Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2004, p. 23

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday March 9, 2004--23 - osc z- CI)e CD os CM E ns cme r CD,, CDs s o oS c 0 USTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR AKVILLE PLACE Your key responsibiicp in titis role miii Se co manage thte Customer Service Centre to ensure tite delivery cf ostscuntivg cuscomer service in a bsy shopping environreent.Titis invoives creucing new customer service progrumo. as vveil us împrovisg enîstîsg ones.You wiii also tire, train anti manage Customer Service Centre personnel, luaise wîith maintenance, securicp aond Sousekeeping. anti manage the Centre's budget. Al one wml ittree ta fixe peurs'experiesce ix cte retail, itospitaiep or service isdustry, pou have excellent communicatios andi peopl e skilI s. Yoor background cf oct includes experience tieveioping full service programo, and supervising anti training staff. Experience operatng a smali ratai oudet or omuli business, wiclx exposure tg debit/credit tard transactions, wouid be an asset.You also demonstrace as entrepreneurial mindout, u itigit degree of encitusiesin anti a cuscomer-first attitude. Basic accountin, administrative anti PC fMS Office) sils round oct pour qualifications. Please subreil pour resume, bp March 15, 2004, la: Marketing Direclor, Oukville Place, 240 Leigitianti Avenue, Oakvilîe, Ontario L6H 3H6; Fax: 905-842-2969; ~e Email: hr@ivanhoecambridge.com w ww. iva nho e ca mb rid ge.c o m A iferilu5e of Qeality, Suilt Oae Home ai a rime Te ASSISTANT MARKETING MANAGER TeReid'o Herlage Group itas an exciliog position axailabIe lot an experienceti jmarketing profeosiona. Tii io a kep role clîhin out markeing learo. Reporng 10 the Marketing Manager yoo ciii Se reoponoibie lot overoeeing and oopervioisg the day-bo-day operaliono 0of 00t Marketing Depadtmexl. You ciii play a key suppodting toto, padicoiarfy cilh regard lx gooily conîrot, ocheduiing, priorilloallun, probleen soiing and client communication. CTe oocceoofui candidate ciii have ai leasi 2 pearo oopetience in a similar capaciiy, preferably in the Nec Home Conotroction Indoolr, Revelenl computer/ soft- ware eoperience xc necessary regoiremenl. Seing crealive, delail orienieti, gooti a, deaiing cilh people, and haxîng lte abiilp lx eacei in a very SuoR envirooment are ail regoiremenîs for Ihis chaiienging position. The Reid's Herilage Group of Companies ix one of lthe largesl itomebuiling anti deveiopmenl operalions in South Western Ontario, dîth projecîs acieiy undet- cap ait a number of silex in Guelpit, Cambridige, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Cofli ngcood, and Hontsville. i Pleose fax a covering leller andi tesome Sp Match 26/04,10o 519-654-9746 Attention: Homan Resources ijepatment Pivase, no p hune catis. Only those apptlcnts svtvctvd foran interview wl be conlucled. VON HALTON (MARKETING ASSISTANT VON Halon foca non-profil communily-Sased heailt serviceo S otganizalion commiffed lx ptoviding cool efleclive, higit quai- ily heailt cate lx tesidexîs of Halon Region. The Marketing Assistant ciii be lesponsibie lot lte marketing andi sales oI heaifth cure set- vices fis client groupo in Halon Region, inciuding prospecling, information galhering, maleriais prejsaralion, personai seiiing anti sales presenlalions. Areas 0f responsi iil inciade idenlilying markt segments anti seiecling largel markets appropriale for each of lthe services ciithin lte orgaxizaliox; deveioping sales forecasîs repodts and olaliolicai mbf.; anti mainlaining contact anti client dalaitases. OUAIFICLS * Coliege level dipioma ix marketing or bosiness a 2-3 years experience ix marktling a Oemonslraled abiilp 10 plan & achieve desired resuils f tom marketing trafegies * Knoocetige sIthe tealth cure environreenl in Halon Region an assel. Gualfîid Individuals may apply ln wrlllng by Marci 19, 2004 Io: Homan Resources VON Haifsx Braxcit, 2379 Speers Roati Oakviiie, ON L6L 5M2 Fau 905-827-3390 e-mail: pxsilions@vonhailon.cu VON Hallon lus an equal appartunhly employer. Whak black< & white and read ail over? Your ad in classefoed section, of course! Cai 905-476-2341 today ns place your ciassrfîcti ad' Or fias us as 905-86-2364 KIDSI KIDS! KIDS!0 -Agas 2+t - Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs'. No Fees! Men/women 16-65 yrs. Needed for samel No entras. Parents cuit: 416-221-3829 JOBS AVAILABLE Produaction werk le the MILTON grec. $11-112/b r. AIl shifls availabie. Fax resame eo: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 Hîgitip professional, molîvaleti indivitiai for Barlinglox s mosl exoclu- sive fîlness club for comen Foul-ime Fu e« SuIe. Crouuwînds Golf& Country Club regaires t failtime indixidua for oecurity/ cieunixg 5 nigitis/ceet Mastite Sondaitie, relile & able Ix provide reler- erces. S15/nn Fau resume lx: 905-319-5902 or Email: loger@ crsscîxtsgof.con Seniors weicome Io appiy The Waee 94.lfmn Smooih Jazz has un speffing for as Adv.rtising Execuetive hased in Oakurlie. The Waue serves Hamilton, BurlIngion, Oakuille, Mississauga asd West Toronto. il has a unique radio format and is groeîng quickly, Experience or education in media sales is imperatru e as is famîlrarity wiuh the Takoille mafkeiplace, If you are inter- esfed asd have such experience and knowledge, please contact me by e-mail aI sim n@waea47.lm Simon Constom, Sales Manager. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER NEW HOME BUILDER A New Home Rurîder in Stoney Creek requises a CONSTRUCTION MANAGER euth experrence in sec hume construction, Experience should include complete Costructisn Management from pro consiruction planning 10 final close eut. The qualitied indîvîdua wiîl prsvide leadership aed the abriti to make decisions that contrîbule le on lime! on budget completion of csrk. Oualîfîed candidates shoald have leasi 5 years Management experience and krowiedge in ail areas of construction f nom site deuoiopmenl thrsugh deiivery. Pieuse e-mail resumes wiuh oalaty eapeciahsons te: newIlBmes@Interlynr.net IVANHOE CAMBRIDGE us oe cf Che counîry's feading proper> oceers, managers, devefopers andi investors. Our esperienceti professionuls manage an exCensive portfolio cf high quality shopping centres Chat comprise more Chue 44 million square feet cf retail space in Canada and Che Unitedi Seules, if pou're looking for an opportunilp ut Chu centre cf le ail, lock no further Chan lvanhoe Cambridge. SIvanhoe Cambridj CDP curule eal Eute OtoSp Applyin person le 228 Main St Milton Nursery & Garden Centre HeIp Wanted Muet be eepesiesced, peut-orne aise neetie. Appy le perses dith resemne te: L&NGHOLM NIURSJY 6711 Reilional Rd (llwy 25), Milton AMC IS A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! Wearo enro lookirg f or a handpR o fi l hposito of Boa lhuuagatortiahiolelcaloo.It.youcaoi prvd zgetý s 0 O4igemoai a fî1 i at aà, saf and in gon repir, Mho yno'î fond àerà of a Weme bceprviooseîoneànccporae. AfNi: HUMnflosoir THEATRES. àaion Manager 0 Fif Lic. Stylîst with flot iess than 5 yearo exp. Exp. Hairstylists Ful or port-lime with flot Ieoo thonl 3 yearo exp. Please cali Kym @ 905-849-8808 Ext22l or senti resume ta: kymm@bellnet.ca Ma noual House Spa C~aon Boatique Stc-wth the in Waterdoen is Cassif)eds. qrowing and Iookîng for exp. individuals for tho Ve offer ep road tullowing positions: market base, RMT Crealive flair Stylist peroonalizaf4 If you are întorested in setvice and thé, any ut these positions calegory you Please fax fesume Io ne 905-689-1057 ned or emal to Caîl Today nancee@magnalia 905-87824 haaaespa.cam Uicensed Mechanic Required fo buoy truck and tler epei so in M ltox 5 yeors plus expenence ex aoxel. Goo wegeo and bexefils. Coli 905-878-0900 or Fax resume ta 905-878-3520 SKD, e tier ose soppier of metel stampi ss compos. esIs end weldments te lte eutomotive sdoostry in Norlth Amerrea, os seekrsg lte flowiO.ng: Electrical TochniCcin A qselilied Industril Eleclncian ci e minimum of 3-5 yeers of expetrence in ex aolomotive, manulecturing en- vironment. Thre floeing s51b would be oonskderedl ex esset: expenetice wi presses, tiltiy te troubleshoot production equiproent, abilrty to wire and isll nec equipmen, pregrammise end troubleshoebing Allen Bradley PLC's and expetierice crtn Moteman asnd ABB Robots. We effet e competitive cage andi beneil package, elong citit ex innovatie cent enoironmen. P"»am send your resrne, by March 19, 2004 t: SKI) Autemotive Group, Human Resoureas Dspartnent 375 Wheelarato Way, Milton, ON LgT 3C1. Fax: (905)875-9974, Email: mfl.hr@skdautomotve.com. We ttiesk al appiceets, hocever, osiy Itose selectei for ex intetview ill tic contacte. PARTS DEPARTMENT Counler persan for busy Ford dea - ership in Georgetown. Ford Micro- cal experienced required. Salcry plus bonuses. Plecce ccai Ketf Davîca CONCEPT FORD 905-846-4600 or fac 905-873-1958 Order Entry/Oftice Clerk We require a leam player efio lhrives ox delail oriexled wotit, sîrives for accuîacy, enjoys variely axd eohibils eocvplioxal lime management okilis. The main fuocliox of lhis key position is INVOICING. Includes relaled data exlry and gexera office! accouxling lasko. Skilis pou should posseos ixciode ACCPAC (preferaby for WINDOWS) and EXCEL. Pieuse farward your rume Ia: PO Box 2003 CIO Ihe Burlinglon Pouri 5040 Nainway, Buriogton, Ontario L7L 7G5 NOW HIRINGI Customer Service Representatives for xncoming catis & Service Dispatcher. Biiixgua an asseV' for son cenlralîzed 24/ht cai cenler sn Borlinglux. 3-shifts/weekends (Benef ils) HVAC eoperience an assel, Fax reums ta Humain Resourcus 905-639-4562 Ais ian the cek ieds bave thea P.tOdWa lts 1.1 -M bY 30f,M people FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Compn AITOBODY COLLISION SHOP Requireo Bedypersen & Proppere for Susy sitop. 4tittDinie area. Top cages + bexeita. Cai 905-624-4680 se, - se 's e, se se ~se C.a -et -~ -~ - se <Et 0 a BRU E W E No yub a br om~e

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