Champion Counaftry, Tuesday, February 17, 2004-19 I 1-00-68-934 Make your appointmont todoy.! I PIE-G WNED /Fôr a good cause PFNl Delvoe, ownwr of Lttsrsy NoMl Hattonle Edwina Dodilngton. The Monsy Cam from a portion of the sale of pIupkins during a fat! eventanwll go toward furdtng local aduif liter- acy promme Photoi by WENDY SOMER VILLE Mobil e Furnace, Stove 011, Gasoline & Diesel Delivery -TSSA Licenced Service Technicians *Stocked Esso & Mobil Lubricant Warehouse oop,aa/fW#Xpm I'oPuq IfpowU Auo ACp/l AMFMCD Balancea oacuy waraniy. 4x4, V6, auto, p/w.p p/m /s. C, tealt trmonly Slou tri. aly 21,776 <ms 2165A 38,793kms 12195A oDpn 7»J "f5Pma op ppo7 fM lkoeed os ne of bose commn onuisance weedr. Iti a pe" e rpou' rgbserd an by honizonral prradrng lindegnoundroonu ic u bp a erru ne eafy sems. Thepant conuors cardac gyosdes bhaare oxi tuanmals Normally eoc)k fird bheplant disasietu but duning a dougbt breep hraebeer posored.Mikued isdifau to eroratedueotuit aiyrtobuoffthe c ysem ifherbicidesardrreced (CaradanPosonous Plant Identifiationflyse * Homses grazing or pianos bar have obarp aura, opires or bars con devebyp mourb and reerb problerris %bse car leari tu excessive salivatior witb droobing or ftiy sabiva. or oral alcer. Offerdiot plants urclade bardocfuaitoai barley, lorg.uptred sardban ami raspberry canes. Forrail barley bau a rbaup.porrred. brriy segmtrr wrrb torruard paitng battba SNrce bhese barbas util orly rAide rn une directon, lbey car eaatly becomne errbedded in the orngue and garas ooberedey acr au a foreigr body, süuaarg excessive salivaton aedlor deep aicerarior Raspberycae n caaae similar lestons. This is suer occusonally wber bumses arc terced inta uoodlous uiib nrrrrmm acces mu saune desorabie forage. # Bromea grasa a a ral, fine grau bhai girows readily or unil- drnaite suis. ht ts dîtffcur ru plant because ut uts large, ligbn. flufty seed. aubicb mai be placed in ie grain bux ufthne aeed drill. Brime grass prodaces a sft bay ubrcb is readily accepted byboumes. ir is wel ii e iei hobrse dres nib a Ca/Pratio of: l- 1.2:1 and a pein ceof u 12-14% arben harvested in eily to nui bloom hi wil conuea rui grave abter tbe finsr cao ifadequate nastuare ru aunilable. This malies it a destnable grass in haylgnascare fiebds tor hanse. Forfiurther fnair on u Drab Wright(519 846-341 or aiu & Ontario am s-aaae ÎNï- S UralSTa<fleiMS ~ __Of mda,.d t* Eut isown w Gasoline & Diesel Fuels AUTGMATIC DELIVERY Serving Halton & Peel Regions with 20 years experience. 32 Steeles Ave, Unit 15 Milton 905-878-4188 *888-284-9937 HOEHAriGFE Brown's è Fuels Inliahand sauppliersa of: - Furnece 0i1 * Stove Dii - Diesel Fuel * Gasoline aLubes Juat cai us, weatt b. thoe. 24 HOUR EMERGENCV SERVICE S.rvlclng thea Halton and ~e Rogions 905-855-1222 1-866-855-FUEL ur urder urline . mm MX :9- " , " " « * * mm ý ý m ý q- - ý ý ý M ý ý - - -- --- - - - - - - - COUNTRY E Li F UEL