The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 27, 2004-27 DI GIROLAMO (Patif e) Mefania Pasved oway on Febraarg 251h, 2004 sur- roanded by her family, aller a courageous baIlle wîlh breasl cancer. Melania Di Gîrolamo in her 701h year cas the beloved mile of John oft 56 years. Dear mother oif Nick (Jante) of Milton, Ralph of Rockwood, Mike (Barb) vif Milton and Mary Anfonelli (Paul) of Milton. Cherivhed Nonna oif Kîîvfyn, Mark, Daniel, Luke, Lee, Rebecca, Jonathan, Jennie and Jordan. Lovisg sister oif Maria Mascioli (Willowdala(, Giulietta Natale (Ilaly). Predeceased by sistars; Ruina Mefantoni (Richmond Hifll), Maria Fanfini (ltaly), Flosalinia Pasquini (lfaly( and brothers Nick Padillo (Willocdale(, Gennaro Pafille (Toronto), Munziafo Faflore (Toronto),' Amedao Falfore (Woodbridge(, Donafo Faffore ily( She ciii be greafly missed by her exfended family of many brothers and sisfeîs-in-faw, cousins, nieces and nephewa. Cherished and loved by ail. Melania mas a very sfrong leader for ail 10 followm Her greafesf passions in lfie mas her famify, friands and the love of being amongaf the many flomaîs in Ser green- housas. "HER PARADISE". Family and friands will ba received aI the J.S. Jones & Son Fanerai Home, 11582 Trafalgar Road, sortS of Mapf e Avenue, Georgetomn, 905-877-3631 on Safarday f rom 2-4 & 7-9 pm and on Sunday f rom 2- 4 & 7-9 pmi A Mass of Christian Burial miii ba hafd at Holy Cross Calholic Church (224 Maple Avenue, Georgetomn) on Monday Match laI ait 10:00 am. Spring intaîment Hilîcreaf Camefaîy, Norval. In lieu of flomaîs, mamorial donations f0 the Georgefown Holy Cross Church Building Fand woafd be appîaciated. BAfLEY CHRISTINA ln lavîng mumsrg of a duar moîher, mvthur-în-ia, grandmal/rer and gruat grandother whv passud acay onu yuar ago Fuhmuary 26, 2003. Voar love & presence ce misa, Voar mumary ce treasare, Loing ysa alwayv Forgetting ysa neyer. Son Jim, Daughfsr Efisen Osugrdor --aws Lieds à Ingrid Baifsy Gmandcfdfdrsa Scoff foothy), Michael & Paxto, Balley & Ami (Bob) MCEachem Gmaft Grandchifdrsn Sydney & Jamier McEachemn Findîsdig a joh was vo easy. JavI apeniag tb bei'o ctassified section is af f it took. r eaLo Liy, at Alier l sun Moiiday, i-ruLary lu, 2/004 Belvved wia ofth lita Joseph Gorir Lv ing mom oI Bob and hiv aile Kathym. Quar grand- ma of Lyssea and Kyle. Friands were received aI the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton, (905) 878-2669 vs Wudnuvday, Febra- ary 1811,, 2004. A Fanerai Service was held lrom the Fanerai Home Chapef on Tharvday, Fubraary 191fr, 2004 f ntermuslfvllvwud at Evergruun Cumeer lu flu oI flowers, doations lv the Alzheimer's Foanda- lias woald bu apprecialud by thu family. STOTHERS: Peailine Peacully, at Bluewaler RavI Home, Zarich an Mon- day, Fufaraary 23rd, 2004. Pearline SIoSuers fvrmey oI Samia and Milon. elvved wfu of lire laie Davidi SIaSh- ers. Laving moîher of Carale and her hasband John Hampton of Briih Colambia, Ruth Coals of Miftvn and Jady Williams aI Gaderieh. Duarly rumumburud by her grandchildrun and grualgrandchildrun. Puai/ina cas a member of 1he Royal Canadian Legvon Ladies Aaviiiary, Milton Branch 136. CramatIon Sas lakan place. As expressions of vympalhy, donations may bu made lv the charity oI anu's choice. Arrangements thrvvgh the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 Jaumes St., Mi laon 905-878-2669. FIGHTING Iraffic ticketsv No points = ne invuance premîam increane, ana. au cmn fer luss Fiee covsulta- lien. Cai 95-207-1789. CHILDCARE aeaîlah/u in my home fs/I lîmuypard lima, ruasonabla rates. Contact Shayna aI 905-875-495e. EXPERIENCEO daycare aeaîlabia fl/ or part lima Mon-Fri, LaîîrîarNanîar aie, ralarancas, fI/ml aid, CaI Mary 505-875-0199. 27" Panasonic Sîaran 00v- soleuTV, excellent vandition. $250. Pisase cafl f905- 878-6661. A King PillowIop Matiuss Sel. Nec in plastic. Cant $1600 Sacrifice 5450.00. 905-567-9459 van delîver. BE0, Amazîng Sorgaîn, quan ovthvpadic pillaclep val. Nec in plastic, canoan- ty $100 905-567-4042 aitl de/ivri BEDROOM val. Bpva char- ryeeed. Bad, chust, druss- ai 1îrr nîghl stands. Doveal censtraction. Nav- et opuned.. CosI $8000. Sacrifice $200. 905-567- 4042. BEEF eiganival/y raîsud, chamical and gieclh hor- mone lriu S/des and qoar. lars avaiiab/a. Callfot prc ing Jm 519-803-4330. CARPET I hava several 1,000 yidv aI nec Stain- malr&10 nylon car- pet. WIl do /Mvngmoom & ha/lfoi $389. Incladas car- pet, pad & installation /30 yards) Slave, 905-639- 2902 DINING ROOM 1 3pca. Cherry, 8 chairs, ballet, hulch, semver, develait vain- straction. SIIl in boxes. CosI $11.000. Sacrifice $3.000. 905-567-9459 ELECTRI C chue/chair on/y 2 mesîhs usage, charger & atm ravi, gevd condtion. AskIng $2000.00, va/i /905/ 659-7022. FOR SALE: Saut in even and slave loy, 501oh blavI/. iI/ sua, paîd $1000 00 aaki/g 5450.00. Cai 905- 693-9195. FR66 Estimalas. Gel cvb- b/y chairs, lîred /oeki/ng coad lisisirus? Fields Cas- tom 50o00 Reîînîshîng and Farnîlare Rupaîrs. 9-9, 905-632-9090. HOT tub loi sala, ued, sac coer, vils 6, puevlc I/ha suwcvondition. $2500. on best ollar, yoa moe. CaI 905-878-0410. KîNGSîZE mattresoi, suay dorsal 72 a 84. Brand nec condition cI/h no/id maple bud trase $350.00 060 (905/ 693-8918. SS$$$ WANTED - A/il Chi- na, Si/ver, CrysIai, Ta Caps, Raya Oa/ton, Scareaski, G/as. Jecai- /ery, 0/0 layas, Cai/uctîb/es, Folalas. Cai John/Tracy, 905-331-2477. CASH paid loi antiqaues and ve//uvlib/as, china, fig. arnes, jacai/ery, foumiture, vains etc 905-878-3145 cel 5058>75-7950. ACTORS/ MODELS. Mod- al and Ta/unI Burau iv holding aud/iins in /oOi aiea Mos. Mai ltI Sp ap- poîsîmual osiy, 519-249- 0700. Svaaling (seebors- senior/ for ail poils aI Shein- dastry (mev/es, caaloge, vammarvials, etc.) Feu oI $34.50 ralanda/lu O yea do sot qaaly. (f05, launs, petites naed- ud a/il agevesizes loi T.V., lashî00 avernis, extra carh $20-90 pot hoan. Cai 905- 336-5455. Nov. 29th, 1932 - Feb. 22, 2004 STE VENSON, Aller a lon g illneas has passed away at Efobicoke Hoapital on February 22, 2004 aI the age of 71. Ha aadly left behind long life partiner Rose Webb (Brampton). Beloved children Sharon and Bill Tardiff (Engleheart) Derrick and Lefly Stevenaon (Milton) and Terry and Kathy Stevenson (Miasissaga). Also grandfather of 6 K randchildren. Loving alap-falher of oger, Michael, Brian and Cryalal Webb (Brampton) and dear grandfalher of 5. Will be missed by siblings Jack and Pat Stevenaon (Oshawa), Sadie Vowex (Scarborough), Jim Stevenson (predeceaved of Toronto) and wonderful laie parents James and Sarah Stevenaon. Also a long-lime employee of Chrysler and Peel Indasîrial (Brampton). Fanera arrangements will be posed aI a later date. Frank, youlil be vadly missed by everyone who you loached. 50e love you. We wouid like ta thank ail our family, daugv v s sons grandcviidren. niec/s, and nepirews. for var porry, A specia tiravis ta those aira argavîzed the day and prv- pared tha wanderl food and deçoatians Thanres ta ail wiro came ta iroiy us sirare aur birlhdays and ai the Lards. gîirs avd gava wishes, What a wonde/sil day, we are so iacky ta iravv lamily avd friends like you The Ore The Hill Girls Gerlie, Pauline & onna os W05 -um coe NATIONAL ADVERTISING ACCOUNT MANAGER Premier Publications & Shows a division ut Metroand Prnnfng Pubi shîng & Dîstrîbutîng Ltd. ieqoitrir a National Advertîsng ALLount Manager fot mont/ny vertical publiLations and affliated consumer shows The dtai caridate lot firis g/si/ion os a glint advet- li/g sales g/oiessîona wl/th a g/aven trari record w/th national, vo/go/a/e aad agericy aLLounfir Exge/lence wl// heaith, pharmaceutîhal, paîckaga goodr and finance cLtego/jes an ossot. Exeliant wtîflen and verbal communiLation sius as aell as refîned p/eirentation ski/lu are tequîted. A solîd undertandîng of PMB is neceosaîy. This is a pragreooive gosition Inaf a/Il teguire a aery matîvafed oeilfarttet la n ogetote rodeperdantly as well ho o key player in a dlyeamîc sles feam. Compensation is base salary and commison, av/orna bile eepeeiroo and an aggtesirsve incenliael bonus package. This position aill ho baoed in the Odiville office. Tetîitoîy inclades ail of soulrele On/eueo lnfsrssfsed appiicanfs fieusse foruand reomme asni sasmail incoeexpsctafions by Match 5, 2ii04 te Martin SI Wright INSURANCE BROKER e reuareo a Personal linos Please RIBO Lic. CSR eyl wîth min.Jyr. rap tasfa ressms: 1bi 905-828-7849 ot cal905-828-5544 Papier 18 Thompson Rd. #9 905-876-9969 2001 Taurus Wagov 71 k's $8995.os 2001 LaSabra Cool, 121 k's $12995.00 2W LeSabra CasI. 119 k's $11995550 2000 Taurus Wagon 103 kvs $8995.00 1997 Mysoi/que 0.5. 119 k's $4995.00 1994 Sable Wagon 171 k's $2495.00 1994 Sedan DeVille 132 kvs $9995.00 AV AMOIDJNIM FEES @ OPE 7ORAYS A MM1E 1992 Ford Taurus, new tires, rad, esSayaI. Hans well. As is $900. 0911 905-e73-9249. 1997 Pontiac Montana, ealended, loaded, 180,OOkms, second vwner. Askivg $10,000. 905-877-8993._ 2002 DOdge Grand Caravan Sport DaAk bue extAnt. Pos- er elndows/lscks, A/C, remole keylesv evlry, crolse, qad caplain chairs, int wndows A MMCD. Very lw kms. $21,000o Ca 519953-0879. PONTIAC GP, 265k I/ms psp, air As is $2500.00 val 9059693-9195. Hsmas Ressurces, ROXUL fsc., 551 Harrsp Drie, Milffn, ON 197 3H3 Fax: (905) 878-8077 apeeivs 0v/ or/i rravr unOne Vonvoraior ROXUL The Botter Insulation' AZ DRIVERS NERED byt uslablivhud Mater Calmer rulsvaling to Miton. Local P&O's somte, Doc/FrliOt Odrtes. Alss nuudud US Onivers and Ownur Operalos. »05-97507« Ext. 323 DZ DRIVERS REQUIRED Preterably with crane experience. WiIl train the right candidate(s) Please torward your reurne ta: THE ORIGINAL GARDEN CENTRE 1194 Dundas St. E Oakville, ON 16H-7E4 Fax 905-257-0625 Attention Shipping PERMANENT FULL TIME DRIVER/SERVER NEEDED MAust have excefllent driving record. 5 days plus. MuaI be mature. Avaifabf e weekends and fate nighfs. $9-12 per hour. PI ease cai Jennifer 0f mstead at Kentners Catering 905-873-0404 FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us' Sohool Bus Driver's Wanted Cail 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company Springridge Farm FULL-TIME RETAIL SALES il goa en;oy home décor, workîvg mvith thre public and are avaîlahîrla ma rk weekends, please fas your resume fa 90-878-4150. 725h Bell irchool [mne, Milton JOBS AVAILABLE Prodacion mark in the MILTON aiea. $11-112/hir. AIl ah/fte available. Fax resamne 10: HCR 416-622-7258 ai Te[: 1-888-411-16$60 Porsosal Trainer Part t/me tegaîrea îmmedîately by Burlîngton's moot exclusive Llub for momen Four Foily Fifaess 90-6391-1440 Linda Bennen Tawer Operator il Dispatcher Basy GM dealer, ADP esp. afin assaI Pies/oas experi- asce as assef Great moîk ansi- ronmet Escellent compen- nation package Looking for key ployer lvi Se/p as gef f0 the tati laveI Apiy toT:ny 905-844-2320 - Fax: 905-844-1497 FORMULA *PUBLICATIONS Position Vacancy Assistant Editor- Doatguide and DoatingDOusioas OakvIIIe We are looking for a self motivafed, dynamîc individual f0 complement thre edilorial feam on the boaîing magazines af Formula Publications. A frade joumnal, Boafing Business has served fhe recreafional boaling indastry in Canada aince 1976. Now in ifs 21sf year, Boatguide la Canada's premier pablicafion for powerooaf enthasiasta. Dufies Include: * Pfesearching, wriling, ediling and proofing articles. " Facf-checking milS sosrces and/ or cilera as needed f0 esaie articles/ colamina mainfain magazine standards. * Ensaring al componients oif copy and arfwork comne fogaîher pîl0î f0, deadlines. * Mainlaining awaîeness of carrent trends and lndaslry news 10 ident ify content or infereat f0i readera and reflecting the magazines vision and goals. " Affending indauslry-îefafed avents as reqaired. lndicafing salary especlafions, please email or fax yoar resame no later than, Friday, March 5, 2004 f0: Lizanne Madigan Associafe Publisher Edifor Boafguide and Boafing Business Canada Fax: 905-842-4432 iSa teadig mianu/acturer o/ m r/rat eoot msutatti proiiucts As a subirsdîary 0/ Rtckwoot Internatianal of Dertrirk we are carryin gara tradit/on i over 50i grs ot ianufacuring t gtr quatty rnula/ton Oe are LurrentIV seairL g tira /aierited and erierget c ide idual tolosras a Customer Service Rep hegoring Io the Cutonier S/ruiL/ Mariager you are a/il orgar o/O ard roaiter v/th a gruiessirna aggr tach /o LLstom/r seraiLe Work r/g ina tram /nv it//Sri yoJ W I se/ruice aria oevriSgDu csiLUomets tn the reta atd commercalin duirttrtai ma/Sets gros a rig teL/t La, order grocessig, tard dri e/y supgot Yoa must hase a poser, baLkground ius/rimer ServiLe ita/air gdLaed envirnmen ard lire aýta tu marrtai a grolesiri a eiegtsie ma nri We o//e/ a LSm//etirue sala(y tarnd ave//fs paLkage tala/g wile tire agys//un il o roit a p/ogresse, n/e/raona orgari na/io Piease aggiy inertn on MJW IFaCU 18,000 NM HOMES Please Se advîvad tiraI ALL Hifi' MIAN1MD ads are NOm Seing put mbt the GEORGETOWN INOEFENOENT payer. Grvîng var Cavlomers an ADDYTIO4AIL 18,000 Georgetown homes!! *ALL ads cull I/v eoxeo. Aiso ALL AIPARTMMrT FUR RErF, AUrMOBLatS. RECREAIION VEHICLES ANDE MOTOIRCYCLES FOR SALE ii aiso Ou inciadad rn Ihîs addîiina circalation reaviril Cult rodas- tapait svue ad iutv lthe ueudde mah of udeul 905-878-2341 IL