lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 17, 2004 HI GH SCHOOL REPORT 1 ~g The One Th Ol YOUNG DRIVERS is the one you've heard amazing Rere's why: 1. Our copyrighted progranl teaches nothmng less thi and skills of lifetinie collision-free driving. 2. We teach our life-saving emergency maneuversb wheel, flot just in a classroom. 3. We're the Canadian standard of excellence. 900,0< \,~Your licence to survive. du/M 905m875480 w w w. y o u ng d r iv er s.C O m Ask us how DriveFit computer Based Training wMi help you pass A>OVWIMM your road test &akh7 OtA bnkp MTO t .Opprond Thnere's only one YD. MARCH 2004 4 DAY COURSE Starts Mareh l5th (9:30 arn - 4:15 pmn) LUCU7 tUauttVa b'ila terguson MILION DISTRICT RICO SCIGOL ,"MUSTANG MESSENGER", Mystery, suspense, murder; it's the classie "who done il" tale, in which six people become stranded in an isolated guesthouse. With reports of a London murder, the guests slowly start to "disappear". Dubbed as the longest running show ever, "Mousetrap" will soon be featured in MD's very own sehool theatre. Although production is not yet underway, auditions began the process early last week. At present, opportunities still exist for students to contribute their own talents to the project. If you have an area of expertise in lighting, Sound, acting, set and costume design, or wish to, please see Eliot Sherman or Jodi Shaw for further infor- mation. If theatries isn't really your thing, but you're inter- ested in helping out the community or simply need more hours, The Canadian Federation of University Women could use your help. The club will be host- ing their annual book sale at the Milton Maîl on Match 26th and 27gb, and is in need of extra help setting up and sorting books. The event will also benefit graduating students by raising money to go towards post-secondary education scholarships. AIl those who are interested need to visit the guidance office ASAP to obtain the information needed. Other community events include "Careers Unlimited 2004". Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School will be hosting the event, which is set tg take place Wednesday February 25th, 2004 from 6:30- 9:3Opm. The venue will feature information regarding future career opportunities for high school students. We hope go see you there! "&,TUE ROYAL REPCORT"9 Preston MacNeiI Liana-Darla Pressé BISIOP IEDINO leu SCIGOL Love was in the air bast week as, flot just couples, but friends rejuvenated relationships ini spirit of the upcoming famnous holiday. There were Valentine's Day festivities galore! From Tuesday moming's Cheesiest Love Song Contest, which Mr. Andreacola's clasu was victorious over, to the Matchmaker forms that were aold for $1 on lunches, which foretold the most compatible love matches between classmates, Student Government transformed Bishop Reding's piazza. Heart-o-grams and roses could be pur- chased and sent by secret admirers and My Best Friend's Wedding was featured in the cafeteria on lunches. As well, the student body was rewarded with a Spirit Day on Friday that permitted them, to wear red and white clothing, and the class that had the most spirit was able to dlaim, the prize! While our piazzas were bustling with excitement, s0 werr our gyms. On Wednesday, the Senior Boy's Baaketball teamn met Lord Elgin on our home court. Unfortunaîely, the boys fell short in their final regular season game, though flot wighout a fight. AIl players played excellently and worked as a tcam, finishing with a very respectable 9-1 record. The Junior Boys' Basketball teamn was more suc- cesstul against the infanous Lord Elgin, with a 52-51 vie- tory. Jeremy Brown, who contributed 19 points to, B.R's team, along with NiaI Clark with 17 points of his own, the boys fought bard and pulled through in the end. Congratulations to both teams! Details on the success of our Girls' Volîcybaîl teams will follow next weelc. New to Bishop Reding is the Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship program. Students fromn across the Catholie and Public bourda are participating in this program. For four days of the week, students remain at their placements, gaining valuable experience working with children. For one day of the week, they attend Seneca college classes at Bishop Reding. Those who have enrolîrd in this prngrami are receiving four high sehool credits and three Seneca col- lege credits, CPR training, a firat aid certificate, and a WHMIS certificate, al the while having aIl of the privi- leges of a Seneca college student. On Friday, our sehool 's REACH teamn attended a toumna- ment at Georgetown High. Details on their attempts and tri- als will follow next week. We wish you a happy Valentine's Day, on behaîf of Bishop Reding. Quote of the week: "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." Carl Jung I a i APRIL 2004 4 WEEK COURSE Starts April 6th Tues. & Thurs. (6:00 Pm - 9:15 ep-- Alicia Visconti John Peterson E.C. DRURT 13101 SCHGGL Tliere is onty 1 word tu describe the meeks 10 corne ai Dnary. Thal word: Wow. 0f course, ibis lime (rame cas also be described as exciiing and jain -packed. Homever, me ibought "wow" summed that up quite nicely. Lasi week, the junior girls volîcybaîl team compeied in a loumament agains Lord Etgin High Scboot. Tse girls played a hard fought gante and managed t0 secare themsel'es a second-place finish witb a win in regular season play. Simitarly, thse senior girls solîrybaîl tram also compeled againsi Lord Elgin, bai their abitity mas evenly maiched. Alîhoagh the girts ptayed an oaistanding gaine, they aest 10 Lord Elgin. Bolh the Senior aid Junior girls solîrybatl trams wilI make ibeir may to the ptayoffs, milh the Junior girls receising a bye in the firsi gamne. The boys hockey team also finisbed iheir season againsi MD. Unfoniunaîely tbey losi 10 MD; homever, ibeir valiant effort and enthusiastic leamt spirit wilI not go unnoliced! Wbile the boys wrapped up iheir year ite girls prepared for their omn final gaine which mas played Wednesday Feb 11. Driails of tbe scores mere nul available ai press lime; homever, me can tell you ibat îbey milI advaace 10 the playoffs regardless of lthe outcoae of tIse gante. Orarna ai Druiy bas also been rebearsing using every minute îbey con spare 10 gel ready for the Sears Drama Festival. Tbis annual Festival milI take place os Friday Febraary 2Oîb, in Burlîngion. Tbis year tbey base decided 10 perform "Bonjour, La Bonjour.' a piece about a Frencb- Canadian Family, aid ibeir trals lbrougbout hife. We misb the Drama troupe good luck (or break a leg!l. As ihey coapee in the district rompe- tition. Il serais Ibat compositions are somelbîng ibai Orama and music bave ta rommon! The Dnury Jazz Combo bais been praciicing every Mouday and I0riday morngs ai 8 to maIre sure ibey arr ail in lune for lIse Regional Masiefesi Compelition mbirb lakes place ou Fniday Frbruary 27tb. TIse group milI iravel 10 Si. Caiberines mbere ihey miii play lbree selecîtous (Samba Naulica, Smeeî Home Chicago aid Here, Tbrre, aid Everymbere) for a paine of judgrs. The group mili iben bc ranked miib a gold, silser, or bronze standing. Wr mîsh ibem th ibe st of lucIr' If you mould like 10 bear some of mhat these line musirtais miii be performiug, you sbouid defi- niîely cbeck oui the 3rd annuai "Nigbi of Jazz," on Tbursday February 26tb ai M.D.H.S. See a Jazz student for details! Wr rouid ser ihai Studeni Oosemmenî manied ta get on tbe musical acioni mben ibey ran lIse final round of Drury Idol on Wednesday February i is. The tmo linalisis, duo Jori Lazarski and Eric Hellîmeil, and solo per- former Krîs Booabauer earb perfomd 2 pirces of conîrasîîng styles. Tbese mere judged by a panel of teachers, mbo tben submilted iheir soir ta siadent rouril. Officiai resulîs mere unasaîlabie at press lime. but m e con tell ibal it s going lo be a srry close rail' On nom la tbe semu-formai. This riegani affaîr 100k place on Frbruary i 3tb, ai mbirb tbe final resuits of Drury Idol mere ainounred. Wbirb means Ibal, if you ment, you knem the resulîs before me did! We rai tell ihai Frbruary is goiog 10 be a busy monîh for ail around the scbooi. So, me mouid lîke ta mtsb eseryone involved iu aiy sort of comn- petition the bosi of iurk! Triva a Last Weeks Question: Wlîat teaclier retentis ,eîired ai the end of (ast semester? Answer: Mr. Siebert Thtis Weeks Question: In wbat vear mvas Drutys Sc/tool Sang arrren?