22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday March 9, 2004j CLASSIFED HOURS: Monday to Friday 0'9:00 arn -5:00 Pmn ifUS led _________d apea a Drmmsuuzi mantary norns,1 1765 sq. h.l Samni dotacii corner lot, 4 hoia air, up- gradii manier ensuite, cal- ifornia shutters & hliids tirrougirsul. Brand nea kftches appliancas. Aukin, $267.000 or hast olier - A MUST SEEI Ca/i (905) 876- 9935 or (416) 955-5747. S$MONEY$$ 100% fti, -- 2sd and 30f Mortgagas. Bad crait OK. Cali Ontanio Wide 1-888-307-7799. 5-YR e 4.4%, at eqlity mortgaga programos regard- lesso0f incoe or cradit. Cali CHRIS e 1-800-328- 7887 or virilusaI areasis- claircodihurn.comi 3-badronrn fresi painli, rosdy 10 mona in. C/A, close 10 scirools, bsnk, mail. Non-smoking, no pots. 81.200/morts plus utilîias. Refarances re- quiied. Cal 905-691-5777. ACTION 1-hadroorn apait- ment. Available immadiale- ly Cal 519-853-4953. ACTON 2-tiedmorn spart- ment naaiy decoraai, parkisg/prinaia as- traoce/susdack. No smok- isg/ipals. Flistiilsol Ralai- esces/cradil check. 5900/mostr incfades utili- lias. 519-853-919. ACTON 2-hadroorn aport- marI, asailabia Match 1ot. 850/rats. Quiet hoiiding no pals. 519-893-4385. Aclon Aparirnenis 1 & 2 bedroora aparnesi ooai/- aille Noa and for future. Fridge & Slove, /ssndry facîilies, No dogs 519-853- 4374 open 7 dsys/ae sae day approosi. ACTON, 1 -badroorn. Avail- aile irnrndisaly. Fridiga s100e utlulaes incisdad. No pets, f irat/lasI, references reqsirad, Cail 519-853- 3877. ACTODN, iuoary, spoclous 2 bedroor apartirani, ensu- ile, iausdry. No pals/smok- ing. 8900/rassir plus sSili- lies. Firai/lasi. Availabla April ltI. Cai 519-853- 3015. DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Touera 82 M/lic/de Drive. 182 Bedroora Apts. Close t0 Ooasloas. Bus stop ai Front Door 905-876- 1249 awa.raloar.ce GEORGETOWN 2-had- roia basernasparlrnent. 8900/monts iscludes al soil- dies and appliances, laun- dry facilities, yull and close toi GO. Availabie April loi. Cal 905-793-9845. GEORGETOWN srnai 1- tiedroora spartrns 8495/rassir pls hydro. Aveilabla imrnadialaly. Noi pl.CalO 905-873-3355. ONE hodroor Georgetoas Triples, ciean, brigirl & spa- cilao $732/rats indlue/ne. April loti. 905-702-1911. ROCKWOOD ms/s fil new 1-bedraor apetissient $665/montir. Bright, ri- ciades appiiancesatili- liesffiaring. Ail 18x18' ommriercila apace. 519- 856-4900. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTs 122 Brme -4rel Southi, Milon Ire ara noa acceptisg applicesono for t-1 hadroor Avail. Match 15 1-1 hedroorn Ana/i. May t 1-1 hadroorn Avail. May 15 For more Information "ndor ta malle an Building Mngr Leonardâ& Penny MAVFIELD, 12,000 sq. h., sali cosiaineil, 2-bedronrn apurlmesi. Firepiace, A/C, pool. separata antrance. Ns smoking/pals. Single moisionlyr $900/mostr. Cail 905- 543-1273. MILTON large osa bad- rorn basarnanit apartrnant availabia May 1. Seporate antrance, suit single, non- ornoker. $850/monir. F-irotlsl, raleresces ra- qairad. Cal 05-878-8573. MILTON, 1 badroorn apailment. porking and a/il- ries inciudad. $825.2 hei- roim ansilahie. $945. + Clean and quiet hoilding. Cal Mary 906- 29e25 Aoaiiabia irmaidiaely 25 Misutes lîorn Airpoil 401 Corridor. 2-hadrsorn, 1/2 acre. $900/monlir plus uth/hies. References. Avai- able irnrediateiy. 905-878- 8725 Boh. ACTION, 3 hodrnorn, n/ce street, gas hat Ausilattie Fahmuary lis. $ 1050/nli + ui/es. Cai (519) 853- 5558. HORSE farrn foi rent. sndi- niduai stails or ail stails. Olirer bains and rasîi- es arailable in Rociiaood i ara. Ornai S. Gales RE Broker. 519-766-29956 MILTON 4-bdrrn detachad, : 2-batrs, finishail basarnent, garage, close 10 scirools, GO & shopping, A/C, $1500+, Available imme- diataly. 416-254431 MILTON sosilabia imme- diatey, S1350/mth + ssili- ires, 2-bdrrn, 2 bath 1200. sq. fi. bungaloa in ram Drury Park aiu deseiop- ment. 5 appliances, C/A, garage, fa/i basernant. No smoking, ornai pal asi- carne. 905-878-7474. 1 LARGE 2-hadroora, rame- diale/Muy 1. Hardwaood loss, 4 appiiesces, park- Ikl sori Adingtsn Slnd., Buri/ngton. 905-681-0070, www.pmonl/ne/viewli.ce MILTON 2 utsaey, 4 bail- rm own ohuse airh ga- rage, tiis/bai basement, C/A. $1250/mir + atliies, t sait. Cail 905-876- 221&, UTON 3-bdn tran- touse, elcellent condition. 371 Smille SI. seelleb Aprdlet. $19100/mth + utfl- du. CeSl 906478-4781. um-i & i sornoson, diean 50555, utilitias inciiteit, sapae- rate aashrsorn, clora 10 GO. quiet prorn, sonsoroker, ns pets, Apr 1ist FirnI/Last, S500/nli. Cal 416-254-1519. McDonald, Daine & Ted are lirniledtoi aninounce lire arrivai of Halley Ana, hors Feilraary 24, 2004, ai 5:55 pm., weighirig in ai 8 has, 9 oz. Pmsud grandiparents, Bari & Dave McDonaid and Bath & Ian Borayer. Spe- cial lirank yos 10 ail lire staff et Milion Distict Hospital. Boy? or Girl? Cracbne %Shirle (nei Orrock) On Salsday Mam 6bir2004 aire MilonDistrc Hos- pilai in ir 741h year. Sirley, heoned aria of Bob Cracirnel. Ose moi of Brian and ho vire Diane of Neamarrel Glenn and hos aile Catherine of Mion and Gregory and hos wrfe Chistine. Pre-deceased iyhr son George in inIay Sirle i e esacliy mssedhy ir 6 grandcidren. Aoso ourved bssle Jure Ed- wards andl ir hasiland David of Moonheam, Onlano. ,«am,,y and inands ovil ai tire McKersIe-ICoche Fu- neraI Home 114 Main Street Milton 905-78-4452. Tire tunersl Service wil ha ha d in lire fanerai home cirapel onTuaids Match 9tir2004 ai11:0 Oam. Inleus of fioais donations toi lire Canadian Cancer Society aoald ha apprecialad. Haywood, Ana At lire Milton District Hospital on Thsrsday, March 41h 2004. Ann Heywood of Milton, haiosed aile of John. Louing moIrer of Alan and iris aile Micirelle. Oser ois- 1er of Sua and irer irushand Sam Huihard, Norman and is wile Joyce Ruohion andl Hillary Smih and her fami- ly. Predeceaseil iy her son Bryan (1990). A special thank yu toi Dr. Hiris andi Dr Maley for tranr specisi cere and bo ai of Ans seri opeciai friands. Faraiiy and iriendo may visli ai tire MeKereleKoctier Funemai Home 114 Main St, Millis 9054878-4452 ibom 2-4 pin and 7-9 prn onsTuaoday. Tire fusera service wiii ha haid in lira fuserai home cirapel os Wadnesday, Marcr lotr 2004 ai 11:00 ara. As enpressionso0f sympatry, memo- rial donstioso tira Canadien Cancer Society aosid ho appracialad. I n Memoriams in the foron of donations tc, The Canadian Cancer Society ,oe are deeply appreciated. In loin memory of BRUCE ERVIN -Marcr 9, 2003. Apya as spssed, hutlli rsemh yeslaiday aeweeholding yos hand. Vouawl alayshoartirhus in osrhtsn and aver asssng marnonss Deug, Char, John andi Jamle BIRTH moIre lolng for RAINBOW Village Osycare ir dougiler (b/tir rame heu upacas availaille for NICOLE DAWN), boni Oc- childian 18 ranssa 10 6 loe 21, 1974 at tse M/ton years. 905-878-7552 Vili District Hsialt. Pissais us taiosnbowvhiageday- reply tiBox 81010 c/o Tire s.cess Canadien Champon, 191 Main SI. E, Million, Ont L9T-4N9 - Ns poins = ns ineerances A ltg P9owtop MM-bas prenium Incoaee, and,,we Set New in plastic, Ce win for lm. Fine corelto $1600 SacrWtc $45000. lion. Ca/i 905-257-1789. 905-587-9459 cati delleer. 1 aoulc ike 10 iirank al my famnily for my Birlhdlay cale- braios on Suids February 22, 2004. A special thaniks toi lihe ladies airs providei the rafreshmenis and lirose wiro organizeil the event. Words cannot express my graitlude to al those who came toi share tirair good ishes arnd cards. My luclieol day mas the day jn May 1946, ahen 1 cerne toi MiDs, what a aonderful tan, and whai aonderful people. Tiranko als o thlie Rotary Club of Milton, Si. Paulîs Cirurcir, Reverend John Bari- ham and Reverend Gerry Hoisiailer. Many cardo ails came by mail. Etghty ie net se bord ailier ail. Mîhe Ledwlith John DiGimlamoe and familles aish 10 irnk our family and friends for your sois 0f idess and syrnpairy dur- ing lire passing of my Wife, our Moirer aind Grandmoir- er Mefasia. Ai ârmes like lis your comiort and support mean more tron asido cant say. John, Nicli, Raipli, Mike, Mary and familles 20" Key" pei wîih drcand fencr$5,995.00 1-800-668-7564 BEO, Arnezisg barge/s, quoin orihopedic piiloalap sel. Nea in pfashct, aarny $150 905-567-4042 a/ill daiver. BEDROOM ual. 8pce cirer- ryaood. Bed, cies, dress- er, rairror, n/girl stands. Ooveai construction. Nes- ai opand. Cost $8000. Sacrifice $2400. 905-567- 4042. CARPET i have severa 1,000 yrds. nf nea Sîsismuoler & 100% ny- ion carpet. WIl do living- roora & hall for $309. In- doldes carpet, pal & sn- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DINING ROOM 1 3pce: Chrry, 8 chirr, buffer, hutcr, server, doveal cari- struction. SUII sn hases. Csr $11,000. Sacrifice $3,000. 905-567-9459 HOT ftb loi saie, usadi nea caser, sui 8, perfect candi- tion. $2500. or hast offer, pou moie Cuil 905-878- 0410. NEW black csffae/anlar- la/iment & al unit, oak di- nanae set, rnîcroae stand/hutch. M/In condition etasirer/dryei, 19' TV, & a uarge deuk. Cal 905-336- 3179. $$$$$ WANTED -Ai Chi ris, S/baer, Crysta, Tes Cups, Royal Douloi Sea- ovsk, Gilass, Jeaeiiry, Oid laps Coilactiles, Bsaaes. Cali Johns/Tracy, 905-331- 247. CASH perd for antiques and collectibles, crins, fig- urines, )ewellery foroture, coins, etc. 905-875-3145 oil: 905-875-790 3 pare bred, shr hetteri malt Pelangese pape. To a seiloes btoer & ilnn honte. Caol 905-875-093 190 Pontliac P/rabrd, V8, p/s, p/lt, pin. Blackt air gîey interor. $1,500 as si. Cal 905-873-2037. 1993 Jeep Cirerokea, AC, uiorai 220,000 kras. $3,000 silo. Cal Mike ort 905-702-2549. 1993 Plymosuth Sudance, 4 door halcirbuck, 02,000.00/kras, lady drivas, autonaic 4 cylindai, 2.5 fler, AM/FM, sou tires, mut- lier and bailryi Ceitit/ed $3.500 silo. Cai 905-878- 4691. 1998 Toyota Carary LE Ishiy tlaIe, autsrnatic 116,000 krns, excellentl coniditioni. Asking $12,500. 905-6n3 8838. 2000 Oodge Caravari, 92,OOOkrno, radaI, escel- lest condition. Cart/lai/e tdi aarrasiy. $12,000o- ho. Must Se11/ 905-873- 2477. 2000 Ford Focus SE, 4- dooir, aulsralic, aite, flly isadel. 54km, rnsicondi- t/on. $8,900. CaIl 005-702- 1844. ASSUME lasse 0t1$399 for rama/surit 16 morilis osi Ford Fncus SE Spoit, g/o- ing irdios. Cal 905- 877-0240. G3ORRUDIS SALES & LEING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. Afaied buneeca euh faai i ias * - m-m-I. aa a Chrysier Jeep Purchase or Ils that nir tc, you car or truck. ai 5- Braite St. S. 905-876-2580 wwhunlchrjsiercs RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Te fease or purchaoe yeur car or truck Hep 25 S, aI Denry Rd. 905-878-2393 Purchase your Certifled Pre-Owned Vehicle with confidence at Milton Chrysier 81 Ontario St. N. 905-878-8877 adweekends Cll905)692180 Ior LFI ()6D150I RlaweII Pipe & SuppRy ,40e,,stet, Hatesoves 11 Amsroi Ane, co-î6ute ON 7C,4S Fax: (905) 450-607 Emetii hrsyowcl~eIpipe.com wwe.howellpjoeeeom BSROOK VILL CARRERS Milton Terminai Requires Owner/OperatorslCompany Drivers for VanlReeferlatbed. Dedicated and open board lanes/IJ1SA & Canada. Excellent pay package. Mlaue cai Jean at 1-800-422-9069 Est 225 4eD-Zr~e Disteverei a Saeerio fdelive,, trucks tupick-u p& deiveressv-iai in tire G1 A; s Peribairg diyniiicinpecion. ari mantnng tiplg; a Vehîicie aféy ard dhemiiee In md ty ad vehmii,îe ii * i.tvadinsoig nvae ,cari plsopaional tomtor opeaion 0 Occasioneiarorrpickng & peking, & oher wahouing wkaseed,dý Ch-,eriseetee efihreart.eneid oedidae jeeofae s A miimum ofD-niosinsigwthgddringod; a Aitilty I if u, p to 75 Os en linent bueis; * An excellnttoveerv,-ice andrgals orisentaio. Te be cne.idèredfor - fltaee, pimise epply In e'riig att MlfiLýCOME* SINCE 1930 eNew in town? Getting married in 3 months or more? -Having a baby? aEstablishing a new business? Please ca/I us Ceumualty WsIcoe Linda 905-854-1563 Dorns 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baily Wslcsui Micfelle 905-332-8634 Bridai Wulcoin Laurie 905-878-0126 Bn/Prof. WslComall Laurie 905-878-0126 18,U0 -OR HOMES Plae ba advosed thaI AIL HIEU WANID ado are NOW bailg putil sf0lie GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT paper. Giving our Cuolomera an ADDMORAL 18,000 Georgetoan homes!! 'ALL ails ahil ha BOXEO. Ahso ALL APAR1NNM FOR RMN, AUT011111101l RECREATOS VEMlUCE AND) NMRYCLES FOR SALE ail aioo ha inciudad in1hi0 adiiona circulatinn reach! Call fi ol gel your adl lota the exlended reach of ueaderaf' 90"-78-2341 l