The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Fhbruary 24, 2004-9 HIG SHOL PPORT "DATELINE DRURY" Alicia Visconti John Peterson Erika Strome E.C. DRURY H10H SCDGGL li's a heiglit and heantifui Wednesday monîing. and Alicia aind John entet the lockerhas. 'He Alicia. sîhai.s up.' "Oh nothing really. are y00 ready to write titis week's article?' 'Sure arni Hon ever. 1 onlv know of a tew tiîings thai happened." "Sanie here. iiere's the Jaz tight, the Drunta Festival... Suddenly. Alica is interrîtptc ha sniiug yonng nvoman. whtî cubes Fun ttiig tiwards them wiih urgent news ta share! 'Hey puys!1i couidn't help overhearing your conversation and 1 thought i couid help you twu oui." "Whatever do you meani And whio are you'î" in Erika Stronie." she said uiîh a perk." I know oi sume importat events thai are happening aa'iund the schooi. and I thuughi 1 conid help you Write thîs week's article." 'Sure! We need ail the help ne cao get! Su far, we've had Tint the Fieu, and Scnrvy the ftsh help us oui, iri's ser what you've gui1" Su off the three wenî tu the iihrary Io compoîse their article. and here is what trunspired: ht wus a starry nîphi ai EC Denry's semti formai this pasi Fehrnary 13. The gym n'as carefliy decorated hy ur sindent guvemment, whu were hard ai work ail day long, Liphis were hnng, the fluor was cleard, aîîd the DJ piayed a vurieîy of music. The evenîng was caîered hy E.C. Drury's Fond Schooi. wjîh Dean Lune, ieadîng the way. They prnvided us wîth chicken Parmesan. caesar saiad, pasta and an arruy uf desserts, Overuli. the evening was a hope soccess and everynne învnived deserves a hope thanks. Afier eatinp ail ihîs delicions fond, the girls hockey îeam knew îhey'd ueed ta, hum off ail those calories. And what hetter way ta accumplish thîs, than participaîing ta the piayoffs. The girls wiii face une îeam from the Peel District Schooi Board, and one team fromn the Toronto District Schoi Board. Once îhey win agatnst these teams (as we are confident îhey wil!) They wii he eligihie ta campete in the ail-Ontanio OFSAA cumpetittan. Goooooooaooooooo TEAM! The drama depariment aiso seems tu think that competition iv a great way ta wark off those evtra calories. They are currentiy wnrking very hard ta, per- fect their production. " Bonjour, La Bonjour" which îhey perfnrmed Frtday, Fehmuary 20. This play is a Cunadian Classir. Writîen hy Michelle Tremhiay, thîs siory ahout a dysfuncîîanai famiiy, shows hnw difficuit it is ta find imue love ta aur modem day worid. Tre-nhiay's vîew is hieak, hut heart-warming. The drama sîndenîs ut Drury have wnrked very hard tu present a play whîch dea1s wîth the imîpact of reiationshîps on people. Resulis of haw they did were not avaîlahie ut preseut urnie. H-twever we're sure they heoke a ieg. Atter wriîîng their article, Alicia, John, and Etika were îaling in the iocker- hay. "Wow Erika! You've gai sktlis! Yau sure knnw a lot ahout what's happen- inp in the sehoni," exclaimed John. "Yeah! How ahout caîîîînuing ta write wîth us fnr the resi ni the year?" Asked Alicia, "Sure, thai's what Irve alwnys wauted!" Frociaimed Erika. And sa the three companions cnntînued writiug their articles, which you wîli certaîniy rend more af in the future, Nnw, auto the iria: Lasi Week's Questin:' lu what year was Dmury's schooi sung wnien? Answer: 1987 This Week's Questin: lu 1997, who were E.C. Dmury's prom King and Queeu? Preston MacNemi Liana-Darla Pressé DISHOP REDINO lion SCIGOL Thi week tiBishop Redapghas prove utohe yet again one fiied nstth îttany evcîîîog anid thciliirg erenîs, Spots were espe- cially eiectrifying ibis week, as the senior boys haskeîbail îeam mtade it tn the piuyoffs lu a series of evcbtiag and edge-of-your- seat gamnes. The lirst round was heid on Monduy as B.R, faced off in a graeliag gante. The boys piayed tough and the defensive effort was especiuiiy strong. The couches wouid like tri especiai- ly congratulute Ryan Furik and Lance Codîter on iheir antazing efforts and contributions ta the gante, The boys won ihîs gante in overtime wiîh a score of 59 îo 56. Oit Thursday the hoys then îmuvelled tri Nelson, along with a bus ioad oft Bishop Reding stu- dents who were geared ap tri cheer on the team. They came out with a strong game agaîinst their competitors. Speciai mention goes ont ta Mati Musterangelo and Marcas Gray for their piays. Unfonnnuîteiy the boys lost their gante, but AA OFSAA is defi- nîîely stîllin1 sight. We would like tri congraîniate the boys oit their amaeing efforts and abilities. lu other sports aews, the girls volicybali season has come tri a close. wiîh the coaches commending ail of the ladies on their efforts throaghouî the season. Indoor soccer ut Bisltop Reding bas geared ap, wiîh Mr. Conta coaching thent, The girls have hemn busy practicing and scrimmagiag in the momnings. As weli, bad- minton will be stacting josi before the March break, so make sure la listen for further details, Moreover, Bishop Redirigs firsi "Royal Roar' came on sale this week, The paper is ftlled with many pictures, articles, horoscopes arid more! Il lu on sale lu the piazza for oaly fity cents, so make sure tri gel yoar copy scoo, The Canadian Fedieration of University for Wonuen will be hold- ing is 3 1si anrnai used book sale uitheb Milton Mail on the week- end of March 26îh and 27th. They are la need of volunîcers ta hellp sort books, set ap, and park ariy ansold books. Any interesi- cd students are anked ta pieuse go la Student Services as soon as possible ta pick upua frm witb a phone number ta rail, This is no1 only an excellent way ta compiete the necessary forty boums of community service, bat also tri meet many new friends, The week ui Bishop Reding ended off wtth a great succens as Stndent Govemment held their firsi dance la îwo years. The dance was a great sarrens as many studenîs and guesîs came ont to ibis amaziag event, The Irno DJs were B.R.' own Nick Party and Ryan Farik, Thurik yoa ta ail who mtade tbis ereniag of danc- ing a saccess; especially anc Studeat Goventment. Ail in ail, it was an exriting week ut Bîsbop Reding fromt start to finish. We hope ereryone is eojoyiag their new nenuenters and we wonld like la remind that there are only three weeks lefi antil Macch break, Quote of the week: "Succens usually cortes ta thone who are too busy tu be Iooking for it." Henry David Thoreau Lacey DaSilva Seth Ferguson MILTPON DISTRICT 111011 SCUGOL "MUSTANG MESSENGER" lit beiweea essay due ddtes and catchting up on mtssed readîig. the aihles of MD are pilîed tin a lite or deaîh sîruggle int heir respective playoff runs. Coîuirary 10 essay wrîtîng. a team cannot ariistîcally make up the'end resuli. but musi work hard To earr iheir spot in the stand- ings. Oui of three Boys basketbali teams, the Juniors have the best shol ai going farthest, beirtg wedged 10 the middle of iheir i00p n01 far from the top. The Midget arid Sr teams have slowly hit rock boîtom - the Sr's only propping themselves up over the cross-town rivais EC Drury. Vicîory seemns To favour the Girls voileybail teamus over any other sport at the moment. The Sr Girls team has kepi their excellent third-place position, tied with Lord Elgin. The Jr team bas found itself a comfortabie top-haif spot on the scorehoard, not far from the division leader MD's hockey hopes have been smothered after both teams faiied to get over the .500 mark this seanon. The Girls teamn, bowever, lu looking To excel i0 their upcom- ing tournamnent this Wednesday and Thursday i0 Oakviile. Sports are ail very challenging and exciting, but notbing says entertairiment like a good murder mystery fuîl of spine-tingiing suspense. Rehearsais for this semnester's production of Agatha Christie's Mouuetrap started last week, with a production date net in early May. 'The Music Department traveiied out of town lant Wednenday. representing MD la a very musical mariner aT Music Fent, The MD performers went out with a flour- ish and gave a delightful performance enjoyed by ai, Hollywood is set to, invade MD on March 5 during the aniual Semi-Formal. Tickets for this ceiebrity event went on sale yesterday, and cao be purchased up until the evenT. Pick out your dresses now and be sure To catch up on the iatest celebrity gossip. That's it for this week, Don't forget To support youc favoucite MD îeam during their playoff run!