Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Feb 2004, p. 7

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-local doctor back from treatîng The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2004--7 Boer War prîsoners in Bermuda* UR RLËADERS WRITE Chamipioni and o1lwi publication in oldei to proside a windokt in)o Miltons pasi. Esplanator-y comnment 15 sonîetîmeS pro_ s'ided to place the .stuation in i(ontest. August 1902 Dr. R.D. Sproat retumed last week [rom Bermuda wbere he bas been attached for some montha ta a British regiment ta look aller the health of Boer prisoners. He says that the Boers were healthy and that most of bis work was operations, removing bul- lets, amputations, etc., tbe Boers having been poorly supplied with cumpetetît sur- geons in the field. On Friday lant A. Stark, Scotch Block, threshed for Thos. Aitken, 4th line, Esquesing, 900 buabels of good dlean Egyptian Amber wheat. 'Me yield was off about 25 acres of land. The threshing was done in a lintle over nine boums. Trooper Russell Ciements, of the 3rd Canadian Mounted Rifles, lot home on Friday evening. He looks weli and says that he had not a day's sickness during bis stay in South Africa. His only regret is that he did flot arrive there before the end of the war. 'Me Great Pan-American Shows and European Menagerie, Monster Museum and Roman Hippodrome, Oceanie Aquarium and congregation of living plie- nomena with Rajah, the iargest elephant that waiks the earth, will visit Milton on Thursday. There wiii be a great array of phenomenai gymnasts and acrobats, the fineat in the profession. Little Edna Cooke, the most fmnished equestian and bareback rider in the worid wiil appear in ber won- derful acts. See the high bill board on Martin Street for full particulars of the features of tbis great show, which tmavels by a bigger rail- way train and exbibits under bigger can- vasa than any other now in America. There wiii be a grand street pageant and two exhibitions. Doors open, rain or shine at i and 7 p.m. The new uniformas for the Milton Bras and Reed Band arnived on Tuenday [romt Engiand, after being considerabiy deiayed. The cloth in a fine blue mecton, eut and trimmned hussar style. The nuits were made Milton Having a movie theatre or a larger mail in town Tim e «Î5 sn't going to pre vent teenage suicides: reader Capsules ~5~ to measure and every man is fitted perfect- ly. The caps are of the Guards pattern, with gold braid around the edge of the peak. The boys also have waterproof capes for wet weather. They paraded in the evening and made a fine appearance. They marched [rom, the town hall up Main Street, around the block enclosed by James, Miil, Elizabeth and Main Streets back to the town hall after halting and playing selections at the Wallace House, the Bank of Hamilton and the Hartman House. Our band is now flot only the best in the county and one of the best in Ontario outside the cities, but one of the mont neatly umiformed. Milton may well be proud of it. Yesterday evening the band serenaded George Hume at bis residence, after wbich the boys marched to the Wallace House, wbere a supper, ordered by Messrs. Hume and Luxton, was ready for thein. Landlord McGibbon bas establisbed sucb a reputa- tion as a caterer that it is bardly necessary ta say that the menu was an excellent one. After the table bad been cleared Mr. Hume took tbe chair and in a neat speech pro- posed the healtb of the King, whicb was duly honored. A number of other toasts followed, including tbat of Bandmnaster Gollins, wbom tbe chairman compluntented on bis ability as a musician, the bigb state of effi- ciency attained by the band under bis train- ing and leadership and its success at tbe recent competition at Stratford. Mr. Gollins responded briefly and modestly. He said that be considered himself fortunate in leading a band composed of such good material, that bie desired notbing better than to continue to do so and that be boped it would continue to menit the approval of the people of Milton. Songs were sung by Messrs. Gollins and A. Armstrong and tbe company broke up after drinking the bealtb of Messrs. Hume and Luxton, proposed by Thos. McDowell, chairman of the band. This materiai is assembled on behal of thte Milton Historical Society bv Jini Dilîs. snho can be reached byv e-mail ai .jdills@,,idirecr.com. Dear Editor: 1 find myseif compellid to com- ment on the lenter wrinten by M. and K. Box in the February 17 Champion. lin going to, be as gentie as 1 possibiy can, but Ibis commentary must be addressed. Fient of ail, any teen considering taking their own life in dealing with a huge number of extremeiy coin- piex issues, none of which wouid be noived by having a movie the- atre, larger mail or a bowling aiiey in town. My wife and I raised two chul- dren in Ibis wonderful community, and Ibey were neyer bored. We didn't totally rely on their sehools or the town to raine thein, although boIb made a major contri- bution to their teen years. We boIb had jobs and bis to, pay. However, our first priority was our chiidren. When did you last view a movie that you thought was completeiy appropriate for your chiidren? Which current media star wouid you want ta act as a role model for your children? It's the media that constantiy expose our young people to sex, drugs, violence, and, yen, even sui- Dear Editor: Mvy husband and 1 are very Ibankfui to our superin- tendents, Carol and Derek Snow, for trying to do something about the snow and ice covering the bridge connecting Miliside Drive to Carniage Square. Unfortunateiy, town counicil didn't comply, but instead put a sign up stating that the bridge wouldn't be serviced in the winter. Then where are our taxes going? On Miliside Drive we have a lot of seniors and dis- abled people, and they couldn't go out to do Ieir gro- cery shopping recently because the sidewalcs along Milinide Drive, Martin Street and Main Street hadn't been cleaned for two weeks. This made many of the seniors and disabied bouse- bound. We think it's a terrible shamne and callous attitude [rom our elected officiais not to take action regarding tIbm problein. These officiaIs promnised aintont anything t0 gel elected a few months ago and we're stili waiîing for any sigo of their goodwill. Meanwhile, our taxes are going up again and we don't nee any improvement. We hope that our seniors and disabied people eull remnember Ibis terrible dinnervice to us when Ibe next election comes arouind. Where on earth are our taxes going? Slow is our money spent. Anni and Denis Oupuy Millaide Drive E-mail ail your letters ta the edîtor ta mittoned@&haltonsearch.com. zoom ZOOM zoom zoomMZOM ~' EŽ I'V I31L Engine Il Air Conditioning 1.1/ Auto Transmissio :ui mues. SI, Actas 519385330200 0wr (etlership s dot *h &ggestli0w#NI ls t. he Mhe lestt' 24 month Ltas. 24 moth toms $3SO ToWa ou on D.Iv.y $35W Totouê>»on euvuy Complete Maintenance In,-luded Compt' oete Maintenance Included *Just Gas.and-Gon »iust Gasond-Ge» Couple says they're disappointed with councll's lack of help regarding the icy bridge near Carniage, Square cide. The movie you tbink that they're going to, sec may ot be the one they actuaiiy view, uniens you accompany thein. As parents, we must discover what it is our children enjoy and then make it available to themt. Milton bas a first-class ski area and sevmi or eight conservation areas - ail availabie on one rela- tiveiy inexpensive pans, offering mounitain biking, rock ciimbing, cross-country skiing, hiking and triathion training. We have swunt and gymnasties teamns, martial arts academnies and a multitude of other athietie activi- tien oIber Iban hockey and base- bail. The Milton Leinure Centre offers many teen programs ranging froint drop-in events and weight tramning to dancereise 'classes and leader- ship developinent programns. And we havesa shortage of music teachers because 50 many young people are invoived in music les- sons. Theatre groups in Milton ail wel- comne enthusiastic teens. Allendale bas had a sign up for monthn requenîing teen volunteers. Our own daughter tumed a volun-- teer position into a weii paying part-time job at the long-termn-care facility during bier teen years. Do you have a ping-pong, bil- liards or fooze bail table in your home? Your home should be a non- threatening, friendly place where your teens can entertain their friends. At leant in your own home you know who your children are wiIb, what they're doing and where they are. Raising children in Ibis society is a constant challenge, but we as aduits need to evaluate whst our responsibilities are and junt who'n creating the problems. It's flot about kids being bored. Children aren't the ones produc- ing the crap they're constantly heing bomhbarded with in the media - aduits are. We, as aduits, need to, take a much dloser look at ourseives, and resoive to spend more time wiIb our kids. They didn't ank to be brought into Ibis world, we chose t0 bring thein here. Therefore, we shouid do everything in our power to ensure their happinens. Dave Moore Milton

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