22-The Canadien Champion, Tuehdey, February 24, 2004 DRIVý;ER/1-S-ERtV-ER FîNE E DE-D 5 diays plus- Muse tue mature- Availabte weekands and larte nights. $9-1 2 par hour. Ptaase cati Jennifar Otmstaad et Kentners Catering 905-873-0404 ~,i~Where colour livesi Feu & Part tille positions availabl, ait our Burlington. Waterdown & Milton Stores Jein tire arecing Terra Teas.. If yea esjey a fast paced eseirenment, genuirete thrire jr a service atmesphere & can't wait ru share yaur gardening enthuxiasm with athers vie wart nu te grec WIlil aS! RETAIL POSITIONiS: WVe have upeninne tor eanhierv e in mary departmentru annuain, pererniel, pnd & nursery. Please derail arn hornîcuinural krswledge or evperience ou may have. PRODUCTION POSITONS: WVe have unenîrgr toi gnerai luhovîerr and cvanerîro staff Plrase specity tire store location ut yrur preference and taxeor emami yeur resumne ru: IIflIIIITerraGreenhouses.coim Fax: 905 690 8410 TRIMAC TRANSPORTATION seeke eelf-motvvated individuat with Trans- portation industry experience for the position of Traffic Supervisor et our Oakoville. ON terminat. Dispatch experience, experience in a computerized environment, and excellent communication and mana gerial skilîs required. Please forward resumes to: H-uman Reaourcea 2330 Unit 2A Wyecroft Rd. OakvlIe, ON L6L 6M1 Leekise fereMEN, WOMEN, TEENS &KIOS HION DEMAND FOR 20-50 YR. OLOS I (3-lOyrsl for opcoming Film, Commercial Prints,K aItav.T lntAtino. PrinciDlo. & Extra Wrkl - To Book Appointmeets cuit MtM lac: 905-848-6731 Tell-Frna: 1-866-623-3429 * lmicuer of the catng Workbok* AUTRA Moebors Wokoume Chartwells. Sheridan Colieue Cafeteria Now hlnlng for aur catering services. Fultilme, Mon.- Fnî., 7am-3:3Opm + saine evenings and weekeflds. Food bacirground pretereble. Self-sutiuneted tees player abrle te curir indeperdestn. Fluent Errglish necessery. We provide: gsod sterling reegec bene- fits; mealsc and anifsrm. Apply ia pansan le Luka or Ma yLou Men - Fr1, 9-5, aI Sharidan Collea, 1430 Trafalgar, Dakvilla niail: 905-844-f8532 Sandtron Automation Limnited opeciatizes in otasar pradacto for industriel aptcatiano. We are faoking fer Outiales 8Bag for tire GTA. Muet Feue ares car and ire a self starter. Phiis and celd cellieg cili ire reqaired. $27K+cerna. Office.Assistant Must ire fniendîn, cirtertel, reli- able, gesd pirone usice, irighly satieated and have experiesce cith Word and Excel. $12/nr. Both require good Engliah communication akilfe- oral and rerifen. F/T days. Industriel experierce an essel. Apply by caIi Mîcliele: 905-827-8230 betweaa 9 ocm. - 4 pic. aely Th ucsflcandidate must have valid drivers lcnei odstanding, knowledge ot automotive dtiigan asset. Excellent renumeration. T ona wînning teamn fao resume or eall F0 / LEEFat Fax: 905-335-4048 e Tel: 905-335-0223 Pool Construction Supervisor Indaatry leader, Pioneer Famîty potls heu an opening for a dynamic individuat who has a good knuwtiedge ot the inground pont indue- try. The succeostut candidate wîf t wonk rn the field wîth bailderu and cuatomers. Gond communicatin & abone anerage onganiza- tînnat ahititieu are neceonany. Salary ru be negutîated baued on experience. Please fax restane to 905-847-4481 FREE TRAINING Drtve 4 Us. Sohool Bus Drivers Wanted Caîl 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company TRI-EL INDUSTRIES INC. Acton NOW HIRING SEWERS - CUTTERS GENERAL LABOURERS TEMPORARV FULL-TIME TEIMPORARY PART-TIME Evenings (stsjdenta wefsoome) Willing to Train Please fax reaume to. 519-853-9138 Canadian Petcetera es eeokîec toi Experenced Full and Part Tirm Groomer n Che Oakville area We ofer compenîiie wages and a grean workîng envîrrrmenr. If you would laee Ce puenue Chie canner epponeuniey pleare vend a envume Ce: Human Reaoaarcea 230-13480 Crestwoad Place Richmond, BC V6V 2KI Fax: 604-244-7388 lEmail: careers@petcetera.ca - www.petcetera.ca <N Hair airstylists HairBoilit a careen s y it vlarfieg day one Bud a Career hourly cage aComn PREMIJM PAY -Excellent Fenefîl pkg STARSAT$9.25 +R.. F/T-P/T, Flua Fours Commission & Basas -Equipmeel provided - Debeatable Foetfito -Adnenced training e Equipmert pronided -No clientele nequired e Advanced updetîng -Apprenlices culcome e Apprertîceo reelcose Lydia 905-632-4851 Caîl Samacîha i Sue 90-319-845 905-308-6118 ww.firtchoice.con % r.tirtcirice.cos . il 1 MIDAS Auto Service Expcerts Booepeedays wee l 2nd Year Apprentice Opperlunity tar a seit-motvxted, expeniorced irdîrîduxi whoe os curhieg wvth tee public. We etter anr exel- lert xtxrhrng xaiary grrup benetit padkage and urguîng traxining enxiixhie. Résumée can ba dropd off or mallhd to: 42o Steelea Av. E., Naton, ON or tax.d 808-76-2373 Attenion: LAdre Administrative Assistant Required Fast grneirg. innouative manufacturer requires a self- mrrclrated irîdiuidual foi the position rf Adrministrafiae Assistant. Dunies inclede phones, tli g, bankeg, of- fce rupplies. mailirg, etc, Computer knoulvyge es a must. Dan transperfalire requirer Starlirg sate is reqeliahie, wînh rn for aduarcement Resur e ac- cepred rn percer n ofy te 1175 Appief y i ne, d'Li F2, Furi eqîru Leysys Nelue ke ii, er rIaigesti ndpnpcedry ceneri aulnorired distriDuler of eorref Neuorks pro- dccIs in Canada. rerrerrly ras an mnrediahe oprî g in the Corperate Head Dfice (Dakvîlic) fer Accounts Receivable! Accounts Payable Clerk The suceess;u c areidate must have Mifcrerser Office enperience, eelerI cemmeeratise irerpersena & tearrork skills Respoirs ilais ice. but W are nel lîrniledo. piecessiirg, uerilyieg & Darancirg aceunis payablr/ receicanin. Piease e-mrail resurnes te Sandra Bearty et IFeal ryOcrlexsysretworks comn or lax le (905) 338-5446 Ir an ak ail trese whr are rrrercsleo Dniy reose car, oiffates wnc quaify rer interviewe v1 iler crerarred FIT BOOKKEEPER/ RECEPTUONIST We requrre an ir7rrîdual wite a rtrrrg knwiece ef genural acceurfirg prîncîpres with experrenlce rnclud- ing Payreil, A/F AIR and havir vccsurting. Ferper- sihfe fer hieekîn payrrfl and genersl accoartirg euncrions. Must Cave excellent verbal and entresn communication skills, profîciency using Microsoft computer applications andt a working knowledge of accounling sotare. Please reply le writing le: Mr. Ras White - RR#2 Lynden, ON LOIR ITO Buyer/Procuremnent Clerk Fulitime permanent position for lAD Technologies Corp. in Georgetown. Experience in Microsoft Word & Excel a must. 2 years previous ex- perience in a manufacturing envi- ronment. Please fax resumne to: 905-702-1442 Cuatomor S.rvic./Ord.r Deak FuIttime permanent position for lAD Technologies Corp. in Georgetown. Experience in Microsoft Word & Ex- cel. lnvoicing, ordar entry, bitl of lad- inga. Approximately $25,000 to start. Ptease fate resumne toi 905-702-1442 r CARING RECEPTIONIST Naeded PART-TIME et the Georgetowen Animal Clinic ome atarnoon. eaaning & Saturday hes. Please send rasuma toc 4 Mountainviaw Road South, Georgetowen L7G 4J9 or tac 905-877-8081 or eaour ganimaiendeaolcm Permnen Pat Tie BockClark Wilpreuide training, Tuesdxy deys undt Thursdxy nigets j Fax rentame ta RECEPTIONIST/ BOOKKEEPER Oekvitte Chererd Accouneant firn seekung personable and self motivaîrd individeal for the receprionisl position. Position includes vomne bookkeepmng. processing eccosunes receivebles! payables, bautk reconcilietions etc. Quicken/ Quickbooks knowledge is an asset. Please fax your resume and cover letter, le confidence, te 905-844-9908 $t3.au - $15.0e perh 1 ' Fax 905- 878-9646 Fui Time Cuatomer Sea-vlce/Telenaarketing (Entry Level) Toiephune expenierce and a pieaxxnt uutgeirg penser. xiit5i nequined, Excellent irterpersoa ukîiles ard soe computer experience an errer. Fax resurne ta Lydta Jaatk @ 90".75-4532 BOOKKEEPER Part-Time Must bu eeperierced rn ail aspects ot uccng., A/R, AfP, GIL & tînenciel sate- mento. A strng ecctg. background wl eec. computer skîtll & ebîlity to work usupervîsed required. Pleaso fax resumo ta 905-338-0412 (Oeknîlle) 530 LEGAL Furlîngler Lare hrm reqluires a Famity Law/ Litigafian Legel Sucre- tar. Msst have esperi- ence reith Divorce- Mate, This ponition is offered on a Fvll-timu/ Part-lime hasis ciih flexible Fours. Pleese feu or email. Brechia & Haffinas 905-333-4298 on hhhlac@hhhlac uel itPays Tokdvertise InThe-, XIssif iedSi 53ceIl Wc>rlI Sales Professîonals Wanted Burlington Area Locations *Are yru ae eepenîerced raies consultant rn a neeaîl setrîrg? * On nec certruhate eo ehe WVOW faceor fer o jr cu.stonmers0 " Car OI yeue t oeal satisfaction & loyales of oiii ccseomees? " Are you irterese ni a buse in class compensation package? Theri we wvant te speak ssrr you aboutr a eewandîrg caneer wîth Bell Word Please forward your resume ASAP ta stephanie.celinscak@bellworld.ca Career Opportunity A Barngtan maufecfaring firm reqairea Inside Sales/ Customer Service Represenllative 2-3 yrs nuperiencu n techeica saeta pro- fenviona teluphonre mener & moiti-taoker, Pull-fine, Mon-Fni, tam- Spm Fao neoume te 905-333-4313 Wanted Servers & Bartenders Our average age grsup seems ru ha se-es. Gofooud, gond lanîces, good tips. If yov thîrk fou ian cork en Chia test peceit attracive ennîrorsent. Please cail DD at 905-693-0523 LIVE in caregiver fll tise ru cure for 2 girls 95 &rr years uId, reterencea ne- quireit. cati 905-876-33e1. MOTHER & daughter tees availahie ru, dean your Fuse, eeperîence, refer- ances, refiahie. (519) es3- 21ar. RESIDENTIAL cleanire sasiceae aueilarle. Pieuse cati tar a tree estisate. One Ume dlear ao celcase. Receiptx aveilarle. cxl Ks et 905-299-1321. BATH/ Kitchen Designer/ Sales; Eetablixhed Bath and Kitcher compxny seeke quelitied designer vvith sales skills. Muet ire soIf motiratod. Full/ Part Trne. For interview cali Eric 905-639-7876 or Fax Resme: 905-639-2260 Opal Baths and Kitchens DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Fuil-time Abel-Dent experience a muetl Nice office atmosphere. North-west Mississauga location. Fax resume 905-812-3632 PART-TIME HELP WANTED My Hometown as looking for a crea- tive, mature, reaponaible, individual with retail experience. Day-time hours, 3-4 days a week; but muet be flexible. Must be able to work until flpm. Please drop off resumne toc My Jiometown Downtown Georgetown Nu Phoure Calix Pleaxe Raiabow Village Daycare Centre requires Amsitant Teacher The successfsl candidate ciii have expenerece cîth chîlder ard cil lîeg to work Full Ume un Pxrt Ume houos as reqaired. This posiir s sexe isseditele Cail Diane at 905-878-7552 EXPERI ENCED PIANO TEACHER Required for Georgetown Music Sohool. Grade 8 ROM or equivalent Fax resume to: 905-873-7367 Dpocale Spa & Saler le Waterdown iv groeîng and loekîng for exp. indînidualo for the feilseieg positionls Esîtalîicias eaM Crealive Hair Stylisi If you are interesîrd le arry ufthlOue positions Please tfa resame lu 905-689-1057 or emailuo jarceks@cogeco.ca Walts Industries (Canada) lac. a leader in tht Plumbing, Heatiag, Drains and related industries, ires an immediate s ptain g fer as TECHNICAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. Managing phone orderu, pnovideo slock/peîcev & techoical aduice te cutomero cuncerning appropriate produet for a opecifie application. Trouhleshosting tur cusomens concerring ust et produis already instalîrd. ldeally, ou havt a min. 2 yrsofe Techeical CSP esperience le a elmilar indostry or OACETT certication. Resumes to. HP Watts Industries (Canada) lac., 5435 North Service Pd., Burlinglon, ON L7L 5H7, emaîl:hrm@cafscanada.ces SWA1rTS l CANAqÀDAp