Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Mar 2004, p. 10

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i 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Mardi 9, 2004 Guilty plea sign of remorse: judge i)ci, y.alliiitigii il wasiii prCîî5 biehyoid a doubi by the Crown, court heard. Mr. Stokes was boni and raised in Si. noollei tihe diy he Isilled Mi. P:itrotî, in the early moming houes of August 31, 2001. Mr. Parront suffered knife wounds to bis A Milton isais out walkîîsg hîs dog dis- covered the body behind the Miltoin Curling Club aI about 6:30 ar. Defence lawyer Michael DelGobbo had been seeking parole eligibiliîy in 10 10 12 years, white Crown attorney Laurie Jago lhoughl no eligibility for parole for 14 years would be more appropriate. Ille judge naid Mr. Stokes' guilty plea cao be seen as a sign of remorse and was laken int consideraîjon, particularly since il spared Mr. Parroîl's family from a lengthy tral. Also considered was Ihat Me. Stokes sur- rendered 10 police the day afler the murder. His young age also facîored mbt the sets- lencing, since there 's a greater chance for rehabilitation. As well, Mr. Stokes had no prior hislory of violence. But, the judge conîinued, he also took mbt accouni the "brutal, mulli-faceîed" nature of the aîtack, which ended with Mr. Stokes repealedly kicking and stomping on Mr. Parroît. Judge Dumo spoke of the devasîaîing effect Mr. Parronts death has had on Ms Parront and her son, who was 17 years old when bis faîher was killed. Be also said thal although Mr. Stokes had consumed alcohol and narcolica that fateful nighî and was impaired "10 somte degee," bis capaciîy wasn't reduced. As well as Me. Stokes having no eligibil- iîy for parole for 12 years, Judge Durno imposed a lifeîime ban on weapons and an order 10 provide DNA samples for analysis. As friends of Mr. Parroîls milled oulside the courtroom after the sentencing, one word was broughî up again and again 10 describe Mr. Parroîti genîle. "If the rest of the world was like him, there would be total peace," said friend Dick Boîîing. "Be was one of those very special guys." Danny Doyle, a friend of Mr. Parrotî's for 2(0 years, said the sentence doesn't seem harsh enough. "When you kili someone, ninc-and-a- haîf years seems short," Src'phanie Thiessen can he irai/ted at stlsiessen@oîîilîonc-anadianchaoipirinc(omi Do you have at thick and elevated.. Il you are 18 and oicdar an If Vmu hava daevo0ped a anar ln tha la thon cali: Dermatotogy Assoclatea 9O- The March 5, 2004 Ch Commerce conter spread that they were 600 strong. It should have read 625 strong. The Canadian Champli like te apologize for this E Computer sy .stem , hO s studcnuts hov long alcohol in body efront STUDENTS on page 7 especiaBly when she outiined the terrible loB excessive drink- mng taes on the humain body - the signs of which (bNue skin, irregular breathing, slow heari rate etc.) may be logi on obliv- iolus pariers. Among other thinga, excessive drinldng, cao inhibit the gag reflex so stomach contents - including corrosive gasn'ic juices - clin enter the longs and penstanently damage themi. Death, she added, is alto a consequence. Particularly enlighîening was Ms Vssser's demonstration of the computerized blood alcohol concentration (CBAC) sys- 1cm. that allowed studenîs fol plug in (hein height, weight, gen- der and consomnption 10 determine how long alcohol takes to leave their bodies. Wsîh dbat in mind, Ms Visser suggested to studenla that they show moderation and alternate with non-alcobolie beverages. "You don't have to keep slammig them back to stay mi the party spirit," said Ms Visser. Ms Dawson then dealt with sexual assault and the ways partnera should communicate with each other honestty and clearly sol that silence isn't taken as tacit aceeptance. "Comnmunicate at every step," she said. "TMis shows moto- ai respect and takes away guessing. Don't let somneone else convice you whaî you're coînfontable with." This level of understanding ia especially important, she con- tinued, when alcohol is involved, "Just because somneone is drunk or intoxicated doesn't mean lhey're asking for sex," saidl Ms Dawson. -There are two peo- pie involved in sexual decision-making." The issue of bort liabilily was a real eye-opener. In ber talk, public health nurse Lorraine Gold outlined how hosîs are responsible for tise actions and safety of thein guesîs until (bey are sober, including after (bey leave the party and even if the host didn't provide the alcohol, li anada, she explained, bota of private parties have been held flnancially responsible for injuries and damages that involved their intoxicated guesîs. This not only applies to drunir driving, she said, but alto 10 such potential bazarda like bot tubs and swimming pools. After nunning thmough the many factors of Ibis complicated issue, Ms Gold told theatudents it's stili possible toi have a succesaful party - if they make the bett possible decisions and taire the necestany steps to ensure everyone't safety. Those who would like more infonmation on planning safe celebrations, should call the Halton Region Heaith Depattment at (905) 825-.(X1, or loBl free aI 1-866-442-5866. 7TY: 905-827-9833, www.region.halton.oncajealh ~R? Tste ~73-3083 ïhp bi Halton District School Board meetings may soion become a uite more social. Milton Trustee Paul Tate, who serves as the boards vice-chair, wanîs 10 sec a 10- arnber of minute break built mbt board agendas, 10 allow trustees 10 mingle with people in the indiated gallery. indicted "'d like 10 have an opportunity juat 10 say me be hello 10 t'ose folks,' said Mr. Tale, who me me rsnoîcd that often the board dolesn't adjoion until laie, and everyone is rushing home aI that point. Be plans 10 introduce a motion aI the nexî board meeting that would make the IIWIIIUGI social break a fixed item on thse agenda. Board meetings regolarly attract parents, school counicil members and other inîcresî- cd parties. " We neyer gel a chance lo go out and talk i n wu.d to these people," expîained Mn. Tale. 'Il think Ibis is a way of being a little rro r. more open 10 the public - our sharehori- ers. Your United Way In Action 7N qie United WVay of7vhhion Do you know what your donation is doing? Doi ysiî know ha ihe 2003 Camnpai gn iaised $395.000. $10.000 morti, hlaîi'r? D(, yiu knox'ilîat vomt- donaioisialocatedto 23 lot-alagen(iesc i/it proviidi' sial srite pigranisin vont- cnonnîry? Do youknox, that nexi ta he Gîrcceni Unite'dWa>vs i Canada are te largestfunders of social service agencies? One s/i agecvi is Ha/toit RecovervHfose... Tom enteed Halton Recovery House, a 90-day live-in treaimeni centre for maie alcobolies aind drug abusers, when hewas 35. He'dtlost his job, spent his ret moeyon dugs, been detoneci four trnes in 9 monilis and bad lost two friends, one from a drus overdose and the other from AIDS via a dirty needie. Tom staesed using marijuana ai 15, moveci throagh vactoun drugs and pis aod seisird on heroîn. By bis laie 20's Tom recognizei lie had a problem. ie'd go to bied witli the iniension of n01 ausîng" agate bai it was a vow he could- n't keep. Finaily he recognizeci he needed hlp. The fient 30 days of thie Halion Recovery House progrant is conducird in semi isolation- medicai appoinimeois, AA meetings etc. are attended-iu bthiere is ne contact witb fanni- ly, friends or associates. Tom foand Usai ibis safe haven, away from aey outsîde negative influences andi being surrounded by others in tbe sanne situation, mince ban realice ibai lie mas eut alune. During his siay ai Haiton Recovecy House Tom's acrogant, know-it-all, neif-absorbed demur mas shaîtereci wben cenfronird midi tbe faci that bis way bad flot worked and maylie be should lîsten andi tiy lte program Hlton Recovery lieuse wan advocating. Hie dien learneci how te: (a) identify and deal midi hin emotions in a mature manner. boss tu control bis emotiens rathec dis having bis emotions cootrol him (b) accepe respensildity for bis situation, andi undeestanci tat bis actions baU baen tbe cause. nos the outside merlU (c) develep ceping nkdlls diat addrenned his acidictive bebavioars Teday Tom atiributes his long-terni succens tel the Halton Recovery lieuse Weekly Aftercare pregramn sud Alcobelics Anonymoun. Ton lias new celeliraieci 10 years ef "cdean andi solier" living. He velunteers ai Maplehursi te stiare sone of misat he learneci fremn Hatton Recovery Heuse. He lalks wiîb maey inmates about boss dieie unconlrolled emotiosce (mspecîally anger) bave led îbem to tbeir carrent situation. Wtnen ankeci boss ie views bis iife nom, Tom repliei "I bave a wîfe, chîldeen, a good payieg job, a bouse andi 1 even bave a mortgage. Life is grand!" Your Unitedi Way contributions bave net miiy helped Tomn tisn iet a productive member of society but bundrecis of odier men as well. The United Way of Milton - Neighbours Helping Neighbours How can you holp? * If yau work outside ot Milton and danate by payroll deduction - piease designate your danation «'home" ta The United Way oi Miltan. e Makle a direct danation e Attend a United Way ot Milton Speciat EvsaI Tel: (905> 875-2550 Fax: (905> 875-2402 URL wwmlton.nlte M ea E-mail: office@mllton.unltedway.ca

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