Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Feb 2004, p. 27

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CARPET 1 have several The Canadiani Champion, Friday February 20, 2004-27 GAETAN - Paol o and Suia (nie Lewis) are Ihrilieci te aninoonce the birtb ot their thîrd chiid en Pol a lilte brother for Daniel and Aliia. ean wao bom Pt- buary 3, 20045 at :48 am, weighing 9 lias9 oz. He as the fifih grandcid for 0Dabl and trnesia Gsetan sud tht eaghth grandcid for the loto Dace ad Irene Lewis. Specialtihants go to Dr M.J. King, Nurse Recala and ail the 005 staff a Miltron District Hospl Prosd parents Rfck and Reisecca Maconald are proud lu announce the arrivai of iheir daughter 0flofia Megluan un Jan t, 2004, ceighing 7lbs 7oz. Proad granciparentsarse Rda sand Karen McTrach, Kim sud Dennis Posai & Sharoand ill MacDonald. MULÉ, Gulsippica Ai tht Milton Dstrc Houpits on Mondsy, Pet usry 1th 2004. Gispprna Mulé of Miton, ons sit sf0Car meina Moic Nic andVirgnieMueé OrazosandCe- cella Mueé an Pdal n d Sam Campantsla Sdly misseli by her mary r eces sud rephews Family an fniends vci oudahe McKersleKoche Funeraf Home 114 Main St Militen 905-678-442 on Wednesdsy and Tharsdsy. A Massofa Chrsiaun Bs sa wil be celebraied sl Hopy Roai Romar Caiholic Churc 139 Marin Sireet Milton or Fnday, Fthrsary 201h 2004 arrosa arn lienerin 10 folo a 5tht M ion Ecergrten Ce- meael As topreusiors nf sympaihyu menonsa dons- tors lu the Heari and Strote Prardator could be sp- precied. HALL, Jop- Born March 19, 1919, passud scay Moudi Febeusry 16, 2004, afier s coaragtoas tourner ihrsugh Ide wih hon daoshiers bp her aide. Vilfe of Allsn Hall and loci moter of Bone, Bounda, Barry sud bis elfe Roheria, Bec Deifino aud her hushand Frank, Barh Csalich sud htr huobanci Ler. Locing Nana to Mite, Sieven, Mandia sud Tracy sud Locing Nana of secen gresi grandehilcirer. Specisi ihast t0he staff ait Alieudsie in Miltron for their commffimeni of locang cane 10 our moter ocer the pasi peur. Specisi thants 10 a locing frieud Hiida Hall Freuds mal cati ai Oakvfew Funeral Home, 56 Lateshore Rtosd W, (one bluet eas of Kenr Street) Oatoilit. Visiion cas heici Wednesdsy Febrsary 18, bteen 7.00 sud 9:00 p.m. A service cas held ai Oatcie, Thursday Fetruarp 19 sil 11:o sm. Donations rn mear of momr may te made 10 Aizemizer Society or Attendait Long Term Cane. SAUNDERS, Clilffrd Allan Fonnelf yof Meaford, Cliltord passad acay in Milton, Onfario un Tueai February 171b 2004 in his Bisi year. Member of tht Royal Canadien Dragoos WWP IL Predeceased by bas wifa Bernyce sanders. Dean oiep faiber of Leigb sud ber bssbaud Bob Horford of Milon and Cameron Clark 0f Brampton. Suily misseli by four grandebldren, Anirc Kelsey, Chelsea sud Ailison. Alis oaived by ose brother Leslie sud bis cie Myrna OSorreerso f Cambridge. A fuseraI service cili t be ld for Cliffoaci ai tht Mr.KerefKoclier Funeirai Home 114 Main Street Milton 906-878-4452 on Saisrday, Fe- brsary 21st 2004 ai 2:00 pm. Cremolion t0 folioe As expressioms of sympathy, memoriat donations 10 a cbarfty of your cboice car be made alt e fanerai bome. PESNL attendant ro- qaired fer etdiedy tomatle. Accommodations as op- lion, ows transpartation. Fomalo preforrod, referone- es roqsired. Cal Ase 905- 654-1235. acaitabte fuit ar pari time Mon-l LaurierNanier ares, roforences, tnrt aid, Cati Mary 005-875-0188. LOVIHG caro, natrtOs matl craftt parts, trst aid palie check, soket tree. Casal 905-876-0620. 1998 POLARtS XLT snoc- mobile corses with caver, traiter, camrent OSSC stck- or & ticanso. $330 (519f 853-1681. 2r' Panasonic Stores Con- sole TV, eoceltent condition. $250. Pleese cail 905- 878-0M1. A King Pilloctsp Mattress Set. New te plastic. Cost1 $1600 Sacrifice $450.00 905-567-0459 cas dliur 850, Amazing bargais, queln orIbopedc p0owiop, sot. Nec iu plastic, corran- ty $100 505-567-4042 ci doutver. BEDROOM set. 8pxe cher- rycoed. Bed, chosi, dress- i or, mirrir, nîgbt stands. Docolsit constraction. Nov- er oped.. Coni $8000. Sacrifce $2400. 905-567- 4042. FREE Entîrnates. Cet cot- biy chairs, tired iootîng cood tunishes? Fields Cas- tors Woed Retinahing sud Farnifure Ropairs. 9-9, 905-632-9090. pet. Wvil dv lviirginve & hait for $389. Includes car- pet, pad & insstlltion f30 yards) Stece. 905-639- 2902 DIHIHO ROOM r3pce. Cberry, 8 chairs, buffet, hoich, semver, dovetait or structiou. Suiti lu boxas. Cosi $11,000. Sacrifice $3,000. 905-567-9459 $$$$$ WANTED - Att Chi- us, Sucver, Crystat, Teo Caps, Royal Douitou, Scorocsti, Otuss, Jewet- iery, OM tioys, Cotiectibies, Estaie Csfi Jobn/Trcy, 905-331-247 CASH Ps d for aniques sud safiectibies, china, fig- urines, jeceiery, fsmdstre, cotes, etc. 905-878-3145 oeil- 905-876-750. cetient concdion, toaded, cartitied/e-tested. Munt oeilf $8,500. Cati 905-702-1 0674. 2000 Dodge Caracan. 11 1 ,OOOms. Exceiteut condition, V6 autornshc. Aalaing $11,800. Cati 905- 873-6502, speakto1 Juan or Janet. 2002 Dodge Grand Cara- cos Spart, dort tiat extiant. Pocer cindocuilocta, N/C, remote ttyitss curry, craise, qaad captair chairs, tint cîndees, AMIPMICD, very toc trns. $22,500 0.8.0 call (5198530879. KIOS, telr petites need ed ait agetizt for TV., foshion ecvents, etra code $20-90 par hoor. Cati 9 05- 336-5455. JOBS AVAILABLE Ponklift 0perutoro in the MILTON uai $13-15/bnr. Ali shifts scsiluble. Fan reoume to: HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 Need a Job? Are you 16-24 years oid? WE CAN HELPI Cali JOB CONNECT at SHERIDAN 905-878-4956 Cinuabo. Car butery lu Bortirgien Mali requirta a crew- member cho- tsavscit- able daya, ecenirgsansd ceseoeds for upproo. 24-36 hrs/i Train- ing os provided and there is apportunity for advancemeut. Pileuse uppiy lu penser cit s reaume or15 fax0 905-333-2673 PiT Driver with oata frainspori medicul laser beiceso Catcitle & Mlton o a weetty tais. Retired persans are ceicome ta apply. Mlasse Cali 905-878-9113 te arrange for interview nG SALI Large indoor garage sale, sileur auctias, callectîhîca, art & more. Sotorday Pebrusry 21 st. Lots of veudors seait ing anrnntbing for eceryore alOit. Poul's United Cburcb, Main St. Miltron. Doors open a1 9 arn Satsrdsy. Tables stili acoilabie cati 905-875-1228 or 905-878-9107. 111111c"0111 PmSuaM Rues Suc, Feb. 22nd 1:UOpmn previsu 1lamt Oleflaos Banquet Hall 2273 Royal Windsor Dr. Oukoilte QEW toit S. Ford Dite Royal Windsor N W corner Perulan Ruias Art., semi-unt. old, nec, sait, large city, village, tribal ruga ait unique, bard knoftod cool, sait # aili, tort cool eg. tidjur, Ardubit, Ha- madia Nain, Batoch, Heriz, tofuhur, takthiur, Tabriz, Tubniz Muhi, Moud, Tortoman, Meahed, Kahun, Senneh, Surough etc. Rags (ai ses apprx) front 15xlO' lo 21xV. Muoy 12'x9', 1007 lO10'x', 7x5', 60x3' eRunners. AuLi alicl. ourtoos tribes. 25+rugs fn sale. ALSO: Croup af Secer Pli. Lonch No Reserves No loyers prenln, Witt Fue/Emuil tist.Terms:trteruc, Visa, MCAc dlonner R llackbeard Sr., 905-89428 CARMR SEMINAR MEL ESTATE If peu are carrtntly on corse; recently lîcenued, considtring a change frsm yoar carrtnt broker or tooking for a new career, ysu owe if f0 yooruelf f0 attend this semirar. Ial ilffil FOnd Out About *Who sroulO consider real etaae lard wfa should rail *Provircial licersirs courue R oyai LePase trainirg, personal douelapmeni ara suppori *How a 10901 a uick siart *How 10 mamizt your incomo flU I I111111111@Y 29, 7.30u J11111 EM TREM fH.m cU r " r Cm M Lam' O Ckdi UL, korutsu Scatne is limie col roc le, reoemve a satF ROYAL LEPAGE Milton 905-87848101 a.ecrmn GOurgetoco 905-87748262 Mdcr~aR.r Mfsslsaug 905-821-3200 - yacu lioeMlEHOM Please be adrsedithaï AIL HP£L? UIANIE ado are NOW being parut ib te GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT paper. Gioing our Custorners su ADIDM5OIAL 18.00 Georgetocn homei *ALL ado ciii be BOXED. Alan ALL APARIPZNfS FOR REMr. AUYONM81LES KECREAIOF VEhIICLS AME MOTOKCYCLES FOR SALM citl aîso be included lu tais acdtaouai circulation reaci CatiI la le gel youeoad mbt the eclendeat rech eft modemfi 905-878-2341 DenBok Landscaping & Design a Burlînglon-hased Lurdsape campsrly requirto: " Landacape Maint. Foreman & Labourera " Landscape Coud.L Forema & Labourera Ali applicants must tit slmotif atld and poncui with a commîlment ta quuliy. A uatîd driotrs licei rn gaad standing. is un asatt. Pieuse lorwurd rtsumt hy faxo or lemail la. rax: 905-589-2199e9 Emfaf : faio@deebok.com MORE GOLF STRONG DRIVE REQUIRED OFF THE TEE ClubLink, owner, opersoor and developer of sonne cf Use ftnst golf propertes in Ontario asd Quebec is graring up for another great arason of golf. If you are a high esergy, srrvice-oriested individual, we vvelcomne you te, jois ua in one of these dysamnic fulI-time or part-cimne positions: Golf Operations Hospitality Rlu-f Operations Starters, Marsaat, Cols Distwastera, Generat Turf Golf Services Staff, snd Supervisors, Servers, Labourr/Operstors, Bsck Shop Staff Bererage Cart, Mectanica, and and Housekeepiug Staff GardenerslHorticultuista February 2lst Caledun Woods Golf Club - Boiton Gien Abbey Golf Club - Oakville Greystone Golf Club & Glencairo Golf Club - Mfilton (Open House @ Greystone) *usy FAquoctaan Whaolocale Company ha Milton Reqoires Ful lime beip. Succean fl appilcant ciii be ne- jiable, tnergeic, be s team ployer, sud have anme berne tsaciedgt. Somne lifting. Fax Reemme te (65) 870-037 or Cmli (SUIS) 876-1604 CURVES - P/T Word' langent flimais orgarizarion is satkins for a ma- tort, estais, ouigoing person to cont ai the Miltron lo- cation. Houro flexible, somt Saturdsys. Wîll train tbe right persoc. Fax resumnes to 905-875-3512 No phone oeis please. CUITAR TEACHER Needec imînredîstely tu coda Friday O Ssiurdsy. Sight Rtadiug is a necassair stîli. Please cail 905-878-7090 MATERIAL HANOLERS $10-1294R. Nec distribuion centre locae in Miltron reei 10 peuple for tenp. t0 paon. pasitions. Exparience code- irg rn s carehosse recaiciug encirormeni issun ASSET. This faoa 4 AM ho 12:30 PM ahiff. Safty shoto artsa MUST sud so is s GREAT ATTITUDE! The rnaxirumn liiting ceightis o SObs. Peaut col The Recrotring Edge lu arrange for su spponrrnont. lise Recrufifng Edge 25 Watfne Avenue Mluigusuga PiH: 906-508-8877 TRI-EL INDUSTRIES INC. Acton NOW HIRING SEWERS - CUTTERS GENIERAL LABOURERS TEMPORARY FULL-TIME TEMPORARV PART-TIME Evenfngs (students welcome) Wifling to Trafin Pi ease fax resumne toi: 519-853-9138 CARING RECEPTrIONISTr Needod IPART-TIIME as the Georgetown Animal Cinic Sonne ovenlng and Saturday hours Pt oase sond reaumo to: 4 Mountainvfew Road South, Georgetown L7G 4J9 or fax 905-877-8081 or emii: ganfmalc@ai.com No phone catis picoal BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH as nom hanang fuiltrime snd paru rime 4 pon - tZprs and 8-4 fautl rame The succesafot appicanta saosr be flexible, haehly rsotivated and abte ro work the areekends. Yoor mooraauonat skittu coutd eamn yos an average hourty caee cf berareen '10.00 and '16.00/bu waoh a base psy cf a.00/hir. Please apply in person sit 40 Chisboim Drive No phone colis please Wr witt te botding an opeo bosse or the CtubLink propenty in yoor areo.Please drop by between 10 ar. and 2 p.m. te ssbsait yoor resorne sud rae( some mesabers of the managerment turs. For property location information, or 10 appty je-lise plesse niait our cet site ai: wwweublink.ca. FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted Cai 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equl opportunity Company ORDER PICKERS Haycard, a eaci ng manufacturer of sWimm ng pool accessory equîpmnent has seasonal positions (6-8 mos) for Order Pickers $9-$1 0/hr. Hours 8:30-5:OOpm Apply in persan: 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakville (Winston Churchill/QEW) DISPATCHER Freight Company locat- - i ed in Puslînch/ Guelph aiea looi for an ox- perionced Dispatcher. MIC Regolations ne- gaiding Cracking an as- set. Computer literate. Pitase seod resumeis to PR . Resorces lac. Fax: 416-599-4708 or e-mail: pryresourceiîdirect.com NU ! Fu tls i-tmo t ess than year ep Hai Hairstylists S tyl iStS atarting day une PREMWM PA Y -Hourly wO0t +Comm STARTSAT$9.251R. + -Excellent btniî pkg Comm s On&Bns F/T-P/T, Ftto hoora * Urbeatable benefta Advancpmtrapringe e Eqo pmert Pro 50ed Nu clientele reqoired e Advanced opdating -Apprertîcea welcame Cali Samnantha Lydia 905432-485 905-308-6118 Sut 96"-19-9m5 w .firstchoice.comn wwwfiratchoicecom Upocale Spa & Salon in Wattrdocr is growing and lookirg for top, individuals for tht follocing positions: Estbeticians * RMT Creativo Hair Stylisi Il yau art irterestud ir ary ai theat positiors Pleast tax reoumne te 905-689-1057 or email te îarworko@cogeca ça Atract K.---el lc or diiteCa lidl

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