Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Feb 2004, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Frrday, Februaty 20, 2004 11 10eml 111111,1 I I , l! 11111111 "* UPCOMING MARRIAGE >.BIRTHDAY *~JI - Laura andjobm Hughes ofMilton are * bappy to announoe the upcoming * mmaritge oftibeir daugbter * Sarab to Mtcbael Etuaeoo, d *son of3Mry Lou and Bob Emmerton Maniage to take plmoe b 21/2004 at St. George oAnglicam Cburcb in Loarvilte. à ANNIVERSARY Hajppy 35th Steve & Shirley Gervais * Rachel Banks and *Ida Deibin celebrated their 9011 birthday February 17th. LÇCongratuieitions BIRTHDAY Coesratuloo Loi ove &Best WisJes( Irene, Ed, Caý 5-YR04.46/6 Asoequity mortgage programs regard- lesoi of income or credOt Cail Cf-RIS O 1-800-328- 7887 or vieitusat wewsin do ircockbum.corra MILTON luxunous 4 bedrooom execulive home' Up- grades inciade mirage hardeood, ceraurnco, coloniai kitchen cuphoards, trench dooms 639 Clover Park. $329,900. Augiust close. (905)878-1410. ACTON 2-bedroom spart- OPU NHOUM S11UN ME n2 2-4 PU. ment, avaîlahie March lot. GORGEOUMilton5860 mt Quiet bulding, cOREOU Mag on Motsaj no pets.598348 nys argecoerl houot ACTON sarge 2-bedroomn îgsshueraOtrughutapartmient, $7751mth plus; rench dooms upotaira sun- 519-853-5080, 519-853- hy, 3bdrm, 2 1/2 batho 518 CN++ $319,900. 1534 1390+ square tfs Ot office 155 krcher Way (416) 856- spsce uvailable Pebmuary 1, ACTON large 2-bedroom 1283. 2004. Cas ho dinided loto uparlment, ground levei r n ~642 lest and 750 teet. 570mhpu:59853- Prime downtows Mifton lo-50,51-3552 cation. Prom $1150 per CMBLVLE Mi month. Caf Kerr Reulty Street, Buchelor p. es Management Ltd. (905) p. eu 876-0407. rate entrunce, fridge & stove included, nos smok- er, ns pets, Avuilahle March fEASONABLE Industriel lo1 t, Seat & hydro included. Jon tor rent. 1,600 - 3,200 5600/montS. 905-854- q. St. Loading docks & 2022. linve-in. Phone 1-905-277- 1347 or 1-905-275-6834. A WoeS et Hom Job On DOWNTOWN 2-bedroom Vour Computer. Training aP'et mihCA laundry Pravideritie. P/T. P/Tath0 plus pue- Piew.yHomeP/Js Co-n4 der room parking, www K4H-meP ob -m 1,000/montS + utilîties. Available Murch ist. Call 905-873-2539. GEORGETOWN omul 1- IFFICE spuce tor rent 700 $$MONEY$$ 100% lost, hedroom apurtment 1400 sq. 5t. Steeles Ave. 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. 5495/montS plus Sydro. V. Cali Louie 905-272- Badi credit OK. Culi Ontanio Availuble immediutely. No 648. Oide 1-888-307-7799. pets. Call905-873-3355. DOWNTOWN MILTON Milîside Tocems 82 Milloide Drive. 162 Bedrooro Aptu. Close to Docntocni. Bus stop at Front Door 905-876- 1249 cwe.reastar.ca GEORGETOWN 2-Sari- room, locer levei aparl- ment. Private laundry, sep- arate entrances. No- pets/smoking. lmmediately, $950/mth plus. Pirst4ast. (905)873-8609. GEORGETOWN 3 bed- moom main foser, calk to GO. Non-smoking, no pera. References, first/lust, shured luundry. $1295/mth utilities încluded. Cuil (905)873-4708. 'EREON Buchelor- este, nec houe. sepurute entrance, self-contuined. Non-smoker. $600/mth in- clusive. (46)740-3143. GEORGETOWN une bed- roum bssement upt., tridge/stove, washer/dryer, $650/mth + 1/3 utîlitîvu. MarcS lst. Credri-check. (905) 877-4967. GEORGETOWN spucious muin floor 2-bedroom upurtment by GO station. Parking, prouate entrunce. Ava [able Aprîl loIt. 5650/montS plus utilîties. No pets/smoking. CulI 905- 846-2914. Rent if today in' the iEanabtan 8tfamp os BIRTHDAY are vteent Wauins tn CDnn Afie 40 + 70ar Serrice aitLoawsPat Sunda Feb 22 04a Open oefo 1-5pm Mi61o Cbisolm D Milton * estWse OIn GEUNUETWN SUBLET Spaclous bachelor, in renci- vateri Historic building $695mIS. Jacuzzlakyight, parking. MarcS lot. Cal (905)873-0445 (905)873- 8027. GEORGETOWN, 2-heri- mro, 5765/rotS, plus Seat & hydro. immediately, 1lst/ast, no-pets. Reterenc-~ es/CredOt checks. (905)495- 1350. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Stet South, Miflon Ce aie noc accepting applications for 2-t bedroom Aval. MarcS 1 1-1 bedroom Avuil. MarcS t5 1-1 bedroom Avuil. April 15 t-1 bedmoum Avuil. May 1 Por meore Informat ion andior f0i reae an appointnent, Pfeae catt 9054878-375 BefigManagera eoad&Penny LARGE 2 bedroom base- ment c/fireplace. Milton, Suita"i for singie or quiet couple Available imme- diately. 800/montS + uli- ties 908-878-8230 LARGE 2-bedruoo, riewhy rensoatei, Sardcood flooro, 4 appliances uvail- able immedistely, park-liSe setting. Arlîngton Blvd.. Budingtun. 905-681-0070 ccc.pmonlineviewi.ca MILTON (country) large 1 bedrooum hosement upar- ment uvuilable immediutely. 2 upplunces A/C $650/mth utîiies includei. (905)875- 3418 5-9pm. MILTON - single occupant, 2-bdrm includes utilOties, cu- ble, higS speed internet. Neur James Snoc PurS- cap, no pets/nu smoking $975/mth. Cuil afSer 6 pm 905-875-1175. MILITON basement upart- ment fur rent, separute en- trunce, necly renovuteri, non/tmoking, lemale pre- ferrei. $825/mth ul inclu- sive Murch 1, 905-878- 3557. MILTON cleun and cvmfort- able 2 bdrm upî. suituble lu, mature pemson or couple. Pnidge, stove, air, basic cu- ble. Parking andi Iuundry fucîlîlies. A/I thîs andi more for unly $1,000 a montS. 905-510-8152. MILION, 1 neoroora OHANUi nec tscnniouse, apartmient. parking andi uti- i close bo dscntown Milton. Olies included. 825.2 bed- 1$1300/mth plus utilities. romr availahie. $945. +. Available Marcit 1. Please Cleas and quiet building. oeil 905-299I-2929 or 905- Csîl Mary 906- 299-062 878-8101. Avulahe imedatey iIMMACULATE Mihton spa- MILTON, acceping appli- clous 4-bedroomn tocn- cations for 2 bdn apt. rate houe. Preshy decorated, of 9925/ratS avaitahie April nec carpets C/A. 5-ap- 1 s. Aduk 85cr, o dogo, for pilances, 1.5 baths, garage, appointmest oeil 905-899- pninate fencel yard. 1-year 1398. leese avadlae immedite- ONE hedroom, $795 montS l. $1,400/mronth pies utili- plus hydro. Modem build- lies, istflast. Cat 519-853- ing, centrai Milon, reserved 9495.______ parking, aecarity, MILTON 3-bdrm tocn- stsve/hidge. NO PETS, house, appiences, garage. flmstlas, referesces. 906- 51250/mo. plus atilities. 878-123. 905-878-913. ROCKWOOD main ftoor MILTON 3-bdrm tocn- nec 1-tîedroom apartment house, excellent conditon. $665/month. Bright, in- 371 Bronte St. availabte dadaes appllances/uli- April 1 t. $1200/mth + a8ili- 6e54,arking. Alis t188 Oea. Cali 905-878-4781. commercia apace. 519- 856-900.MILTON 4-Soles tocs- 856-4900.house wfth att apptiancea, UNIQUE aparlisent aval- f irepiace. Close to ochoolo. able immed9ately in century 51200/mS + a8hsites. Cai home in downtown are of 905-693-0412. Mlton. 3 bedmoor, non MITNeeueto- smoking, suiabte for adaits MLO exutvton $1200/mth (905(693-1601. flouse approo 1,750sq. f. 2 y eamne. Open concept, WINTER SPECIAL CALL 3 Sedroms 2 1/2 baftts. NOWt P ree cehie hook up. Mester Ses 4 pc enesuie 1&2 hedroom apsotment WA1 cioset. Eat-in Sitches aveitabe Now and for w85h 3 appionces. Estras future. Pdidge & Stove. include: A/C, Ges Pire- laandry faoill8es, No doge place, Prsfeesionaiy fln- 519-883-4374 open 7 ished basemeot. Watking days/eeek sme day ap- distance to G0", Schoolo, proval. Mail and Rec Ctr. Shows - heautitul $1,400/mS plus utihes. Cai 905-510-8152. GENTLEMAN preterrei. 9395/month utilities inclari- ed. Million 908-78-3632 MILTON ruom for rent $425/mith, large nec hume. utilîhes included. Muni Sa clean, oeil (416( 32-1250. UNFURNIFURN. room in large otees home. North end of Millon close to 401. Share kitchen & bath. $425 or $40llo inctsdlng utfili- Oa, parking, teundry. Must Se oery neat, non smoker, ns pets. Mature melle pre- ferred. Avait immedotely. 906-875-1518 or 416-M0- 8004 ILTON-shered accommo- dation for quiet olean non- soigfemae. Parking & utiities includel. Close te, mail & o. Avaliaille March lot. 905-878-4977. WCOME* *New in town3 " Getthng marnied in 3 montto or more? * Having a baby? " Estab(îshing a fl6w business? Please eall us - - Co.unlty 3-hdrm home et Miftos, ma - WeIconi fore aiea, large yard, in- Lînda 905-854-1563 lcdng appliances. Avait- 1 Doris 905-332-4799 able April 1, $1 250/mth Oei l OT Grey/Biack E(ize 905-693-0313 Andy (905) 878 -834 - CCM hockey bag,I b scm ACTON, 3 bedroset, nice Icontaining refereel B yWecm street, ges Seat. Available 1uniformskates and1 Michelle 905-332-8634 Pebroary 15t. 51090/mmit + heilmet et Miltonf Bidal Wlme utîieils. Cali (519) 853- 1Sports Centre. Re- Laurie 905-878-0126 5658l. card: G(es 905-78- BARN for mont Cali (905) 6315. Sm/Prof. WsIcome 876-2609. Latine 905-878-0126 FARM cottage Millon I- bdrm, resred couple pre- ferred. Reesonau e rent eochange for araistance on fano, references. Jira 519- 853-4334. Fe(iowship Events Taam Presents MILTON 4-bdnni detlactei., P N 2-homo., finiahed bssement, A C K garage close to ochools SUPPER GO50+ & shopp-iAC, Tuesday Pebroary 24,2004. Continusus Serving: 5pm- 91500. 41-284331 pm St. Paute Unhea Chemin, 123 Main St., Million. MILTON available imme- Pancakes, Sausages, Beverogea, Dessert. $5 Adufo., diately 25bdm, 2 bath i$3 Children (up toi age 12) Presckoolems Pree, $20 1200. sq. rit bungalow in Pamîto. nec Drary Park adult denal opment. 5 app asces, C/A, garage, ful bssement. $1450/mth +utties, ns smoking, smal pet ce- come. 905-878-7474. \W f ~o; Souse, 4 uppliances, close to schools St ,l00/mth + utilities. Pieuse oeil NidS or Jndy (05)975402. NEW Milton home uvail- able immediately. Over 1600 sq 5t, scross street from park. 5 uppîlunces, 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 bath gua- rage, A/C, large cindoco s . bright, dlean, al new $1400/mth plus utilities.i Cul Rick or Frances 905- 854-3435. RANDALL - Keoin und Lisa )McVey) und Shaun and TOWNHOUSE, 3-hono Mii- Terea (Scaini) ure ecstutic to hauve rang in the New ton, $1150/mS, flrst/îust Yser cith their baby gins: Luuren Isubella, horn to Dave (905) 878-5444. Keoin und Lis on September 5th, 2003 in Guelph: und Murtinu Vunessu, borro tn Shurn and Teresa on s il 1401 mi December 3rd, 2003 in Woodbridge. Huppy first lime grunripurents are Barry Randuil of Burlington, Lorruine Randuil of Mississugu und Bob and Elaine McVey of /3,. ~ Milton. Equully as lOrilleri are veteran grundipurenls - Lino and Eldu Scuiri of Toronto und Saru Eîchenlub of Burlingtor. Special thunks bo the hurd-corkirig docors andi nurses ul Guelph Generul and York Central Sospîtuls. CLOSSFID HOTJN: 905475.000 CLASSIFID HOURS: Monday to Frday'é 9:00 arn- 5:00 prn C IaS S! Al ClsiidAsapera j 1411T.C111ff i f d 3

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