The Canadian Champion, Fnday, February 13, 2004-89 Who I. I * I ?Il~Z~ Custom Fltted Specîahzîng in *a.I.oa ctLonLa q 4] DELREX Vlaid Windows and Also VInlSidlng, Soffit, Fasclo and Seamless AIum~um Trough Cail 877-5383 between 9am & 9pm 51 ARWRITIENWAIiRANTYONWOR SHIP Appliance Depot r ~ Sales & Service to ail Major Applianees - Ail Brands Ian Honue Service Corne visit our showroom ai 264 Bronte St. Unie 5 Siore: 905-875-0154 Celi: 905-875-7062 Serving Milion & Surrounding Aren for 15 Vears A A - A A A Expert Repair to Central Air Conditioners & ail Major Appliances Central Air Stoves * Fridges * Dishwashers Washers * Dryers Reasonable Rates - 1 Year Warranty No Service Charge with Repair - : : : ~'~:T S. z * * -s. s.. ~~BniuondBeYondlnc. New Showroom Supply * Design * lnstallation Complete Line of Products w 18 Thoapson Road, Milton <Corner of MainlThompson) 905-878-6666 <* -------------------------------------- Joe's Chhuney Repair Cl Sweeping A5UB5iOiARY 0F McCARTHY CONStRUCTION Chlniney Repaira & Sweeping Eaiabtaiîed 1974 be McCarthy 905-878-8620 A 5 5 A 5 A The Cleaning Company Residential and Commercial Cieanmg Service Courteous and Dependable Staff Bonded and Insured Please cati: (905) 877-8883 'n New Home "Basement Construction" Mike Baker (905) 691-2680 INSURED & BONDED Haiton Home Imporvemenîs is a division of Halion Hardscapes s * s MacDonald Design & Construction Complete Resîdential & Commercial Building Services 25 Vicia In ihe indusiry Additions Workîng Drawîngs Renovations 905-464-2854 Construction New Buildings Permit Process HOM EWORKS COMMITTED TO QUALITY RESTORATION R E PAl R RENOVATION (I NTE RIOR/EXTER IOR) TEL: 905-627-3752 EMAIL: HOMEWORKS SYMPATICO.CA TESLA\ ELECTIEJIE. INDUSTRIAL. CoMMEl~tIAL e RESIDENTIAL * SERVICE WORK 15 Vears 0f Experience 905-878-7645 Celi 416-892-2601 Quulity Construction * Basement * Bathrooms * Kitchens * Flooring * Hardwood * Laminate floors C.ramic floors FuIIy insur.d wilfi 15 y.ars experience 905.854.3645 DenieR (oeil) 905430-5003 S US THI% SPOT COULDBE o YOUR% FOR CALL JOICE 905-878-1341 EXT. 141 Gamgev Doors - Electeir Openei~e Sales, Service and Installation Windows, Entrance Doov~, Stonn Doo,~, Patio Doors TEL: 519-853-2114 (ACTON> A A - 5 5 5 - A A~ *5 S Residential & Commercial *SALES .SERVICE .INSTALLATION For professional, courteous service cail FREE ESTIMATES 905-873-0228 5 A Brown's ~) Fuels suppliera 0f * Furnace Oui * Stove Dii * Diesel Fuel * Gasoline Lubes Jusi cati us, we'il b. ther.! 24 HOUR EMERGENCV SERViCE S.nnicing iii. Hation and PI Ragions 905-855-1222 1-866-855-FUEL or order onîune ai S --S GS Construction ResidentiailCommercial * Basement * Kitchens * Bathrooms * Drywall s Taping * Plasterîng * Ceramic tue * Hardwood floors s Decks s Fences i i uu Free Estimates Cali Gary: (905) 691-6835 Licensed - iocaiiy owneO insureo - S* I Divine Interiors Selling your home & Cant seem to find the time to get il ready for an Open House or Showing? I dean & arrange rooms for that perfect showing that says "Buy Me!" Patrîcla ho Homg <sos> 876-4056 ncept CaL'ineV~ $l5Oîs Kltchen & Vanlt7y CaI~1net~e FREE AmhItect~uraI CaL'lnete ~itore Fb«uroe e Cueton, MiIIwvrk 785 Main St. East, Unit #3 878-9177 45*05' 6* s44*4* salai h C'A $*46.*504'S I 145 45 * ~4,lA.s.~A.'>â*,s.*Isê,#4i.Ri.>*Ih4.iiV4~'d8$N,%*.4R v~s:s:s:â o~ ~:':~:~ *:~ '~ ~ :.:~:. ~:~:~:' s~s.;.:s:s:,