Champion Country, Tuesday, March 9, 2004-13 Cil 'I Photo by GRAHAMA PAINE v ,Flapj acks Beth Brunato, 7, of KUbrdem kek she's going to take a bite out of a frozen fiapjack affer competing ln the Flap Jack Olympes at Mountsberg Conservation Ares Sunday. Traffic lights to be installed at intersection of Tremaine Road and No. 14 Sideroad By JASON MISNER The Champion A decades-old intersection west of town designed during a time when engineering standards weren't as stringent as they are today will be fitted with traffie lights corne September. The unique intersection secs Main Street West and No. 14 Sidcroad meet Tremname Road. 'he issue is Main Street and No. 14 Sideroad aren't parallel to each other and instead are staggered. To get onto either of these roads, a motorist must travel a short dis- tance along Tremaine Road to ,make a turn. 'Mis worried somne local resi- dents, including Audrea Lear- Costigan, who feared it was only a Imatter of tirne before a serious accident occurred. She jomned a five-person citizen's steering comn- mittee two years ago to deal with the intersection issue. "Somnebody is going to be killed there, there's no doubt about it," she said. "It's a very dangerous erossing." An overhead flashing light is cwTrently in place to alert motorista to the intersection but it's not designed 10 control vehicular movement. Last faîl, Halton Region, which owns Tremnaine Road, conducted a safeîy review of the intersection and concluded traffie volumes war- ranted traffie lights. The design plans were revealed to the steering committee at a meeting last month. Ms Lear-Costigan, who lives on No. 14 Sideroad, said she's "very pleased" proper traffie lights will be put up to benter control traffie flow. Ed Soldo, manager of Halton's transportation services, said the intersection doesn't present any dire problems but traffie lights would makes things safer. There have been six 'relatively minor" accidenta at the intersection in the last five years - two of them, as a resuît of trying 10 tum onto Main Street or No. 14 Sideroad, Mn. Soldo said. He noted thse average speed of vehicles travelling along Tremnaine Road is 83 km/h compared to thse posted liniit of 80 km/h. It was ranked low on a liat of unsafe regional intersections, Mr. Soldo said. me safety assessment showed realigning No. 14 Sideroad and Main Street would cost $800,000 and was considered too expensive. me installation of traffie lights, ai a cost of $80,000, is more feasible and sensible, Mr. Soldo said. mhe costs have been included in the 2004 approved regional budget. mhe design will involve using hanging traffle light heads, which are different than traditional traffie Iights. Separate light heads will face traffie heading north and south on Tremaine Road and traffie head- ing cast on No. 14 Sideroad and west on Main Street. mhe lighta will be synchronized to allow for convenient: lefi or right-hand ttarn onto Main Street or No. 14 Sideroad. Right-hand tuns won't be allowed on a red light. A alînilar-style intersection exista at Britannia and Tremnaine roads. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- Milton Jieights Academy small class with individual support may be te~ci clivmn what your child needs. Contact us for a personal visit during school hours. , 905-693-1557 www. miIton Il M, 0 , areo UN mil RIE IRMt li *~M ÏMI Iê'I 1I * i.immio Milton, ON 0