4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 13, 2004 i9 r ewi$4nf orspng &UMstértiq biary28 -bMiit& *m m#àistatim for M"dbmapogm P* dayprgrani Coomqy Serice GUI'e Comingymwayklhecunaia (anpi oneFday kffl ae20 «o dkup aguide at Moln Leisure Centre Mkon PubikU"rs Iown Hal CetdomiàWoadigudat wwmïiton.ca Starts at 9,W a.m. on February 28 -Middt M"râ3) Roqisfer on j41 infermef or by "ue 1. Set up yowaccout at TownHaM, Mm . Lesure Centre or Mâmo Sports Centre. 2.Regsteoliatwww.mito.ca or bytoudi-tone tellephn. (N5-875-54o or 1 -ffll48-5ffl, et2430) Mifton Onfine Registrtionopens for browsing on Febnaar 20 at www.mflto.ca Re5istr Ù% pueso Saturay, kfebea<28,9W a.m- tepan. -Nqddf M" 3) " TwnHaW,43 BrownStreet " MkonLeisueeCentre 1 1WMain Steet East Relesfer by »el Ça>c or 4o-Ç See yow Town of Spring &Sumrner 2 commwty Sevo wdefordet"as. Adver'tising... CONGRATULATIONS JEANNE BALABANI Phil Ciantar, General Sales Manager & Sean Cibsan, Sales Agent are pleased ta hand Jeanne Balaban the key ta her brand new Chrysier Crossfire sports car Jeanne saw the Crossf ire advertised in the Canadian Champion and made her way over ta Milton Chrysier Dodge Jeep ta make her purChase. Council looks at banning ptCUUI'e-Lailiig ceuipuonles from municipal facilities By JASON MISNER The Champion Milton politicians are looking at banning those popular celîphones with buiît-in cameras from change- roms, washrooms and other sensi- tive areas in Town buildings to pro- tect the public's right to pnivacy. Milton's community services committee unanimously passed a recommendation Monday night that would prohibit picturing-tak- ing cellphones fromn fitness classes, cardio/weight rooms, swimming pools and day camps, in addition to washrooms and changerooms. These celîphones cas even hook up bo the Intemnet wirelessly, allow- ing for pictures that have been taken secretly to be sent out instantly at the click of a button. The ban would alto appîy to well-used devices like the Blackberry asd Palm Pilot, techni- cally called personal digital assis- tans (PDA). There are 10 Town facilities, like the Milton Leisure Centre, that would be included in the bas. It will go before town counicil for rat- ification at its Febnsary 23 meet- ing. "It's a sad statemrent when we have to start banninig thissgs that are convenient," said Ron Furik, Wards 2 asd 4 regional counicillor asd community services chair. "But when you have these little gadgets asd people abuse this priv- ilege, that's sad." A staff report slated, "the Town of Milton is committed to provid- ing a comfortable, safe asd private environent for customners." Milton is atnong a few Ontario municipalities that have taken steps to address camera celîphones, which have been on the market since late 2002. The City of Guelph asd the towns of Pickering and Ajax have instituted bass. Counties around the world have also been dealing with camera celI- phone issues relasing to privacy asd voyeurism concemns. The Town of Milton hasn't received asy complaints about the misuse of camera celîphones, said Community Services Director Jenifer Reynolds. The bas recom- mendation was brought forward because of problemas, perhaps a picture snapped of someone chasg- ing, that could result from the ever- evolving devices. T'he Town must still determine the best asd moat appropriate way to enforce the bas, but Ms Reynolds said the idea is public decency asd responsibility would ultimately drive compliasce. "We hope it will be more of a public awareness program," she said, adding the Town doesn't wast to prevent residents fromn enjoying Town facilitiea. "It's 10 let people know to be aware of this and to be on guard. It's a heightened aware- ness." Sports associations in town will be notified about camera celI- phones, asd "they wilI hopefully take up somte educaflon with their groups," Ms Reynolds said. A major concemn with picture celîphones is masy people would- n't even know they're being pho- tographed because it looks like the person is dialing. And when it's zipped out via as e-mail, there's no trace of the photo. An sIent was sent by the Ontario Recreation Facilities Association toc. (ORFA) 10 municipalities in December. It stated "The potential exists for deviasi behaviour of camera-phone users photographing other patrons undressing or show- ering in locker roins. It's a viola- tion of personal privacy." The alert alto poinsed out that camera celîphones are exploding in popularity, stating 8.6 million unils globally were sold in the last three months of 2003, up fromn 5.2 mil- lion units. "Celîphones already take better pictuîres thas mot video camneras," it stated. Mayor Gord Krastz taid the bas makes sense. "It's about being proactive asd not reactîve," hie said after the Monday meeting, noting school boards asd the like will probably be dealing with the issue soon. John Millington, who took bis two kida to, Milton Leisure Centre * 1 swim Tuesday night, taid thse bas ides is "great." "I've neyer really thought about it before," he said, bis kids anx- iously waiting to chasge to, swim. "I don't tee asy negative conte- quence with that." Bob Spence, communications co-ordinator with fise Information asd Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, said thse issue of camnera cellphones is decided at thse munic- ipal level. "It doesn't fail tmder our legislation," he said. Jason Misner can be reached at jmisner@miltoncanadianchampi- on.com. * Registered Nutritional Consultant on staff *Lose weight eating real food *Boost metabolism, feel healthy and energized *Focusing on a lifestyle change @Maintenance programs ECTRRU TONINQ IREANUNT eReduce 12 to 30 inches in 5 weeks *Build muscle tone and redUce the appearance of cellulite 11 If Condense 9 hours of exercise into 40 minutes 1-- Fîrmn up those hard to tone areas Bn.do M ul progaun, exoludo ixoduct Expirn Moch 5, 2004 *0 f a M _!_ -C Uitaf5m 155 ON A I S . S.U I 875&28891