Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Feb 2004, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 24, 200j4 487 Lauier Aie, 878281 .Work to preserve local heritage recognized By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion T omost Miltonians, they're nameless, faceless heroes. They were young men from town who most likely had no idea what they were about to face when they left to defend their country in the First World War. Some of theru neyer retumed. When Councillor John Challinor was aaked by Milton historian Jim Dilis to work on a project that would give names and faces to these bernes, he gladly accepted. For the past two years, he bas been collecting the records of the Milton and Nassagaweya soldiers of the Fis-st World Wa- wbo died in battie. Now his research for the project is neas-Iy done. The lives of more than 70 soldiers have been researched and thei- stonies have been compiled into a 100-page manuscript. Along with the satisfaction of a job well done, Mr. Challinor bas the recognition of bis fellow townsfolk, being the recipient of the Milton Historical Society's Educational Award. "I was obviously surprised wben 1 got the tele- phone cati (saymng I'd won)," said Ms-. Challinor. 1I was deligbted, and I'mt thankful Jimn gave me the opportuntity to participate.' Mr. Cballinor was one of six recipients who were recognized as tbe 2004 Milton Heritage Awas-ds, beld February 15 at Hugh Foster Hall. The ceremony was a combined effort of tbe Milton Historical Society, wbicb gave ous three awsrds, and Heritage Milton, whicb also gave out tbree. "'Me awa-ds are an important tbing. It makes the commnunity better balanced by remembering wbere Milton got its start," said Bruce Cas-lin, special events co-ordinator for tbe Milton Historical Society, adding the two bistorical groups "complement eacb other." Ms-. Cballinor, wbo attended tbe ceremony as Heritage Multon's acting cbairman as well as an awa-d recipient, explamned that Heritage Milton reports to council tbs-ough the department of planning and dr-velopment. Its goal is to preserve tbe communisy's bistoric and bes-itage features. The tbs-ee winners of awa-ds given by Heritage Milton were Jim and Phyllis.Gorman, for restora- tion of a non-designated historic home; Ands-ew and Car-oline Kocher for infll development syru- patbetic to s bistoric neighbourbood; and George and Sbaron Gar-rett for restoration of a non-des- ignated historic home. Alshougb neither Ands-ew Kocher nor his wife were in town to accept thei- award, Ms- Kocher said tbe experience of re-building Ibei- home and then being recognized for it was grasifying. The couple lives is a bouse on Mary Street built in 1888. It suffered severe damage lis a fire last yea- and had to be demolisbed, but its own- crs decided to re-build the home true to the peri- cl, in which it was built. "We love the chas-acter and cha-m of tbe bouse and wanted to replace it. 'Me exact bouse we bsd before was mas-velous. We just loved il," M- Kocher said. He said be felt honou-ed to win the swa-d, but recognition bad nothing 10 do with bis reasons for embas-king on Use project. 1I did it totally for Use love of Use old chas-m and chas-acter historic homes depict." Jiru Gornian said be and bis wife, Phyllis, felt proud 10 receive an awa-d for Use restoration of Useir Chas-les Street home, a Georgian-style home boul in 1882. "We've lived bere for 33 yeas-s," be said, "and Use bouse was totally renovated wben we pus- cbased it. But after being bere tIbis long and rais- ing four kids, il was time 50 do some work inside." It quickly snowballed froru Usere. "Wben we started, we gos a bit cas-ried away and went a little crazy," Ms-. Gorman said. Is was Use bouse Usas fisst attracted Use couple 10 Milton more Usan Uss-ee decades ago. "My wife and 1 have ofsen said Usas is ou- ma- ried lifte - we've.been mas-ried 42 years - ifs (Use bouse) one of Use best decisions we've muade.' Moffat restoration applauded George and Sbas-on Gas-rets, wbo couldn't be reacbed for comment, were recognized for Use full ressoration of tbeir Moffat home, a one-and- a-balf-sîorey limestonte block bouse built in 1841. Besides Ms-. Challinor, the swo other recipients of awa-ds presensed by the Milton Historical Society were Mss-ion Detlor, winner or the Visual Arts Awa-d, and the late Mcl Robinson, Use recipient of Use Wrising Awa-d. Mas-ion Detlor was recogîsized for ber many water colour painsings that have included as sub- jecîs many of Milton's bistorie buildings. In 1997, she joined witb a gs-oup of local artists to forru Use Fine Arts Society of Milton. Ms Detlor's awa-d was accepsed on ber bebsîf by ber granddaughter, Megan Dellor. Mcl Robinson was posUsumously presented wiUs Use Wrising Awa-d for bis weekly Canadian Champion columns 'Milton 'Men and Now', wbicb were gasbered and publisbed as 'Memories of Milton'. 'Me book anecdotally deals wiUs family life in the early 1900s as remnembered by Mr. Robinson. "These personal recollections make for some interessing reading,' Bruce Carlin sald. "Lots of people say ifs neat to read bow life really was.' Stephanie Thiessen con bis reached as- sthiessen@mils-oncanadianchampion.com. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE From left, Counclilar John Challînor dlaplays hi. Educational Award whlle Megan Dollar shows off the Visual Arts Award she acoepted an behalf of her grandmother, Marlon Datlar. Margaret Wilson and George Robinson praudly hold the Wrltlng Award they accepted on behalf of thelr father, the late Mel Robinson. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Chrîs Gorman (lait) accepta the 'Restoratlon of a Non-Designated Historie Home' award an behalf of hia parents, Jim and Phyllis Gorman. Andrew Kocher (centre) accepta the award for'Inflîl Development Sympathetlc ta a Hlatoric Neighbourhood' pre- sentend ta hlm and hie wife, Caroline, for their Mary Street home. And Ken Keates, of Heritage Milton, accepta an award an behaif of George and Sharan Garrett for 'Restoratlan af a Non-Designated Historic Home'. ~YCQGECQCogeco Cable ~ LO8I T IOviiOnC anne 14Programming Schedule - Tuesday, Februar>' 24th - Monday, March 1, 2004 www.COgOco.Ca Pisisi tIsn6m mge n 5 S--po, --Plsggsi on 5 pr ggad In 4prn TV . 0sSpast 10:pr TVCH5SH Spot Ç -6m pýW n Il 7ýý Esll Wlel Edtso Earl Week Edition 5730p Ead WSskEdiion 673 Ls Editi. C9 Han H S c'50ss 7 LISSHSS NIORTH HALTON STUDIO 5 OooosSHsoo, 53 PeppleSpak hHsho5 5.3p O s ,, Conco &Opn, 2003 Gesongeto B.k.t0501 F,,s 5 stsi :.m 00ct . SwaspTien,(Ls} 05I5ý A«ands 7 OOpo Late Week Edtio :0m aeWe din 63p Laurier Plaza 800 HISH CAO530 BIssH 7 sops 500 Laurier Avenue F, 2 00r Psspls WeeHSk H Milton, ON L9T 4R3 8 301 F.cs a,&0 . 905-78-306TVCogeco Sports: Halton High School Basketball Final - Saturday 4pm &Sunday 1O:3Oam 90-7890

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