl naturai herbai supplements are used ta heip con- trai appetite and boat metabolic rate, making it essier ta adapt ta, a heaithier, eating lifestyle. lk The trained health caunselars at Herbai Magic know how hard it la ta break aid habits, so, one-an-ane counseiing and guidance is pravided each and every visit. For mare information, stop by or cail us at: Herba Magic, 15 Martin Street (Carniage Square) 693-9594. Maxlne Stanley has a .&. ln Socleleg and an S.S.W. ln Soci Vhx*L Sha hms woek.d wlth the. Hh" M»glc programt for over alght y*&%~ and la a tralned nubfltlnai co.rnsallor. w ____________________

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