ýWjE SELL ADFATO' AUTO SHOWj *SPIECIALS I The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 24, 2004-il volume ChrYsie 11ernier1 Il tM. I volume Chrysier certilied usedI b au imair&u - crnstomne sales saflslacl dernier hi Matille AgaIIIIIII 1e 200. Wmie It cornes te seleflon, service IL p"a'e vue rat the nsn* MONU j il b:E',i BRAND NEW 2004 DODOE CARAVAN YOUR CHOICI pIe; AàNNIVERSARYàvf MODELS ON SALI! 2168 S eMONEY>28 2M0 hpIuMe p 200 J.p 'uIMII CUmfsks 2M ysior Pacflc 2004 OMe Low Finance 0% Financlng % Rs* Ratso Flnancing Lease & Lau. « --U~Rte oraes Sedan & Convertible *1~~~~~~ ~~~~ ___________________ l n a n cc,1 n.g______ 204 DM SM4 4ý ý 2 ln Stock FDA* - & oe 204 - Ley ing* Low Km Off Lease Vohicles Each With Chrysier Warranty. iii L9 2>81 ((R dW 2TT FER 1ONTI 60 MoNTl M - 1908 9141111 choroko. UmItI Loaded, leather & power Sun roof. Stk #254231 817,888 48m. GDLD KEY LEASE Finano Ing &Leas., Rates*1 I2M0 hO »M I 0% Flnancing I ~ or $2000 2001 RAM 1500 Si A work truck with cap & air Stk #247644 $1 G,888 t " Puce ot Mini wlth mli Cirysler's inclhded hacked warranty * FREE Li1fetim mli chanes " Romiside assistance " OUaIII, Inapectie, and Ieontiming * Nation wide sevice Chylrs# RtWU iii[ DealerL for iuto e Sale[sR11 Sat ict Di i in Ontario. A i feenanc, ......... à