24-The Canadion Champion, Tueuday Morch 9, 2004 FULL-TIME AD MINISTRATOR on administrative dutieti. This individuai wîlt ohare roupunsîbîlîties inciudîng roporting 10 g00- erriment agencies, prepsring regutatory reports and deating wîlh tlephone inquir/es. Individual munt have strong knowledge of generat accounting principtes with experience in invoicing, N/R, A/P. biweeeiy payrolt and financial report preparation. Excellent verbal and wr/flan com- munications oh/lis wftIl proflciency in Microsoft computer applications and good working knowt- edge of accounting software required. Position snobes working directly wilth senior manage- ment. Company Iras benefil plan inciuding medica coverage. Work hours are flexible. Salary commenourate wilIr expanience. No tleephone inquir/es. Onty applicants chosen for interviews witi be contacled. Please rapin in writing to: Envlroaoarch Oiperatione Inc. .Fax: 905-854-9811 Ohardlwaie BOOKKEEPER Pull âime positon avsilabie in a busy retail location. Rie- sponsibilities include daily bank and cash reconciliation, A/R, compaitenized payroll, bentefit administration, gen- eai iadger, ail Gov't remnisances and monthiy financiais. Familiarity with "AccPac" an assot. Position reqaires organizationa and communication Mkille, abiiity to mai- ti-task and ba able to woru independeniy. Pialaa or e-miail religne MIUMo Home Hardware Building Centrie Fax: 905878-4049 1-mail: mlfoihegathcom.com 00W appic bA ma àho for an Administrative MuIti-task Position Ausilable in local packaging companly Customer uervice, order uni/y, invoicing, purchauîug. Intermediaie/ advanced cumputer skîlis, AS400 uns Frenchi an usel Ruply by mail lu: Maorrue Gldfild Sêrrard-llvalsrappln*, i735 Guil Court Buriingten, ONi L7L 6A9 Maurunolflel@goal.com ABVERSINO SALES IEPESEýNTATIVE Rtrmn eiec requires mature Pcevious exper ence necesuary. Please A ply ut YOU BRING US: Siberin Or., Ua" vi18 HIGH ENERGY MAND EFFORT PROFILE STRONG PRESENTATION SKILLS IN ENGLISH ___.~ îW - a second lungune muy be helpful W UNOUESTIONED INTEGRITY D EStRE TO BE SIJCCESSFUL AND S TH S OVERCOME OBSTACLES *WELCOMING APPEARANCE *RELIABLE VEIllE LE WE ARE CR>MMITFED TO: *TRAINING TO ACFIIEVE DEMANDINC, RESCFLTS AND IRAGI INCOME *EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENST TO COACHI YOU FOR CAREER GROWTH *A TEAM TIIAI PLACES THE CUSTOMER FIRST ,à IMMuEDtATE GUARANTEFO INCOME BASE WITH CAR ALLOWA'OCE iCOMBINATION 0F SALARY AND COMM.ISSION/ *EMPLOS FF BENEITS ACTER C/slIi E/I01,ONF IST YEAR PROBA//ON PERIOD *ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES RECENT COLLEGEIUNIVERSITY GRADUATES ARE WELCOME TO APPLY. 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