F 12-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 24, 2004 Dateline , roï LiAïLLa\4L un pageî Christian Prayer Breakfast takes place at Rattîcanake Point Golf and Country Club, 5407 Regional Road 25, fromn 7 to 9 arn. Thec guest speaker is Michael Coren, joumnaliat and TV and radio show host. Tickets cosl $15 cach. For tickets or to reserve a table, ealu Chris at (905) 876-1885. Nassagaweya Preabyterian Church holda ils Ham and Scalloped Potato Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tickets coat $12 for aduits and $6 for children aged 6 to 12 years. Children under 5 are free. For tickets, calI (905) 854-2375 or (905) 876-3322. Wellspring Halton-Peel, a support network for cancer patients and their familles, holda its Relaxation and Visualizalion drop- in program ftom 10:30 arn. 10 noon aI 2545 Sixth Line in Oakvillc. For more information, caTI (905) 257-1988. Friday Feb. 27 - 29 The flaesday Artiats presenîs an exhibition and sale of original Sincerij1 1978 mas "'CANADA'S NATTRESS SUPERSTORE" " Visit our wobsite at www.sieepfactory.com " Fnoncinq availahi. *Senior Dicount OPEN SUNDAYSI " Ovor 40 locations acrois Canada Ho.-u1-pm. " We humoiz ., Ffl. 1H p.m., r~ - Satu9-6 .m., 'À 01-, li ,iLfiIS Wae i...LIr isie ll on ,iii upsiaii s ai Lu1blas -llise sale takes place fromn 5 tu 8 p.m. Feb. 27, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 28 and 10 arn. 10 4 p.m. Feb. 29. Admission is free. Saturday Feb. 28 Canadian Blood Services holda a donor clinic from 9 a.m. to I p.m. aI Milton District High Sehool, 396 Williams Ave. To book an appointmcnt or for more information, eali 1-888-236-6283. Hornby Euchre is held at 7:30 p.m. at the Hornby Comrnunity Hall on Steeles Avenue. St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St., holda its Family Square Dance aI 7 p.m. No experience is nccssaey and ail ages are weîcome. For more information, call (905) 878-8895. Registration for Town of Milton apring and aummer recre- ation programa bdgins at 9 a.m. Residents cas use Milton on-lie registration to register on the Intemet or by touch-tone phone. Registration takes place in-person from 9 a.m. 10 I p.m. at the Milton Leisure Cetre, 1100 Main Si. E., or own Hall, 43 Brownî St. For information on mail and fax-in regist-ation and programi information, sec the Town of Milton Spring and Summer 2004 Community Services Guide, visit www.milton.ca or call (905) 878-7252, ext. 2440. Fair Vote Canada, Halton chapter, meets from 10 arn. 10 noon at the SAVIS office, room 227, on the second floor of Hopedale Mail, Third Line at Rebecca Street in Oakville. Everyone is wel- corne. For more information, caîl Gail Turner at (905) 637-2279 or e-mail hier at gbunty@cogeco.ca. Saturday Feb. 28 - 29 Mountsberg Conservation Centre holds its Maple Syrup Days fromn 10 arn. to 4 p.rn. with boiling sap demonstrations, candy- making and guided sleigh tours through the sugae bush. And, of course, there are lots of pancakes. The event costa $5,50 for adults and $3.75 for children. Crawford Lake holds its Sweetwater Season event fromn 10 ar. to 4 p.m. with Native-style maple demonstrations in the recon- structed Iroquoian Village. Monday March 1 This is the last day to RSVP for the Retired Women Teachera of Ontario Social Lunch, which is held March 9 at 11:45 arn. at the Mandarin restaurant, 238 Biscayne Cres., ini Brampton. To reserve a spot, calI Kahn at (905) 796-2146. Do you know a local hero? Know any real-life heroca? The Halton Region Safety Council (HRSC) bas announccd ifs searehing for the next recipient of its Halton Heroes Award. The award is given to Halton residents who selflessly and courageously save or try to save the life of another person. Halton residenîs may nominale people who have shown a spe- cial commnitmnent to the safety and welI-heing of others through their actions in the past 18 montha. Nominations can be faxed to (905) 825-9429 or mailed 10 CarIa Draper or Wendy Moraghan, Halton Police Education Services, 1151 Bronte Rd., Box 2700, Oakville, Ont., L6J 5C7. The deadline for nominations it March 8. The Halton Region Safety Council -made up of a police offi- cer, volunteers fromn waler safety and block parents - as well as Regional representatives will carefully consider nominations. For more than 35 ycars, the HRSC bas tried to make Halton safer by drawing attention to the importance of public safety. It educates children through achool visits that focus on water safety, block parents. and safety in the home. Ail Leather and Shearling Coats on Sale! Buy 1 Get the 2nd* 5O0OFF Sale ends February 29th, 2004 Downtown Acton lunction #7 & #25 rol Free: 1-866-571-6028