24-The Canadian Champion, Fiday February 13, 2004 d ~CLASSIFE» HOTLIN: 9054875-3300 C'bam iolaCLSSEIFIE HOUiS: Monday Io Friday é 9:00 amn- 5:00 pz (j~ONS jCAllPOf ifsife ed -IIIIlIlIlIlI, i - Il Il s l~I~ I I Il I VALENTINIE'S Happy lst Valentine's Day Sydne!y ý Love and kisses, Mommy and Dald BIRTHDAY \, ENGAGEMENTS VWNTER SPECIAL CAIL NWil Free cabie hook ap.1 1&2 bedraam apsotment avoulable Nom and for future. Fridge & Slave, laundry tacilOis Na dogs 519-853-4374 open 7 days/week sas day ap- psoval. 2-BDRM houas, main tor accupsncy, large yard, dawntawn M/lIon. Pool, parking bachelar sparrmenit in basement Avoulable Match t, 2004, $1575/mth plus aut/ltis Reterences required. Contuct 905-878- 4478 even/oga, or 905-878- 1843 dorng the day. 3-B3DRM bungalow sou/t- abla A.S.A.P $tdOO/mth, al inclusive. Cutit Aneto W VItî Ceoîury 21 W 416-- 577-8666. ACTION, 3 bedrosm, nîce street, gos heat. Availahie February Itf $t050/mth v VIMUMIL1 MAKKIAqatE IKIIUDAY 5658. ATTRACTIVE 3-bdrm hoase, mature neighbosr Its Finhaod, large lot. $1,250/mth GEORGETOWN large one MILTON basement aprt paus at/lt/es. Match 1, 905- bedrooa basement spart- ment far ent, separaIe en- 815-3312. ment, 4 appliances, satelite trance oewly renovated, FIRSTT11ME BUYERS Whp TV, ail st/fOties escept non/smoking, femate pre- rent when psu con owo? phone, separate entrance. terred $825/mth al inclu- Free ist of homes ava/labie $800/mth (905)873-6744. sive Match 1, 905-878- wîth rio maney da, unde GEORGETroWN one bed- 357$1300/mt Free recoDdroom basement apt., MILTON large t be<lroom 1message. 1-87238339 ftidge/stove, washer/dryer, basemnent apartment avait- 1081051 POudeuial Re- >'$650/mth + 1/3 utilities. able immediatep. 2 ap- at Match laI, Credit-chect pliances AiC no pets/chitd- GEORGETOWN 3 bed- (905)877-4967. tan $850/mth stitîties in- tovm Ippe level, hot tub, 5 GEOOEOW aat 1 ciuded. (905l7534t 8 5- appliances, A/C, hardwaod fiaO &Mar Jae Ptlrffvf s/tn ~ - bdrom aaoen gpm. floors, renavated and im- Geoge GaleSubcz fBght Grve$495/month plus hydro. MILTON, 1 bedroom macste, Avaiheach. George & G l Su z a/ Brtghts Gmne -Avaîtabte immediatey. Na apariment. parking and uni- lt isls.ceOcek are pkse *oanuc b es Colt 905-873-3355. lties incladed. $825.2 bed- Non-smoking, no pela. Cali s vomtng marniag o/sne/r cht/ldret O ur lVofa is 75! GO ET Nrom valbe. $945. n (905) 702-9r92 (905) 815 Love & 0sf ~ ,1 bed- Cleani and quiet building.79.' Ken &Sara. Loe & Bst Wsbesroam, separare 'entrance, Caii Mary 905- 299-0625 HALTON His newly reno- Tie s'vdin ti ao lc ae2,2 Your Grandchildren &Justmn frttssisqitîdvd MeSrt/,Oi. _ox ual/couple. Na smak- Avîai-meitl vated 2-bdrm, open con- ;0ý - Xitg/pets. 9850/montS. Cai MILTON, acceptîng appli- cept ovnlovkîng pond. 905-877-3367. carions for 2 bdrm apt. rate Avaîtabte Match tst. Cai GEORETOW, 0 f $925/mth available Mat 905-820-2024 7-9am or at- standing Stand new' or 15/04 Aduit flso, n s frOm lage hîh tbera for appoiotment cali 905- MILTON avaîlable Aprl t. BA rdtytGo aSSMONEYSS 100% fat, basement api. wîth tridge, 69-383bdmt5baispocn BAD Cavedatpetaod Pay 2n4 and 3rd Mooigages .. slave shared iaundry. ONE bedroora apartmeot, sidered $1200/mth v utli- W haeascaipogtam 1390+ square feet of off/ce Bad credif OK. Cali Ontario BASEMENT apartment for FiltaI credti-check, no downtown location, suiabie tiea, tirst/iast requîred, 905- vwnt hoe. CALL 1-86 aor pace avaitable February 1, Wide 1-888-307 7799. reot in Milton. One bed- smaking/pets. $800/mîth + for single person, ta pets, 876-0199. 629-9701 AL 1-66 2004. Can be divided inIa rosm, f ridge, slave, wasti- 1/3 utilities, Match t sf. Cail no smoking, A/C. THREE bedroom apart 62-90 ý - 642 f eet and 750 feet 5-VA @ 4,95%, Aiso equiY et/drynt, centra air. Yvan Desjardins, Re/Max $700.îmanth, fîrat and aIt ment -main floar of hasise MILTON HOMESELLERS - Prime dowotown Mullot ta martgage programa regard- $800 00/month. Cai 905- 905-877-2630. requited. avaitable immedi in M/iltan. 5 appis, centra Midofwa h oe cfo. Po 15 leas ai income or credit. 691 6ý809 aeycl 0-7-55 Fnou httehm cain rm$10pet Cal Chria @ 1-800-328- __________ aeyct90-7355 air, fenced yard. dvwn the street sotd tari mooitt. Cai Kart Reatrî 7887 eut 321 or visit as ut BEAUTIFUL, dlean 3-bed- GLEN EDEN ONE bedrovra $795 manth $1400.0/mvnh. Cai 9059 Free computerized fl ai Management Ltd. (905) wswwsinclaircocknburn.com raom apattmeot 00 1/2 acre COURT plus hpdra. Modern uîid- 69-6809. ares home sales and cor- 876-0407.beee Aco ad AATM TS ngcntiM/orse d rient listings. Free recorded bten Atn ad AATET lcnrlMlorsre message. t-877-293-8339 FOR Reni 800 Sqi. Pt. com- Georgetaon inclut/es sur- 122 Brunie Street, parking, secatîtp 10#1041 plete wdth private office, dis- ell/te TV, A/C, separare Southt, Mihoar stave/trit/ge. NO PETS, Prdr edy play space an washroom itsundry Ilw appliances 00e are00acetn trnuteeece.9- Fodnil~ $800,00 pet manth plus and ltt ai parking. Add/- applicýationsfortn 87-13 BEST loat/an on M/lIon, 3 MILTON isourious *4 bed- Seat & hydra. Contact 1-bdît pt. avoulable lm îonat arorage avoulable. ROCKWOOD mu/t floot bedrroms, 2 1/2 baths, at roam soocutive home. Up- Wayne Casson 905-878- medîstely. Inciades heur, $1,150/month plus. 519- 2-t bedtoomn new t-bedrosm apuOtment amnte.Aaial -c grades inctude mirage 17777 Remua Blue Springs. hdndes 883-1225. Avait. Match 1 $6/ot . Brgt amnle.Aaîat ac hsrdwood, ceramics, cioi- pyro and appisce Il $65mnh. Bîh, 0 t $1350/mth + ut/lit/es. n/st kitchen cuphoards, OFFICE space for lent 700) $850/mfo. Contact Scottl DOWNTOWN 2-bedraam 1-2 bedroora cludes appiances/uii 905-878-3110. trench dolors 638 Claver - 1400 sq. Il SIestes Ave. IPnior Remua Bise Sprîogs spartment with C/A, lasnr Avai. Match 1 t/s/parking Aiso 18' a18' Park. $329,900. Augast W. Cai Loie 905-272- (905( 878-7777. t acfOies, fuit bath pls pal- commercial attace. 519- BRAND new toanhoune, close. (905(878-1410. 0648. ACTON 2-bedroom spart- der roaa, psrk/ng, 1-1 bedtosm 856-4900. close ta downtown M/Ston. Open hous Sun Pe> 15, ment, sosîtabie Match lnt. $1,000/month + ut/lti/es Avait. Match 15 SPACIOUS, bt/gSI 2-bed- $130/leMtch lu asîîie 2-4 pm. $860 m/h.OuGiet building, Avaitable Match Ilr Cai 12bdom rosm basement aparImeot, col 905-299-2829 or 805- ro pets. 51-53-4386. 8 05-873-2538. Avait Match15 pr/vals entrance, shared 87-1. ACTON Availabie imme- DOWNTOWN MILTON tauodryAT andto ha ar. a diately,2-bedrom alot. miitsie Towert 82 Muta/ide 2-1 bedrosa Detrea & Maple 5750/mt IMAUAEMSnoa AWodk tes Jobse Na Die.12Bern Aval,. April 15 plus at/i/Oua. Oauiet non- ciaun 4-bedroom toma- YorC5ltr 875/miS ail inclive NO Diea 2Bero pmoker, o pela. Avaitabie bouse. Preshy decorated, yowCm a Training pets. Pleane colt (805(877- Clase t1 owntown. Bu For moins inlornation Match 201h. Mike or Bev oew carpars, C/A, 5-sp- Provtds PFT P/T Code rat 9032. stop ut Pront Dose 905- "tior to til an f iances, 1.5 barba, garage,, REASOABLE traluinaiACTON larg 2-bedrosm 876-1248 wsw.reslstar.ca ptr te nced ysrd. 1pa nits lattrent. 1,0 - 32W apumnSl/t ls EREON 1bd 6~67 SUBLET: Spaciu hahe- l ease soaitable immedae u 1 883tien 7508, pls5 ERGTW19-889587-35 lor3-rnoae isoi l$140mn lsI dse-nft Loadîng docks & 1-5358, 519823 ont hasement apsomireat Building Mâners o,/ eovtdHsoicly 140/o pu Si drvlPhono 1-906-277- 1 or52 Les osa ________ na.al 8Cnoln Leonerai à Penny building, $795/mth. Jaccu- ries, Oirstlst. Call 518 853- or eae ner l 800mothilziskylight parking Match 9485.- 8347 art 8-05-275-6834, MIt pour paymnent de ACTON large 2-bedronm ctsd55 ttndgo/stoee, cuide Ilnt. Cali (905873-07. MLONbrm bn repart and churge o man- sparrmen ground tevel and sudISes. Avaiflable im- LAG -eronl (0)7045 _ MITN 3dm tw- agemrent tees. CALL 1- $750 mth plus: 519-853- mediaet CaH 905-877- LRE -bdom nsy (857304.hous in oe ares, close ta 866-629-9701. 508 519-853-5352. 1549. renovated, hardwod UNIQUE apnrtmeor avat GO, 4 applisoces, AC Blooms, 4 appiances, avait- aSle immediatey in cenrury $ 1200/mO + util/Oes, Apri ableimflat1yýpar-lie hme n dwntwri ai t . 805-452-368. Ren ttody th C naban~ tjmpon setting. Arhngon nvd., Miloa. 3 bedror no Rent t tod y intheC a abia c Iff m pim Budingtr. 805-681-0070, smoing, sutabletfor adults. aww.pmndievawO.ca $1200/miS (905(683-1601. miI GENTLEMAN preferred, $395/roonth utitities included. Mil- ton 906-878-363 ROOM for rent Featherstone Rd. Milton $450/montr 905- 875-4168. ROOM for rent, ohared washraom aod kitchen muat be o pet lover. Cai 905-875-9861. SHARED towohome ria smoking, refereooes, parking/co- ble, $750/mth tirtaat March 1, 416-895-7700. UNFURNIFURN. room on large, clean home. North eod of Miltoo, close ta 401. Share kitchen & bath. $425 or 5450/Mo inctoding utilitieo, parking, tsundr. Must be oery neat, 000 amoker, o peto. Mature mate preterred. Avait immediatoip. 905-875-1518 or 416-402-800 HARMSWORTH Prood patenta Shaton & Mark Hannswaoh are thtîlled ta, annaunce the bOh of their second child, NATALIE LAURA, an Noo. 16, 2003, weighing 7 poanda 3 ounc- es. A igle sister for Julis and another sister for Chris. 55e al welcomed iot the world by grandparenta Joe & Teri Casas and Jîm & Judy Harmswotth. A vety special thanka ta Nurse Edna and the wanderfal staff at 0TMH. Haydar - Ryan & Alyson are tht/lied ta anoance the arrivai of their son CARTER HUDSON an Jansay 15, 2004 weighing 9 iba 6 oz. Big sistet Broake is ecatatic ta have a bail brother ta look ailer Prasd Grandpar- lenta are Franki & Poulinie Haydar and Heather &V/non Meehan. MAY - Wes and Valerle are thrilled ta, arnaunce the ar- riva ai theit son, John Douglas Lawrence Ma. "John D." mas botn an January 21d,200401 ail :1 ., weighing 7 has. .15 azo at the CeI Valley Hospital Very proud t rattrime grandparents are Larty and Voit/a May, and Daag and Mary Haennel aod t/rat rime great grondparents are Jack and Jean May. Equalip proudi and eacited are Aantîes Weody and Lesiep and Unclos Tom, Garrett and Adrian. Fellowshtp Events Team Presents PANCAKE SUPPER Tuesday Fehrsary 24, 2004. Cootînaaus Serving: 5pm-7pm St. Pauis United Church, 123 Main St., Milt ton. Pancasa Sasages, Beverages, Dessert $5 Adulta, $3 Children (sp ta age 12) Preachoviers Free, $20 Famity. an page B5 of today's Champion. 7! tt- £ Graham Mom, Dad andBrad Rth& Stave Bart of MENit.. are happy, te announce tihe engagement of tir son Scott t. Laura Moce dagise of E leen Nocis 01 missfssaga. A suedding ils planned for Juue 2005. . Il