Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Feb 2004, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Februmry 27, 2004 CLASSIFIE HOTU: 905-875-3300 lit - 1 ilCLASSIF!D HOURS: Mi o 10Fday Il9:00 am - S.-D Pm C1lassi t" ed UPCOMING MARRIAGE \UPCOMING MARRIAGE \ENGAGEMENT KarenanadBran Roe and Stanley MacDorrald ai Milton wsaid tike foanonance fhe fsrlh camnerg marri age af nfreïr dughler Tanis Renee te Raymond Joaseph son af Carof and the fuie Roy Kiteley of Hamilson, Ontrrio. Thre aida wiff robe place alS9. Pauf's Unrted Churc/t an MrIa Ocr r 9fih, 2004 \ ENGAGEMENT coi.. FRs SALE COMFORT & COIVEIENCE! Soughf-after madet & location il this presfîgiaus carda in Downfawn Mlton, Fanaramic 0i80f5 of Taranto & semat area s 2-bdrms, 2 bathis 9' cettinga,- gas fîrepiace, 2 indoo parking - apaces, 2 iackers. 5 appi- onces, cerftrai oac. Inor pool, eaercîse raam, etc. in building. Walikta downtaca shapa & the golden gazeba suer- iaaking f58 Miii Fond. Original Owner 3118 SUITE 3 TOP - SfO1TH0 EUTCONER 100 Miliside Drive, Milton $299,900. Phtone (905) 878-469 PrieatistSale BEAUTIFUL large 3 bea- ors bungalow in Milton. A mire fînd. Cuti Jas 905-875- 7653. BEAUTIFUL. toonhause in Milton. Close fa scoi, matis and hîghway. Cai Jae 905-875-7653. BEAUTIFUL f00 bedroar conda in Bartington mîth slow overfookingthOe Lake. Cai Jas 905-875-7653. NMNEY DÔWN Frai List of properbes availabe withnodownj paymneiree-record-I ColtmseCl Toi- fD#02003 Fradensi feat PRICE TO SELL Milton tux- aîaod bedraamn enecutise home. Upgradeu inciade mirage hardwood, ceram- ica, colonial kitchen cap- boards. french doars. 639 Claver Park. $329,900. Auguot close. (905)878- 1410 Open Soase Sunday Feb 29. 2004 2-4pm. OPEN HOUSE SAT 12-2, SUN 1-5, Milton Mattamy, large camer fat, 9'caifingo, shuflers tSrougSoat, french doors, jacuzzî ensuite, upstairs taunidry, 3-bdrn, 2 1/2 bathv, CN ++ $319,900. 1534 Archer Way (416) 856-3283. See pictures 0f www.antarioist- ings.ca 2-bdrm cano ACf Reasor Kissimee area, avaitabie Match 12-19, 2004. Cai 905-878-2129 for detaito. REASONABLE fIndustriel Uats, for lent. 1,600 - 3,200 sol. ft. Laadîng docks & dnive-in. Phone 1-905-277- 9347 vr 1-905-275-6834. 1000 sq. ht., ce ntrai N/C, fur- nace, networked in industri- a area. Nicety finishred. 5800/mfh plus afildties. Cai Steve 905-878-2823. OFFICE space for rent 700 -1400 sol Il Steetes Ave, W. Cai Loate 905-272- 0648. A Work et Haone Job On Yaur Computer. Training Pravided. F/T P/T Cade:n4 www.MyHomePCJob.cars SSMONEY$$ 100% lt, 2nd and 3rd Mortgageo. Bad credif 0K. Cuti Ontario Wide 1-888-307-7789. 5-YR @ 4.4%, Alan equity mortgage prsgrams regard- tesa of incame or credit. Cai CHAIS ta t 800-328- 7887 or visitaus ut wwwrusîn- claircockbum.com 3-bedroors freshty poinfed ready ta move in. C/A, close ta schoois, bank, mail. Non-smoking no pets. 51,200/montS plas utîlties. References le- quîred. Cai 905-691-6777. ACTON 2-bedroom opool- ment, oa/tiable MarcS 1sf, $860/mfh. Qaiet bailing, ns peta. 519-853-4386. ACTON large 2-bedraomr apoarmeof, 5775/mOS plus' 519-853-5080, 519-853- 5352. ACTON large 2-bedroors apautment, groand tevel $750/mth p/as: 519-853- 5080, 519-853-5352 ACTON spaciaus t -bed- roorm apostment in quiet 5- plea. Centra location sep- arate enfrance. $725/montS inclusive. Avaifabte Match-80h, 2004. Cuit 905-877-3862. Mîisîde Tawems 82 Mitiside Drnve. 1&2 Bedrsam Apfs. Close ta ttownfaa Bos stop 0f Front Door 905-876- 1249 wawreaistar.co Free cabte hsak up. t & 2 bedroam opariment avaît- able Now and for futare. Fridge & Stase, la undry facis Na da9s 5194853- 4374 open 7 dapa/week samne day apprava. GEORGETOWN 2-bed- room apartimen, park tike senîing. 5870/monta plus utities. paringttaandry In- ctaded. Cai 905-457-2989 or 905-459-6561. GEORGETOWN 2-bed- roim baisement, saparate entrance, non-smoking, no pets. tmmediatey $850/mfh atOies inctaded. References (905)702- 8175. GEORGETOWN 3 bed- raam main ftoor, watk fa GO. Non-smoking, no pets. References, first/icaf, shared taandry. $1295/mS aftifies inctuded. Cai (905)873-4708. GEORGETOWN nem bnighf one bedroom apart- ment $800/monfh ait inclu- sive, parking space. Aprt 1sf. Cai 905-702-9091t GEORGETOWN smoti t1 bedraam aposlmenit 5495/montS plus hydro. Avaitabte immediafey. Na pets. Cai 905-873-3355. GEORGETOWN, 2-bed- raam, $765/mIS. plus Seat & hydro, îmmediatey, t stl40st, o-pets. Referenc- es/Credif checks. (905>495-t1350. GEORGETWON 1-b84- room baside GO station, newy renasated. must seet Parking. MarcS lost. 5690/monts plus hydro. Cai 416-779-6390. GEORGETWON new, taou- ry, brîghf, seporafe en- france, 2-bedraom base- ment aparfment (between Hospital and Downfown). Att new appliances. Avait- aSe immediafey. 5850/monts plus atitities. References and credif check reqaired. Cai 647- 293-1870. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENT .S 122 Bronte Street South, Milton 90e are naow occepfing apitîcons for 2-t bedroom Avait. MarcS 15 t-t bedmamm Avait. Aprt t t-t bedmamm Avai. Ma1 For more InfrmaIon andfor 60 make an as- pointment, Pliesse Cai 905-878-5375 Building Managers Loonard & Penny LARGE 2-bedraam niwt ranciaed hardwaad f tsars, 4 appitances, avai- able irsmediatey, pork-tike sening. Artingtan Btsd., Badingian. 905-681-0070, w-ww.pmantiinestewit.ca MILTON 1-bdnn opf. avai- abie immediaey. tactades Seat, hydra and appiionces 5850/mS. Contact Scott PriaI Remox Blue Springs (905) 878-7777. MILTON forge bachetar very quiet lotion, parking, & utîtîties înctaded. No pets/smoking, neor dawn- town. $650/mth. Cai 905- 876-t1456. MILTON, I bedroam aparmeaf. parking and uft- lties înciaded. $825.2 bed- room ovaîtabie. $945.+ Ctean and quiet building. Cai Mary 905- 299-0625 Avaîtabie immediatey ONE bedroom, $795 montS plus hydra. Modem build- ing, centra Milton. resemved parking, secarfy, sfave/frîdge. NO PETS, fimstas, references. 905- 878-8123. SPACIOUS, bnighf 2-bed- roim baisement apootment, prisafe enfrance, ohared taandry and backyard. Near Detree & Mapte Georgetown. 5750/month p/as ati/ities. Quiet non- smaker, no pets. Avoulable MarcS 200h. Mîke or 8ev 905-873-t1389. UNIQUE apartment avail- ROOM for rent in country, 10 minutes to 401. Fut use of able immediately in century house, son bedroam, bathroom, & hivingroom, shared home in downtown area oi kitchen, maie preferred. $550/mth + utilities. Coli 905- Milton. 3 bedroom, non 691-6835. omoking, ooîfabl for a"u"t. 51200/imIS (905)693.1601 SI4AREO townhoms, ns smoking, referencea, parkingc hie, $5h0/mith f ishilast Match 1, 416-895-7700. 3-bdrm home in Milton, ma-~____________________ tore area, large yard, in- cloding opptiaoces. Aoai- able Aphl t, $t250/mth Cai Andy (905) 878-8364. 3-bdrm semi backing onto the pond on Coltîs Court $1300/mth. Asaitabte tm- Bert and Lauraine Andrews of Milton and Doug meditetp Piese cti nd Griane Stark of Ifagerseilie are thrtilled tha Joyce t-agesik topa Le LONAELIA 500 amsied. She was bom Feh 19, Page Meadowtowne Realty 2004 in Rocfrniiie Maryland. Her parents Angela and ut 905-878-8101. Ken Stark and big sister Emma are happy ro hase SLOAN on their famiy. FRTTIME VUERS IWhy lent when hou con Own' Free tiof ot homes aoaitabte wit h ns money down, under t ,300/mnfh. Free- recorded message Cat Tott-Free aIt 1877-293- 6339 De 2064 Pro/enia Reaty GEORGETOWN 3 bed- room apperlieoe, hof tub, h appiances, NOC, hardiood- fisoîs , renooaied and im macoiafe. Aoaîiabte Match STEINBURG - Jason & Brenda are fhnied toaun- tnt. f irslast, credif check, nounce the birth of their daughter, Mattory Jean. Bomn inclusive. Non-smoking, no February 19, 2004, weighing 7tbs Soz. Pîoud grand- pers. Cat (905>702-9192 parents are Bannie & David and Rassell & Diane af (905)815-7192. Niagara Fats. A specialtfhank hou fa, Dr. Coeic and MILTON asalabte imme- the amazing nursing sfaff af Milton Distic Hospita. diafep 2-bdrm. 2 bath 1200 sq. St bungalow in new Drsry Park aiu deat opmnenf 5Sappliances, C/A garage, fuit baisement $1450/mfh + uftities, no0 smoking, amai pef we- came. 905-878-7474. NEW Milton home avait- aSie immedaey. Ooer f 1600 sq ft, acraso ofreef frsm park. 5 apptîanoes, 3 bedrooma, 2 f1/2 bafh, ga- rage, NOC, large windows, H C brighf, ciean ait new Cai Rîck or Frances 90- DOl I A3 ~0F-HE3 OUfEI; 854-3435. Di, DANCU M OE WATERDOWN 3-bedroom semi, 4 appi 0008, avai-1 able Mal. ltf. $1t75/mh ( ufilites inctoded. Counfry ., .) . soimb 905-7536 Sauve, uppliances, garage. 51200/ma. plus utifies. 905-878-9136, MILTON 3-bdrm town- Sauve, eocellent condition 371 Branle St. avoulable Aprl 1t. 51200/mS + utii- lies. Cvii 905-878-4781. TH-REE bedroom fon- hoase in Miltas. $1300/mfh. Clave la off omenîlies. Cvii Jae 905- MILTON-Shared accamma- dation for quiet, dlean non- smoking femate Parking & afîities inciuded. Close fa mail & Go. . 905-878- 4977. p1ýt CIASSIFIEDS 'J I ~ B(ill & Jv fritte Vita S(inger(îîiiî & >llro & Mrasi Piivtiriîv vf lliftiia are gIieaed fo anount5tCf the iîpcvmieg rttsirri4,se af iheir chihdrerî Tant & Maria The îreddig iril roSe place M«nv 20614 or Mrerctfiil Redeenter Poaih, Erin M/Uvl ENGAGEMENT The Halton Resource Connection Request for Proposais To operate and manage the HALTON RESOURCE CONNECTION Af 917 Nipistng, Rd, Milton, Ont. L9T 5E3 Seaed Tenders rrarki as fa confents, in the ensetape provided ii Se receiaed by the Resource Coordinaor Between 1O:OOam to 2:OOpm Wednesday March 24th, 2004 for rke abave menfianed. Camplte tender docu- menta are avaitabte hrom f58 Hailln Resoarce Caninectian (9t7 Nipisaing Rd in Milton) assaf March 3rd, 2004, 1 0:0Osm ta 2:0Opm. Under no circamstances wii facaimite or faite bîrds be occepfed or cansidered. A read oniy copy of RFP is asaiiabe on werw.thrc.a A presentofian af the proposi mal Se reqaested by the appainfed setection cammittee. 905-875-460 *» 01 4Yý4 in Advérti"qilm ý7&ýe

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